i think that u should jus act casual dont make any broad statements or somethin sometimes gurls act like dat jus cuz der dumb or mayb she really is feelin u..jus see wut happens next..
2006-08-08 08:03:47
answer #1
answered by Lame 2
Well, if you're not sure, and you think it might destroy your mate's relationship with you, I'd say you need to weigh your decision very carefully.
She is probably just flirting with you; maybe she does that to all the guys--or at least the guys she feels comfortable to do that with.
I wouldn't throw away a relationship--especially with your best friend--for something that's up in the air like that--that you're not even sure is going to amount to any serious relationship.
2006-08-08 08:08:08
answer #2
answered by ♣Tascalcoán♣ 4
Think before reacting. is the relationship between you and your mate a good one? Is it worth messing up what you have? If not then back off. But if that is what you want go for it. Just try not too hurt anyones feelings.
2006-08-08 08:09:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This is very delicate!
I would call her into another room and ask to speak to her. The first thing you need to do is determine if she likes you.
To do this is simple. Tell her to get on her knees...pull out your c ock and smack her in the face a bit. It's like fishing. If she goes for it...she's into you! If not, then you should probaby just tell her to fu ck you or you'll tell her brother...it's a win win.
2006-08-08 08:08:48
answer #4
answered by Just askn with a smile 1
She is teasing you. Or trying to mess up things for her brother. I doubt she really wants a serious relattionship or else she would go about things differently. Sounds like trouble. Stay away from the tramp if your friendship means anything.
2006-08-08 08:05:14
answer #5
answered by adrixia 4
umm ... first of all ... ask urself if u want her or not ... make sure that u r making the right decision ... and then if u want to move on ... then move on ... and if u wanna go on then go on and ask her what she wants ... if its just sex ... then u shud talk with ur friend caz ur friend is more to u than the sis ... if not then u can just go for it ... but if u want to keep the freindship then u shud first talk to the girl and ask her to share her feelings with ur mate ... if she really likes u she will do that ... and if u feel for her too then u shud go for her but first make sure ur friendship is ok ... if she is much younger than u ... then most proly its just an age problem so i think u shud not go for it ... but try to make her feel confident and self concious ... oh and dont go for it right away ... first make sure what she wants ... lol ... enjoy ...
2006-08-08 08:20:04
answer #6
answered by Ahbab Da Coolest 3
Don't get invovled with the sister. Never get invovled the your friends siblings. Its too weird and it can strain your friendship. There are plenty of other girls out there.
2006-08-08 08:09:49
answer #7
answered by ? 2
Just give it time. My mates brother liked me and it did not last long as my friendship with my mate was more important to me. Each to their own really.
2006-08-08 08:05:34
answer #8
answered by Pinkflower 5
Talk to your friend. Ask him if he would mind if you took out his sister. Just be hosest about how you feel. you never know he may think it's cool. He knows you and doesn't know all the other guys that want to get into his sisters pants.
2006-08-08 08:05:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nah you dont need to do much bro, just wait and see what goes down. Usually they like to mess around and that means you can as well..there aint no biggie with that so enjoy bro.
2006-08-08 08:05:41
answer #10
answered by {~Aldo~} 2
Go for it. Some of my the best times i had in life was wif my best friends sister... Just make sure he's cool wif it tho
2006-08-08 08:03:46
answer #11
answered by Pyp 3