Yes I agree. Not all religions can be true at the same time. I think what you believe is the most important decision you can make and it is important to find out what is true. Truth does exist and it's not what you always want it to be.
2006-08-09 07:20:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It seems to me religious people have a one track mind. They want to believe the fairytails they read and are closed minded to anyone elses opinion. It is sad that even today no one really knows what happened back then. Some people just chose to read a book written by really god knows who and and believe it. That is why we have cults. I could write my own version of the bible get a bunch of people together and say, 'here this is how it really went down.' Make up some story about how I found this precious book and before you know it I would have followers. Thats the problem they are followers. Not in a bad way but all the same. And some believe that if for one second they stray from what has been drilled into their heads for how ever long that they will be condemned to hell for eternity. I however am not a belliever. Yes I believe something is out there. Now whether or not its some high and mighty man looking down on us at every waking moment no that I don't believe. Becuase as I've heard it is stated in the bible even though 'god' gave man the right the make choses for himself I seriously doubt anyone is sick enough to sit back and watch the hell on earth going on if they have the power to change it. Granted there are those few who have billions of millions of dollors and don't do a damn thing. Is there a hell? Maybe and if there is I think every rich penny pincher will find out soon enough. So instead of argueing with those rightous people who think what they say is right and thats just how it is feel sorry for them. They obviously don't know any better. And if they opened their minds to other possiblities, they would deffinitly have a better arguement when discussing their beliefs. Not just making someone believe but giving them the information and letting them decided for themselves.
2006-08-09 14:30:23
answer #2
answered by sj830 2
It is seeming that most religions are based on faith. Faith meaning "believe in something that you have no real proof" or you will be punished. "Live according to the teachings" or you will be punished. Honestly If God is so judgemental, then his love must not be infinite like it is said in so many religions. God is ALL knowing...ALL name it and God is it. How could someone believe anything else other than their religion without going against their beliefs. So what we have throughout history is war and angst against our fellow man because of God and religion. I say this because behind every war there is a God or Religion behind it. See for yourself and you will know I am speaking the truth. Yes maybe some wars were faught for land or for power or for commodity, but religion is what either made people believe they had "backup' or were doing it in "the name of" God. I am up for the argument that religion is something created solely by leaders of society in order to gain control of people. It is a perfect thing. The promise of Nirvana, Heaven or whatever is enough to make many of us do whatever is necessary to attain it. Who wants to think that when we die we will be alone and there could be nothingness...or rather there be a great afterlife whether you are a serial killer or not. If this were the case, what would be the motivation for many people to live and do good? How would we really know right from wrtong without reeligion? It is so complicated, that Y! Answers is not the place for this type of discussion, nor can it all be covered here. Good Luck with finding the truth and I hope one day all of mankind will know it!
2006-08-09 14:32:31
answer #3
answered by truthseeker 3
I am a Muslim and I insist that Islam is the true unaltered religion. The reason being that I believe Quran to be the true unaltered word of God. Why I believe this? A few reasons are given in this article in a very good way.
Yes people should search for truth I have looked around a little and I am quite convinced by what I believe in. Do you have anything better. Lets see what you got.
2006-08-09 14:59:04
answer #4
answered by Usman Farooq 2
No religion is the correct one, and all religions have got it wrong.
There are many major religions in the world, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and so on. Within each major religion there can also be many minor religions. For example, within Christianity there is Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and so on. Within Islam there is Shiite, Sunni etc.
In summary there are many hundreds of different religions in the world all with their devoted believers and followers. Talk to any devout religious person and they will almost emphatically insist that their religion is the right one, it’s fact, and any non-believer is doomed.
Commonsense and logic would suggest that if there was any truthful or factual basis to religion, then only one of these religions could be correct, not all of them. However, in my view, it’s highly unlikely that any of these man-made religions bear any resemblance to fact or the truth, and are more likely to be the result of simplistic human intelligence looking for an escape from reality.
2006-08-09 14:17:23
answer #5
answered by Brenda's World 4
They have to insists its the True Faith, otherwise, why believe in it if you dont think it the Truth? Many feel they cannot question their religion, or they'll be a bad follower. Its kinda sick when you think about it.
2006-08-09 14:20:14
answer #6
answered by Ann_Tykreist 4
Trust me, most followers of most religions that are 'fanatic' about their belief, are doing most of their practices or preachings WRONG. All bad things happening in the name of religion, are happening because of sub-cultures formed in the name of a religion or through the exploitation of religion in order to gain power over masses of people.
For one, if you go through the 'wholly book' of my religion, it clearly states NOT to 'force' or try to convince other people that the specific religion is 'the right one'. And I couldn't agree more. If you are to approach at some point of your life a specific religion or belief, you WILL receive the light/call/urge to do so by yourself. And that's THE ONLY WAY you will feel safe that you have made the right choice - Because YOU made it!...
Good luck and don't haste yourself, or try to prove anything to yourself. 'It will be proven by itself'! After all, religion and beliefs are one the most important sources to give you inspiration to carry on with your life or find things worth to live for...
2006-08-09 14:34:33
answer #7
answered by Karma-boY 2
i agree!
i do not go to church, but i think you have to go on witch path you think is best for you and that you agree with. i think that all religions have a right and a wrong to them. you shouldnt be pushed into a religion cuz you were born that way! it should be a choice that you make later in life.
2006-08-09 14:19:44
answer #8
answered by BRiZ 1
""I Think We Should Live Life Searching For What Is True.""
Where you gonna search Video Game Stores?
2006-08-09 14:17:38
answer #9
answered by whynotaskdon 7
Yeah, someone's wrong, alot of someone's are wrong.
The Judeo/Christian religion is the only one with prophecy.
Prophecies come true.
That makes Christianity right, and every other religion false.
2006-08-09 14:17:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous