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God is all fair. So, how can the "rapture" be fair when there are so many Christians that don't understand the word of God? Why would Jesus "rapture" away only Christians when they also sin?
It is not fair or logical. We all sin. God made us all and wants us all to be saved (2Peter 3:9, 1Timothy 2:3-4, Isaiah 45:22)
The "elect" of God will witness against the false Jesus, the devil.
If the elect are taken away, how can they witness against the antichrist? (Luke 21:12-15)
Mat 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

Please give mature answers only. Don't attack the question. If you can't answer maturely than don't answer at all. Thank you.

Source: King James Bible.

2006-08-09 07:32:09 · 29 answers · asked by LP S 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

It's not. Which is why it's just a made-up theory.

2006-08-09 07:37:40 · answer #1 · answered by jill45690 4 · 1 1

You might do better stating that "God is just."

One who is a born again Christian may not understand the complete Word of God, and you will be hard pressed to find someone who does; even a great pastor can admit he struggles with it everyday. This is why you employ the Holy Spirit to guide you, and ask God daily to open your heart to the Word.

To become Christian is to understand the meaning of salvation by accepting Christ as your saviour. To comprehend more of the Word of God, is something you should embark upon, but it is not required.

It should be apparent that yes, even Christians sin, yet Christians recognize their sin more often, and through prayer, study and their church community, they can limit their sin substantially and more importantly, they can learn to ask for forgiveness sooner and often.

This may not SEEM "fair," but it is entirely just.

The elect you mention, are the ones that did not accept Christ as their saviour before the rapture ocurred. They can become Christians after the rapture and then witness to others against the devil.

2006-08-09 14:48:15 · answer #2 · answered by dork_hollywood 3 · 0 1

Read Revalation. It explains everything in detail, what will take place, and those that will be taken. Christianity is a choice either you follow the rules and avoid temptation or you go to hell. The Rapture is the end of the world, once it takes place there will be no need to witness against the antichrist. All the people that followed God's word would be in heaven. We do not know when the rapture will take place that is why we must live as Christians and help those.

I don't know what you mean by God is fair. He asks us to follow him and worhip him and we will be rewarded according to our faith and works. He does not deny anyone his love, that is fair enough. But, why should someone who spends their whole life killing and persecuting Christians get to go to Heaven? It even says in revelation that "those that had be slain in the name of the lord cried out for vengence against those that had killed them"

God promises to make our enemies our footstool.

Again, all of your questions are answered in detail in the book of Revelation.

2006-08-09 14:41:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Concerning fair and logical. In His all-knowing, omnipotent way, God is the fairest and most logical of anything, anyone, etc, that you could know.
It's not a case of whether or not Christians sin, it's a case of whether or not they have recieved the gracious salvation from having asked it and accepted it of Jesus.
We are forgiven, not perfect.
Everyone who hears the Word is capable of understanding it, those who refuse to accept Jesus, after having heard the Word, get what they have earned.
Read Romans, as well as the book of John. If you don't understand what is said there, ask your preacher. Oh, and the KJV is the best version to use, not a NIV, or any of the other 'new' bibles.
God Bless you and help you understand what the bible says, not what men/women claim it says.

2006-08-09 14:40:31 · answer #4 · answered by chuckufarley2a 6 · 0 1

I confess that I am almost at a loss as to why you would think God unfair, especially in regards to the Rapture. God gives us His spirit in the world and God gave us His book; if we disregard the lessons of the Bible, how is that God's fault?
God has given us His love first. Without it, life would have no meaning and we would be free to become as much as our animal nature allowed. However, with God, we are still free to give in to our natural ways, but he has given us His spirit so that we may know how to struggle against those natural issues; we still sin as Christians. We ask for forgiveness and hopefully get better at getting rid of sin in our lives.
The point is that Christians have recognized that they are incapable of salvation without His help. We have access to the stories, both of success and failure of mankind. We understand that Jesus has told us to love God and love each other. Each of us can ask for His help. Hence, I wonder how this is unfair? It is only our decision. God doesn't need our love in return; the only reason that he wants our love is that He wants us to understand Him and allow Him to be our Father.
Regarding the Rapture, although Christ will rapture His church, probably at the beginning of the tribulation period, living and dead, there will be huge numbers of people who come to believe afterwards. This is during the 7 year tribulation period. Among other witnesses, there will be two in Jerusalem who preach in the streets for many months. Many believe that this will be Moses and Elijah. This is also where 144,000 from the tribes of Israel will lead others to salvation also.

As far as the false prophets, we clearly have some today. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon claims to be Jesus Christ. Others claim to be prophets too. However, the test for a false prophet is simple: anyone who raises himself up instead of Jesus Christ is a false prophet. I sense that this issue angers and confuses many of whom would like to follow God's will. I caution each and every person on this earth never to allow another person to stand in between God and him or herself. Many take His name and use it improperly. That doesn't mean that God is not the same, now and forever.
Lastly, I believe that you are misunderstanding the term "elect." While it is true that those who are chosen by God ARE the elect, it is because each person has individually made the decision to follow God that he or she becomes part of the elect. The issue requires more space than we have here, but it is not deterministic in nature. Think about it this way: God looks at the entire world outside of time constraints. He can see how we have chosen because He sees the "Big Picture" as it were. We cannot see from His vantage point, but each of us has the same choice whether to come to Him or not. Even when we do come to Him in love, we remain sinners, but we admit that we have no power for our salvation except through Him.

2006-08-09 16:23:15 · answer #5 · answered by Bentley 4 · 0 1

The Bible doesn't teach a "rapture." All Christians will be on earth until Jesus returns, and then comes the end (2 Peter 3:10).

2006-08-09 14:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by flyersbiblepreacher 4 · 1 1

God patience on the world will only last so long. He gives us oppurtunity after oppunity to repent. In the past he has given his people prophets to warn them of the unpending doom. He gave them oppurtinty to repent they did not and were destroyed. Each time he kept a remnant of his choosen people to further his word.

This is one more chance he is giving people to repent. The word is the prophet and we are warned to repent. He will give us time but there will be a rapture to collect his remant of people and even then there will be 3 or 7 years to repent depending on your understanding of the rapture. And all the earth will be destroyed and made new.

Certain parts of your question need to be address. God is fair, but your idea of fair may not be correct. By fair he is PERFECT. God cannot be in the presense of sin. And thru his perfect nature he must punish sin. Eventually his judgement must come upon the people of the earth.

Also there is not one person on the earth that could look into God's eyes and say i have stopped sinning. Being a christian is not a matter of not sinning its a matter of being in God's grace. God's grace protects you and me from his wrath. Jesus gave his life for your sin and my sin and but only if you accept his grace. He offers it freely to everyone. but you have to be willing to accept it. The 3rd part is the holy spirit. The spirit helps us have a relationship with God. Your relationship can be good or bad and still be a christian... There are those who believe in God and are saved but still sin terribly and there are those who are christian who sin less. Both are christians both goto heaven. Its the difference in their walk or relationship with God.

I would love to tell you more and i would never beat you over head with a bible... just email me

2006-08-09 14:48:27 · answer #7 · answered by Grin Reeper 5 · 0 1

When Jesus raptures the church, He will only take true Christians who do know the word of God and who truly believe that He died on the cross for their sins. God know everybody's heart so He will not take the people who are fake and are false prophets who are only interested in money. True we all sin, but the difference between Christians and other people, is that we believe that by His blood that was shed on the cross we are saved.

2006-08-09 14:39:54 · answer #8 · answered by annointed_03 1 · 0 1

Nothing about any religion is fair or logical in any sense of the word. You simply can't apply logic to a belief system devoid of any logic. Religion is a form of mental illness which perpetuates the "us against them" myth. Since the rapture is an integral part of the delusion why would it have any bearing on reality?

If you want to read a good book read "Contact" by Carl Sagan, it's an entertaining story which addresses many of the problems we face today.

2006-08-09 14:41:13 · answer #9 · answered by Perry L 5 · 0 1

The true Christians will be taken away, so that they don't have to experience the wrath of God. Those who chose not to accept Jesus will have to suffer this. This is their last chance to repent and turn to Jesus. If they don't realize this in the last few years of this evil, world unfortunately they will have to suffer eterity in hell. Those who chose Christ before hand should not have to suffer for doing the right thing. There will be many people who will see the Rapture and relaize how they lost out and repent. They will be the last to preach against the Anti-Christ and his actions.

2006-08-09 14:39:58 · answer #10 · answered by potatosalad2008 5 · 0 1

Great point. Religion has abso no logic to it. People worried about not being taken up in the rapture are spurred to try to save others and create an even bigger hysteria of that belief. If the rapture does come, and i am an atheist, so i don't think it will, I will take my family down to the grocery store and when they say i can't buy groceries because i don't have the mark of the beast, they will kill me and my family in the name of the lord for refusing the mark and off we go to heaven, plain and simple.

2006-08-09 14:42:27 · answer #11 · answered by brokolay 3 · 0 1

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