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Jesus was very clear on this issue. He even went so far as to tell Pilot that if his kingdom were part of the world his followers would have fought for him. Yet, the modern so called christian faiths of today embrace an adulterous relationship with the governments of the world. Who really is behind the religions of christendom today?

2006-08-09 12:57:50 · 24 answers · asked by mufasa 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I do not mean to say christians should ignore what is going on in the world around them. And yes, they should (according to Romans) obey the civil authorities. But, God does not want us to obey the rulers of this world when they tell us to disobey his laws. For example, murder. The ten commandments say not to kill. There is no addendum to that such as "Don't murder unless your president says it's ok to kill in the name of your country". I merely wondered who or what is BEHIND the "christian" religions of today, because it is obviously not God.

2006-08-09 13:38:25 · update #1

24 answers

Christians are not suppose to get involved in politics, you are right, being involved in the politics make them part of the world. Did not Jesus say there would be those who would say to him, Did we not prophesy in your name, did we not expel demons in your name, did we not perform powerful works in your name, yet I will say to them, get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you. Jesus is talking about those Christians who were involved with the world and not doing the will of the Father. These false Christians are what make up Christendom. This is why Jesus taught us to pray for God's Kingdom to come and do His will on earth as in heaven, God's Kingdom is the only government we put faith in, the worldly governments are ruled by Satan, putting trust in them is siding with Satan. God's Kingdom is the only solution to all mankinds problems, this is why God said; do not put your trust in nobels or the sons of earthly man to whom no salvation belongs. It does not belong to man who walking even to direct his step, man will dominate man to his injury.

2006-08-09 13:10:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Satan the devil he is called an angel of light.
He showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and said I will give these to you. Can;t give something you don't have.
Politics is in bed with the churches..
How many sucide attacks would there be if they thought this life was all there is? They are lied to and told 70 virgins await you in heaven. The Christians aren't any better. They put up the 10 commandments and then preach the boys into war.
War is killing people. Get the concept. The churches tell them you go straight to heaven when you die on the battle field.
Then the government gives them a tax free base and they are all making lots of money. Religion is big business.
Those preachers are millionaires many times over.
If they really care about the poor why don't they give their millions to the poor people?

2006-08-09 13:07:07 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

That would be the participants Of FALSE CHRISTIANITY, it started after the Apostle John died on the Island of Patmos, then the Great Apostasy took over. It was promoted by the Emperor Constantine. Then The Catholic Church was formed with its division between the Minister class and the lay class.
After that, a few hundred years after the death of Christ, The Trinity Idea was incorporated to appease the false religions of the then known world. (watch the Born Agains Flip over that statement!) Point is as the Apostates, and false religion took over, false religion of course lost Gods approval, so deeper and deeper into Satan System it sank!!! Until just like the Nations that the Israelites of Moses time were taught to avoid...The modern Fasle Christians join with the Nations to Sacrifice their Children to the Gods Of War!
When You find a group of people who do not participate in Nationalism, and War. Or Quote the false Gods "For God(Satan) and Country, "You will have found the true religion!

While you are looking, Pray just the way Jesus taught in the Our Father, That is , through Jesus to His father, Jesus is the mediator/Go Between for us. Give it a good try!!!

2006-08-09 13:38:18 · answer #3 · answered by bugsie 7 · 2 0

Jehovah's Witnesses do not get involved in politics or the military either. As a matter of fact in many lands the young men serve a two year sentence when they turn the military age rather than be apart of the war machine.During the 2nd world war JW"s went to the concentration camps rather than go to war against Gods command to beat teir swords into plow and pruning shears and learn war no more.
Another point of interest is that the Apostles called themselves embassadors while they were on earth. An embassodor lives in another country but they are not subject to it's laws in full

