do you think they are just silly and old fashioned and not worth honoring? Do you both live up to your wedding vows or just do whatever you like? If you honored your vows, would your relationship be better or not? Why don't more folks honor their wedding vows? Do you even remember any of your vows? What good are the vows?
10 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Family
re: obey
if both 'obey' each other that would be another way of vowing to COOPERATE with each other. my guess is that 'obey' means something other than submit or serve. but even that if done by bothe would be okay to me. i obey my wife and she obyes cooperate!
08:53:10 ·
update #1
My husband and I take our vows very seriously. We both honor one another and treat one another as we want to be treated in order to show our children how a relationship is supposed to be between a husband and wife. We don't talk negatively about the other, we don't sleep with other people, we don't undermine one another's authority. We make sure to tell one another that we love each other... every day. We never go to bed without making sure that a situation/disagreement is resolved. We make sure to try to see from one another's point of view, and we never let others talk negatively about each other. My brother is just now going through a divorce.... not of his own choice... he made his vows in the same spirit as my husband and I did. Unfortunately, his wife decided that she no longer wanted to be married... she'd rather have a boyfriend and play around. If people don't stick to their vows, and vows no longer mean anything, then why bother to include them in your ceremony? Just say something like: "I promise to be with you until something better comes along." At least that would be honest. What I remember about my vows is that it meant the world to me that someone would believe in them as whole-heartedly as I do. We have been married for 4 years now, and I believe that as long as we keep playing for the same team (our family) that we will prevail as a couple.
2006-08-08 08:45:03
answer #1
answered by dolphin mama 5
Well I believe anyone that is married had to honor them at one point or another when they had their wedding! I wished more people respected the vows more than they do. I believe more marriages would not be in as much trouble as they are now days if they did!Honor,love,respect I believe in now the "obey" I disagree with...
2006-08-08 14:24:04
answer #2
answered by JACKIE M 3
you are the people that dont honor those vows. there are still people who believe devoutly in the institution of marriage and all that those promises entail. your vows are perhaps the few most impotant words that you will EVER utter. It is a vow (so much more than a promise) a covenant, if you will, between you. In Biblical times the breaking of those vows was punishable by stoning to death. I bet if we reinstated that law people would think twice about marrying someone they are not willing to hold to those vows for.
2006-08-08 14:28:25
answer #3
answered by mycuprunethover 2
Yes, my husband and I honor our marriage vows. The only thing i refused to say was OBEY. I am not a dog and i don't obey anyone not even my husband. But other than that yes i do honor my vows to my husband , and vice versa. Why do you ask??
2006-08-08 14:24:06
answer #4
answered by mommyof2daughtersandlovinit 2
If you aren't going to live up to the institution of marriage and not honor your wedding vows then DON"T GET MARRIED... it's people who don't understand and honor what marriage is that are driving the divorse rate in the country up! If your not going to take getting married seriously.. don't do it!
2006-08-08 14:22:40
answer #5
answered by rachelle105210 5
The vows that I made to my husband on our wedding day are still very important to me. They guide many of my decisions and I try to think about them often.
I vowed to honor, cherish, love, and support my husband through ALL of life's circumstances. I vowed to uplift him and support his dreams, as he would mine. I vowed to care for him through sickness and health, richer and poorer, and plenty and thin.
The vows my husband and I shar are not only promises, but covenants that we made to each other, our families, and to God on our wedding day. We uphold them everyday and will until death parts us.
It saddens me that people join together in such a sacred union and don't even care about their vows! Marriage is a blessing, and one that must be protected! :)
2006-08-08 14:26:51
answer #6
answered by JennBride 2
i would honor my vows and live my marriage life with them. they r written for a reason to guide u and ur love one through the wonders of marriage. the r not written in stone but they r should not be taken loosely
2006-08-08 14:27:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Then why go through the ceremony? look they have different personal meaning to everyone. If you are not going to believe in them DON"T SAY THEM..
2006-08-08 14:24:58
answer #8
answered by trouble comes a knockin 5
i;m young to get marry now
2006-08-08 14:26:03
answer #9
answered by maya 6
typical woman answer ^ ^ ^ LOL
2006-08-08 14:23:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous