How can we help you? I am sorry!
2006-08-08 13:33:14
answer #1
answered by Texas Cowboy 7
Contrary to what the cynics say, distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they dont see it nearly enough..
Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be
though miles may lay between you, you`re never far apart, for love doesnt count the miles, its measured by the heart
2006-08-08 13:41:25
answer #2
answered by Your best friend 6
What you can do is be very careful. Why is he away? When is he coming back?
I have been in this situation for over six months. I am heartbroken because I have been carrying the relationship by myself. Whenever I make contact he is OH SO HAPPY to hear from me, he loves me, he wants to marry me, yak, yak, yak. Yet he cannot pick up the telephone, a pen or find a computer to stay in touch with me. Necessity took him away (sickness and eventual death of a loved one) and only his resolve will bring him back. He is mysterious about the hold up.
I'm running the grief game big time from making excuses for him, to denial, to anger, to feelings of betrayal, to speculation, to tears, and I'm tired now. He won't close this so I have to do it myself. It is over. We had some good times. I loved him. I'll never know if he really loved me, but it doesn't seem to be the case or he wouldn't leave me hanging this way. So I am cutting the rope myself. I've had enough tears and anxiety. Time to move on, first to getting back to myself and then on with my life and hopefully someone who will always be honest and truthful.
So, I caution you, be careful. Take it very slow. Allow yourself the freedom to date other people until he returns; if he returns.
Good luck to you.
I must be lucky at cards.
2006-08-08 13:46:04
answer #3
answered by Chris 5
Long distance relationships are hard. Whether or not you're actually in a relationship the same theory still stands:
"Long distance relationships are like wind to a fire; it puts out the small ones, but inflames the big ones."
If it's meant to be it will happen despite the distance!
2006-08-08 13:34:29
answer #4
answered by Squeegy 2
How far away is he? If it is true love, distance does not matter. You will find a way to be together.
2006-08-08 13:33:15
answer #5
answered by haylsin 3
Dam that one huge blunders that woman did to men that like them. U must have instructed him lengthy time period a bypass. in any case merely keep chatting with him and once he's back take him to do something relaxing. Have a large type of relaxing and word what happen he may kiss u or he may finally end up telling u to watch for him till he end college and he will be flying to and fro for u. there's a reliable quote "Oh, that's like One step ahead and a pair of steps back attempting to reveal round on a one way highway i am going to't provide you what you go with And that's killing me" If it meant to be then it meant to be and if he really choose u he will artwork stuff out believe me. merely be be problem-free to at least one yet another. reliable success i really with reliable success for you too.
2016-11-23 16:44:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if you mean far away as in distance, i suggest a web cam. my fiance and i lived 350 miles away for a year. the web cams allow you to see one another, which makes you feel closer.
2006-08-08 13:34:58
answer #7
answered by kristy 2
if he does not know you love him, what difference does the distance make.
Also, it seems like you don't know for sure if you love him or not. So what difference does the distance make?
A little advice would be to forget him and find someone you can state your feelings to honestly and openly and in person.
2006-08-08 13:34:35
answer #8
answered by blah_in_az 2
Find a look a like where you live now
2006-08-08 13:32:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, I think that u can't handle a far relationship then she shouldn't be in that relationship.
2006-08-08 13:35:06
answer #10
answered by baby girl 1
get over it i guess.i thought i was in love with this guy who was one year older than me and then he graduated. I got over it. turns out that i wasnt in love, it was just a crush.maybe you also just have a crush.
2006-08-08 13:34:39
answer #11
answered by Anonymous