2006-08-09 13:15:06 · answer #4 · answered by wbyrnes2008 2 · 0 0

The Bible tells us to submit to the government that we may live in peace. He said: " render to Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and to God the things that are God's." I'm not sure what you are realy asking...is there a question behind your question. The Bible also says, "as far as possible be at peace with all men."
I think you are saying that you believe that christian religions today have an adulterous relationship with the governments of the world. And I think you are asking what is behind the religions of christendom today?
I'm unclear about these two things . Be more specific please. What is this "adulterous relationship?"
What is it that you see behind the religions of christens today.?
God's kingdom is not of this world. He has sent us into this world to be "ambasadors" for Him. We are in this world but not of it , the Bible says. I don't believe that God has ever anywhere in the Bible said that I am not to participate in the community, state, and nation that I live in.
In fact there are examples in the Bible for example, Queen Esther going to the King on behalf of her people to petition him not to destroy the Jews. This was certainly a political issue. There are other similar examples. I'm sure you could find. Recently many Christians, myself included petitioned the President to help the people in Darfur and help was given.
why would you think that is wrong?
Peace and Love to you in Christ brother.
Cathy out.

2006-08-09 13:26:44 · answer #5 · answered by cathyhewed1946 4 · 0 0

The problem is...is every religion claims to be no part of this world. Perhaps you should look for the most discreet religion out there haha just kidding... But by No part of this world jesus meany abstaining for the customs and transgressions of the world such as drunkeness, immorality, etc anything that seems like a norm but violates what the bible teaches is part of the world such as halloween, clausmas (xmas), easter, getting drunk on superbowl day, over indulging on good on turkey day, etc all those things actually have bad/dirty orgins that are considered norms to society and would make you different if you didnt celebrate with them but that would just make you no part of this world ;-) Looks look at jesus..what made him different from the world...His love for God...his love to do what made God happy...Jesus had a task...teach people about God and bring salvation through the ransom sacrifice...we too have a task today...teach others about God kingdoms and save as many as we can.

2016-03-27 05:48:09 · answer #6 · answered by Christa 4 · 0 0

1 Christians are people...
2 people have rights to be involved in their government....
3 Are you saying that no Christian should be involved in making laws for the country in which they live?
4 Imagine what kind of a world we would live in if Christians wouldn't stand up for what they believe.

This nation was founded on Christian principals. Don't you find it the LEAST bit odd, that the more this country tries to eliminate God from the equation (no 10 commandments in the courts, no prayer in schools... "should we take out 'IN GOD WE TRUST'") the WORSE shape this nation gets in?

School violence is UP. RAPE, SHOOTINGS, DRUGS... IN SCHOOL! In the early 1900's the biggest problems in schools was chewing gum... now we have parents burrying their children, kids having babies and you want to eliminate a religion that encourages it's followers to respect others AND yourself. Not to kill so on and so forth?

I guess you think Christians should just burry their heads in the sand?

2006-08-09 13:08:12 · answer #7 · answered by Peter M 3 · 0 0

It had nothing to do with politics but rebellion against the Romans by those who wanted Jesus to form a revolutionary force. Voting is part of the political government and Christians have a right to vote against those things that are opposite of God. God inspired Paul to tell believers to obey the laws and governments of this land and we are embracing that. Nice try!



2006-08-09 13:21:40 · answer #8 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 1

Christians are needed in all walks of life. Government especially!! At the rate we're going, one day Christianity will be a crime. The 10 commandments also state "Thou shalt not murder" yet there were notable Christians in the Bible like David, who were fierce warriors. You're missing the main issue.
Jesus' kingdom is spiritual. He doesn't need a physical kingdom with walls and a palace. Keep searching, keep searching.

2006-08-09 13:04:56 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1

Wow, that is a fair question, but I also read something in the Bible that the same Jesus said" obey the law of the land" As you noticed, one verse can say one thing in the old and new testament. But only because I believe God knew people will pick on those verses if it suites their cause.

2006-08-09 13:06:14 · answer #10 · answered by Farani P 2 · 0 0

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