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23 answers

are you medicated?

2006-08-08 08:06:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have bi polar mood disorder also and could never maintain a relationship until I started taking 20 mgs of prozac each day. I have been married four times and divorced three. Now I have been married for 9 years, happily and stable. There are tons of medications out there, talk to your doctor.

2006-08-08 08:06:57 · answer #2 · answered by hippychic 2 · 0 0

What I know about this disorder, is that the mood swings are varied and very dramatic. Tempers flare, and you feel like you are on a constant roller coaster. You may be very happy, and then without any notice, you are extremely low and depressed. Are you on any type of medication or are you in counseling? If not, please do this for yourself, and for any potential or current partner. You have to take care of yourself, and when you are able to do so, you will be able to take care of others. We all have much love and compassion to give. Sometimes when things go wrong, we lose touch with all that, and allow our demons to take over. There is nothing wrong with you. I applaud your courage in coming forward, and admitting this. That is over half the battle. I would simply attend to the problem, and learn to live your life. It will be a slow process, and one that you will need to take one day at a time. Learn to make peace with yourself, and forgive yourself and others, for any pain that might have been caused by this. When you are ready, you will know it, as others will be attracted by your inner light and happiness. Good luck!

2006-08-08 08:17:30 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 3 · 0 0

it is very hard, but works. I've been in a relationship for 4 yrs with a person that is bi-polar. We love each other so much that we make it work, just like anyone else that is involved with someone that has a disability.

2006-08-08 08:07:47 · answer #4 · answered by IM THE GAY GOD ALL FEAR ME 5 · 0 0

Bi Polar is what it truly is - it truly is a lifelong ailment and progression of themes and complications the fellow lives with, that isn't like various persons round you. except, that is, you artwork heavily with a psychiatrist and take your drugs on a daily basis. One medicine would change into ineffective, inflicting the want to target others to discover one which will artwork appropriately. And existence is merely WHAT YOU stated: "i theory with the help of now i could be in a position to handle the mood swings more effective acceptable, yet i am going to't it merely receives harder and harder. at the same time as he's contained in the down depressive level he receives so indignant and pushes all and distinctive which contains me away. because of this he has lost maximum of his acquaintances"....."We communicate about marraige and little ones, yet at the same time as he's like this i am going to't see any of it happening. I realy won't be able to manage this anymore" For you 2, as a pair, evidently like you both have some judgements to make, and to re-visit over and yet another time. He desires to confirm daily to take his drugs. you want to confirm if that's the style of existence you go with for you and your destiny little ones to stay 3 hundred and sixty 5 days after 3 hundred and sixty 5 days. some those with diseases have a harder time making it by ability of their day and their existence. - like, it will be confusing for some bi-polar human beings to keep a job. With the wondering you'll want to be doing about your destiny and your relationship, evaluate no matter if you favor to be his spouse, or no matter if you'll favor to stay acquaintances at a distance. it truly is a intense interest to make.

2016-11-23 16:17:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the people that are NOT bipolar have to put up with your moody ***. It is not easy to be all understanding and compassionate when the other party doesnt have it together enough to control their own moods. Theres always an excuse for your outbursts or moods. You have a disease. Well that dont make you a bowl of peaches to be with, now does it? I would neveer date someone with bipolar because I want to be HAPPY not take care of someone else's emotional crap.

2006-08-08 08:07:39 · answer #6 · answered by adrixia 4 · 0 0

Because your mind isn't stable. Plus alot of people don't know how to deal with this kind of disorder. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and then you will be able to understand. People don't do well with the unfamiliar. It takes a special someone to deal with this. Just know, it's scary not knowing which way a person is coming emotionally each day.

2006-08-08 08:08:42 · answer #7 · answered by twilight1 2 · 0 0

Because when you are in a mania state of bipolar disorder you are the center of the universe. You may engage in risky behavior and sometimes you only care about having your needs fulfilled. When in a despressed state, your mood may cause you to want isolation. Basically, those with mental illnesses cannot suport social relationships because they have inner turmoil and conflict with themselves. It's not their fault.

2006-08-08 08:09:41 · answer #8 · answered by Omar 3 · 0 0

with any disorder the person that you want to be with must know everything about the disorder down to the meds that you take and not only that you have to be with someone who is completely understanding of what you go thru on a daily basis otherwise its not going to work out.

2006-08-08 08:08:25 · answer #9 · answered by sharethalove 4 · 0 0

Because a lot of people don't understand it. Make sure you take your meds and don't hide your disorder from people. You can find someone who will love you unconditionally. Don't give up.

2006-08-08 08:06:57 · answer #10 · answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7 · 0 0

not if yr on yr correct medication and yr partner is understanding of this disorder. never be ashamed of this and always let yr partner know of it and what to expect. youll find more tips on relationships and dating on the site

2006-08-08 08:08:14 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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