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3 answers

* desertification - loss of topsoil due to overuse of land/alteration of landscape

* loss of biodiversity - a number of species are going extinct all the time, especially in the wild; primarily due to habitat loss, invasive species, population of humans, pollution, and over-hunting/over-exploitation

* Loss of freshwater - overuse for irrigation and drinking water; pollution of many sources, i.e., rivers; misuse of water, i.e., watering during the day, which leads to water evaporating into atmosphere; lakes and rivers are disappearing for supplying water for human consumption - causing these ecosystems to be destroyed

* Destruction of forests - trees/wood is a high-demand commodity around the world; forests are being destroyed, such as in Indonesia, to supply the demand for wood; Rainforest in Brazil being destroyed by farmers through slash and burn to plant fields like sugarcane

* Collapse of fish populations - overfishing of fish stocks; introduction of invasive species, diseases; polluting water

- Just to name a few.

2006-08-12 17:57:05 · answer #1 · answered by Hidden 4 · 0 0

It's still early to make a call on global warming. Man may be contributing to it, however, the Earth has warmed and cooled since it's creation. This may be a natural phenomenon we're just accelerating. However, things that have a huge impact and man can definitely control are global deforestation, non renewable resource consumption and, moreover, the processes we've created to obtain the non renewable resources such as strip mining, for example.

2006-08-09 08:14:24 · answer #2 · answered by tom_cat_2k3 2 · 0 0

Probably global warming. All the emissions from cars and power plants will eventually cause huge problems. Also the way our energy resourses are being depleted. Cant be good. When we pave paradise and put up a parking lot it just cant be good for the earth.

2006-08-09 01:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by beachrocker 2 · 0 0

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