He is 2000 years late.
2006-08-08 02:21:52
answer #1
answered by Quantrill 7
The apostles asked him that question in Matthew 24 chapter read it. It tells of a world war, starvation and disease.
Which we have had then it says that is only the beginning.
So the last days started in 1914 and continue until today.
Matthew 24:21,22 says the great tribulation will be the worse the world has ever seen. In fact unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved alive. On account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. So it points us to an all out nuclear war which is the only thing that would destroy all flesh off this planet. Which i do not think is to far in the future.
It said it will be like the days of Noah they were doing normal stuff and all of a sudden it was instantly upon them.
Luke 21: gives a similar account read both of them
2006-08-08 09:25:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Immediately after the tribulation.He said so in Matthew 24.There are so many doctrines teaching that the Church will be gone during the Great Tribulation,but that`s NOT what Jesus said.Also,He is not coming back and immediately taking everyone to Heaven.He is coming to set up his Kingdom on this Earth for 1000 years.I believe in Christ`s second coming.I hope I am ready.I have great concern for these willingly ignorant people who refuse to believe the Truth.They have a very shallow life to only believe what they can see.Have they ever seen their heart?Then let`s just conclude that they don`t have one.
2006-08-08 09:27:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When the "fullness of the gentiles" have come to faith in Him. The Bible says that there is a partial and temporary "blindness" over the hearts of the majority of the Jewish people that will finally be done away with when the predetermined, known only to God, number of people from the other nations have come to know Jesus as their Savior. Then Jesus will return and God will pour out the Spirit of grace on the remaining Jewish people who will look upon Jesus whom there forefathers pierced with godly sorrow and there will be a mass conversion so that God's eternal promise to them will finally come to pass.
2006-08-08 09:27:46
answer #4
answered by Martin S 7
Matthew 16:27-28 says he'd come in his kingdom while some of the people hearing his sermon still lived. They have all been dead for centuries, and he hasn't done what he said...so he isn't ever going to do it. Do you believe everything you hear...or just what one religion says? There are many religions, and I've studied many of them, e.g. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism that are all offshoots of the ancient Hebrew religion that worshipped many gods called Elohim until Moses made the Sinai Covenant to worship Yahweh above all other gods. He may've been influenced by Ikhnaten the pharoah who was probably the first man to say there was one god. He called his god Aten and changed his name to include that god. There are other religions, e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc. I see no logical reason to prefer any of these many religions over the others. All too many people are brainwashed with one religion and believe it's wrong to question it or explore other religions. Christianity and Islam are the worst for that. Buddhism is much more tolerant, and that is good.
2006-08-08 09:38:07
answer #5
answered by miyuki & kyojin 7
Jesus is always with us here on earth!
2006-08-08 09:22:53
answer #6
answered by joy19640208 1
Only God knows the day and the hour. The angels, Satan, even Jesus doesn't know when. Only God knows. Read the bible and really study and meditate on what it says and you will find the answers you are looking for.
2006-08-08 09:22:55
answer #7
answered by Snow 6
Jesus has returned in the Glory of the Father. If you don't pray ardently and don't seek Him earnestly, you may bitterly fail like the Jews at His first advent.
Pray for your success.
2006-08-08 09:38:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No one will know the hour or the day, however we are in the generation. So, be watching the signs that are already happening and study The Revelation. You should also check out www.endtime.com They are really good!!
2006-08-08 09:23:39
answer #9
answered by redeye.treefrog 3
his spirit is in the earth manifetsed as the 5 fold ministry. his mainifested body will return when the time is right.
2006-08-08 09:29:31
answer #10
answered by zaybo7 1