If you do not add him to your credit cards then NO it will not effect his credit. Credit is based on the individual not the couple. When you go to buy a house they look at each of your credit scores/profiles you don't just have one, you will still have your individual credit. Now if yours is bad and his is good, because of your bad credit it will effect the loan you get.
2006-08-08 05:08:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Debts and credit reports are in One person's name only, unless you apply for a loan jointly. Any past debts prior to marriage especially is solely that person's debt, as a rule. In some States you can file bankruptcy for one person and it will not affect the spouse's credit. However it also depends on what the debt is for, when it became in effect, etc. But each state also does things differently. If things are over-whelming, (you won't get an accurate answer on here) I would encourage you to contact a lawyer.
2016-03-27 03:48:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wealth and debt that was incurred before the marriage does not transfer to the other party unless you die.
My suggetion is to take care of as much of your debt as possible to help your credit. THat way you won't be relying on his credit to get everything. Many times with big loans like house loans and car loans you will want ot have both your names on the title or deed.
Go get a credit report for like $15 on one of the online websites like equifax.com. THey will tell you who you owe. Then call those places and tell them you want to start making payments on your debt.
Good luck.
2006-08-08 06:25:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, your debt becoms his when you get married, unless you have a prenup that specifies other wise. I was in the same position when I got married. I had alot of cc and student loan debt, and I was embarassed about it. I was honest with my husband and we worked out a plan to pay off the debt. He was willing to help me, but I managed to get rid of most of it on my own. We lived off of his salary while I paid my debt down. Sit down and write out a plan that you both are comfortable with and work on it together. Good luck.
2006-08-08 06:57:51
answer #4
answered by East of Eden 4
You should pay off your cards before you get married, just to be on the safe side. However, the guidelines for "community property" __typically__ apply to those items and debts accrued AFTER marriage. Check with an assets attorney in your area to understand your rights and responsibilities.
2006-08-08 05:00:19
answer #5
answered by Brutally Honest 7
YES it will..... you should pay off all your debt before married. It will affect your credit rating and getting things like a house or a car together. Plan to pay it off!
2006-08-08 04:56:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it sure can, especially if u let them know that ur married and give his last name and stuff.. what u need to do is fix ur debt 1st.. the last thing u wanna do is have ur marriage end because of debt.. consolidate, make more then the min payments but do something..
ur gonna need that good credit for loans and to buy a house one day...
2006-08-08 04:54:54
answer #7
answered by Queen D 5
Well... if there is a prenuptial agreement then you leave with what you came with & vice versa... otherwise all debts become a shared entity. Student loans might be the exception here... I would stongly recommend that you check with your creditors and or lenders. They can provide you with further information.
2006-08-08 08:07:30
answer #8
answered by Happy Health Coach 1
I hope you will be responsible enough to clear up your own debt quickly, and not lay that kind of baggage on him. Not fair to him at all.
2006-08-08 08:16:09
answer #9
answered by Lydia 7
your debt will only affect him if his name is put on to your account.
2006-08-08 06:19:37
answer #10
answered by mkd20012001 2