I had that plm., my family never ever trust me, for making my own decsion. I told them who person I will be married to and told me I am going toooooo fast. But I cut my family out of my life. and look what happen i been married to same woman for 9 years and have 2 small children and even 3rd due in march. I am so happy that I end it and I am not going to do anything to have them trust me again.. That their plm., tired of doing everything for them and they not doing for me. they have lie to me so many time and i get mad and told me grow up???
My gosh sooo peaceful and my wife and Kids wow we learn so much about trust kids and wife husaband stuff like that heheh. So, you can try to see what you need to do to gain their trust and tell them how would i get that trust in me again??? If they won't tell you or what ever reason then wait until you leave and have own life. and guess what My mother had sent Private Invsation to see what I have been doing and How I am doing and they were shocked I can live without them and Don't need them in my life. never talk to them for 9 years now smiling.
2006-08-09 09:39:16
answer #1
answered by greenbaypackers1920 6
Do not attempt to obtain their trust, but instead make sure that you trust yourself. Often these two concepts are very confused. You cannot expect people to trust you, love you, or respect you. But you could trust yourself, love yourself and respect yourself. Usually this leads to other people changing their opinions of you. The reason they dont trust you is because you let them down, if you feel like they have a valid reason then apologize once and then just try your hardest never to do it again. It doesn't matter if they forgive you, because at the end of the day you only answer to the face looking back at you in the mirror.
2006-08-09 16:49:03
answer #2
answered by vakfly123 2
Have you done something to lose their trust? If so, you need to earn it back and this can take a lot longer than it took to destroy it in the first place. Really the only thing that you can do is be trustworthy in everything you do. Don't lie or hide things from them. And if you say you are going to do something, follow through, whether it's not sneaking out to a party or just taking the rubbish out when you say you will.
2006-08-09 16:54:27
answer #3
answered by mel 3
You need show and prove to them that you have changed so that your family can trust you again. Family trust is the hardest thing to regain.
2006-08-09 16:39:45
answer #4
answered by NICOLE D 2
You had to have done something or said something that caused your family not to trust you. This doe not mean they do not love you. One must earn trust. Just saying "trust me" definitley does not work. Do not be sneeky doing things to others behind thier backs, do not lie, do not steal. Be honest in every aspect of life. Your rewards will be great!!!
2006-08-09 16:34:09
answer #5
answered by elfy1949 2
Trust is earned... that goes for everyone even family.... you need to prove that you are trustworthy by doing what you say you will do... dont make promisies to do anything that you cant do... help them out with things around the house and show them that you are there for them
2006-08-09 16:35:10
answer #6
answered by photoguy22 2
Again? So you've screwed up and lost their trust. Stop doing that, trust is earned and comes with good behaviour and time.
2006-08-09 16:32:20
answer #7
answered by Jolly1 5
trust you again??? it looks like you made the trust go away and i can tell you that when someone does something wrong that causes mistrust it is very difficult to gain that trust back again
2006-08-09 16:34:33
answer #8
answered by alzghiasi 2
have you given them a reason not to trust you? if so all you can do is give it time and show that you're behavior is responsible enough to earn trust back
2006-08-09 16:33:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Prove to them that they can trust you
2006-08-09 16:57:01
answer #10
answered by Giggles 5