I think people who say they hate the person after a terrible breakup are lying to themselves. That's why irt hurts so badly. Why else would you be so mad? If you didn't care about someone why would you care what they did? Most people wouldn't. Emotions are not something you can just turn on and off like a light so I definetly think people still have some sort of feelings for the other person whether it's having love for them or loving them. I think the feelings for the person will probably fade in time though but they definetly don't disappear right away. If they do I don't think you ever really cared about the person.
2006-08-09 06:58:53
answer #1
answered by ѕомєопєѕ▪ ваву ♥ 3
Oh most definately they will still have feeling for the other, especially if the relationship lasted a long time. Just because the break up was a terrible one, that does not mean that the feeling are just going to erase that fast. When two people are together they share a special bond, a special connection and that is hard to get rid of.
2006-08-09 13:58:37
answer #2
answered by Truth Be Told 2
people definitly still have feelings, they dont just go away. you might try to forget the other person existed but that just cant be done, at least for a long time. youll always see something that will remind you of the other person, and you have good memories to look back on, especially if you were in love...feelings will still be there.
2006-08-09 13:58:25
answer #3
answered by canoliqueen 2
I don't think that you ever stop loving someone. There will always be those memories to remind you what you felt with that person. And even though it hurts, you really do still love them deep down. You don't fall out of love, you just simply learn to live without them.
2006-08-09 13:58:32
answer #4
answered by Life Sucks Get A Helmet 2
When people break up of course they still love the other person and have feelings for them its human nature
2006-08-09 13:55:56
answer #5
answered by Jo3-Jo3 3
if it was really love you never get over the feelings to be able to get past the bad break up without keeping hurt feelings going you habe to focus on the things you loved about that person and wish them well youll be a better person for it.
2006-08-09 13:58:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
even when you break up you gonna have feelings for the person because you two shared feelings and had moments with one another. the longer the relationship the harder it is to get rid of feelings
2006-08-09 13:55:57
answer #7
answered by Puma 2
I think most people still have feelings, but in my case, I am so cold that whenever I break up with a woman, I never have feelings for her again.
2006-08-09 13:56:27
answer #8
answered by imnotbtami 5
i think that when you break up that there are always those feelings there i mean you were with that person for however long and there were feelings there for you to be with them so even if u hate them there will always be feelings.
2006-08-09 14:03:41
answer #9
answered by psycholilblondegirl 4
some are like that---- I never moved on until I was over the ex--- one time it took years --- because I'd did the friend thing with one of my ex's ---- finally I matured and did the closure on that relationship.
2006-08-09 13:57:53
answer #10
answered by jaimestar64cross 6