The Bible was written by human beings, many times from second, third and fourth-hand accounts. It ain't perfect, and Christians who think it is are deluding themselves, but it has some value.
2006-08-07 22:36:05
answer #1
answered by Zombie 7
The contradictions mentioned don't seem to be much more than details. If you're looking for an excuse to write off the Bible as "full of human errors", this will work for you, because you are simply looking for something to justify your arguement.
However, none of the "contradictions" mentioned refute or undermine the basic message of the Bible: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that all that believe in Him would not perish and suffer, but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it (John 3:16, 17).
The Bible, with it's associated manuscript evidences, is the most authenticated book ever written. Find a contradiction, and it's usually a typo or detail that doesn't detract from the message of God's love for his creation and the lengths to which He went to demonstrate this love.
2006-08-07 22:54:30
answer #2
answered by stronzo5785 4
these are minor contradictions...They are not about the most important message of the Bible which is " God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believs in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16) Nothing contradicts this in the Bible and it's the most important thing. You have to be aware that the Bible was written at different times in different contexts and men try to explain the world around them. God used them for His revelation but His purpose was not to beaccurate on all the earthly things. He had to be accurate on His plan for humankind. For the creation, whatever the order they were "effectively" created, I believe that man was God's original plan anyway. But the order doesn't matter for me. What matters is that Jesus died for my sins and saved me, nothing says the opposite in the Bible. Who cares about how Juda died? He was a traitor, his fate is not important to me. You are focusing on details. this web site is made to confuse people about Jesus but it doesn't work for me. Nice try though but I have to say "Game Over"!!This is not how you're going to make Christin people deny Jesus Christ.
2006-08-07 22:38:58
answer #3
answered by F.R.O.G 2
First look at the passages themselves and not through a website that is intent in pointing out problems. You need to look at what the total picture is and see the setting.
The first point:
Genesis 1:25
25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
(God made man after the animals)
Genesis 2:18
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.
20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
("Now the LORD God had formed" - had formed, past tense. Done. God made man after the animals.)
The second deals with 2 different occasions when Mary was at the tomb. The first passage (John 20:11,12) was after Peter and the other deciple were at the tomb (as told in 20:1 - 10).
The second passage (Mark 16:5) occurs when Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to anoint the body (as told in 16:1 - 4) which occurs before Mary went to tell the deciples and prompted Peter and the other deciple to go to the tomb themselves.
The third I cannot explain as it really dosn't give enough details. Mathew 27:5 says he hung himself. Acts 1:18 states he fell headlong, his body burst open, and all his intestines fell out.
My guess is that the second describes a body in decay (possibly from hanging himself) that fell from the rope and the fall caused the rotten body to split open.
2006-08-07 23:04:29
answer #4
answered by billybetters2 5
In some cases events were witnessed by several people, and when they wrote their version of the event it was different in some minor details, but the substance was the same.
Our bible was translated to English, some translation problems causing it to appear incorrect, but when check against original text, words are not used correctly.
Nothing I say can make you reconsider your position that the bible is untrue.
2006-08-07 23:25:29
answer #5
answered by tobinmbsc 4
Because the bible is a collection of stories written by many different men to gain power over the people. Whatever served their needs best at the time is what they wrote.
2006-08-07 22:44:49
answer #6
answered by jmwiedeman 2
For the first one, in chapter 1 of Genesis it was talking about God creating everything. In chapter 2, God was creating things in the garden in front of Adam. Everything was already there, God was probably proving to Adam who actually did it all. God knew, since He created us, that we would question Him. Even since the begining.
The next 2, I'm not sure of. If I run into something I'll come back and add.d
2006-08-07 22:49:52
answer #7
answered by ScottyJae 5
Beware, for those who believe the Bible word for word shall come up with theories about why this is so and in fact, shall not explain it because they can't.So they will just say, you're taking it out of context and so forth.The fact is, they just won't admit that the men who wrote the Bible messed up.
2006-08-07 22:32:53
answer #8
answered by EasterBunny 5
The bible is nothing but the worlds most popular fairytale & fairytales are allowed to have as many discrepencies as they want in them.
2006-08-07 22:35:08
answer #9
answered by manorris3265 4
coz it is written by 4 different people, so seems like there are 4 version of the same.
2006-08-07 22:44:57
answer #10
answered by Suomi 4