Hermit crabs.
2006-08-09 10:50:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The best pet is the dog, always, but.....
I saw a Star Trek where the ship's doctor points at a big worm (big like a hand) and says it would be a good pet. It's pretty absurd, but in fact I had worms as pets, when experiencing with silk worms in primary school. And the pet in my third grade class was a snail.
You seem to be worried about the care needed, so I would advise you to get a snail first. If not, an ants farm or silk worms would do it too.
Yes, you can hold a snail in your hand, they are herbivores and absolutely harmless. Just be careful not to drop it, because it would die if the shell breaks. In good conditions they live between two and three years, much more than a tropical fish.
Buy her only one, they are hermafrodites and may place about 600 eggs per year.
2006-08-09 18:00:15
answer #2
answered by Carlos Sosa 3
If she wants something to hold and love, a cat is the best for low maintenance. They are quiet and they clean themselves. Of course, there is the litter box, but that is a minor inconvenience for the companionship of a pet. I would advise you to get a pair of sibling kittens; however, as they like companionship. Plus, nothing beats watching two kittens play.........and, they'll continue to play even when they grow up.
2006-08-09 18:55:45
answer #3
answered by Kate 3
Points to the question above this one. Talk to her about getting a turtle. you can hold them and play with them and they are extremely low maintenence, just food and water. And she can have a blast building a habitat for them.
2006-08-09 18:10:43
answer #4
answered by cloaked30m 3
Cat, i live in an apt. and if we leave for the weekend they are self saficent, leave out food and water. The worst part is the kitty litter. but in time you don't think anything about it. ,Plus you don't have to walk them in the winter.
2006-08-09 17:52:51
answer #5
answered by RAINBOW 3
2006-08-09 17:54:31
answer #6
answered by Kanga_tush2 6
a kitten, it doesn't take long to train them to use a litter box and they are not loud. and they like it indoors.
2006-08-09 17:51:24
answer #7
answered by LittleLady 5
a kitten
2006-08-09 17:51:39
answer #8
answered by heather f 3
low maintenace? all i can think of is either rats or roaches.
2006-08-09 17:45:33
answer #9
answered by crazy_pixie_dust 5
2006-08-09 17:44:36
answer #10
answered by bronzebabekentucky 7