1950's. Everything was so innocent and pure and wholesome. Morals, decency, etc.....
2006-08-07 12:46:01
answer #1
answered by CLM 6
Everyone is saying other centuries because of the naivety, or this century because of the technological advances. I have a different reason. I'd live in this day and age because the occurence of this time carry more weight then any previous century. While I admit we are spoiled with microwaves and bluetooth, people don't understand how substantial it is. It isn't what we have that makes this time special it's how we use it. The generations that follow us will be faced with the backlashes of our wars and inventions. I would like to be a part of this age of evolution, so years from now when my children's children have to go to school in armoured cars or are scootering there on hovershoes I would like to be able to say that it was our generation that made it possible.
2006-08-07 19:56:01
answer #2
answered by scoty_dosntno 2
one hundred and twenty years ago, either here in Los Angeles or New York City. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror and I am wearing jeans all I can think if what a god awful ugly looking get up that is-while at the exaxt same timethinking y am i dressed like a farmer while in ithe city?
Its a wierd feeling. I would so like to wake up and just sniff and sniff the air. Even if I was by fifty outhouses it would smell so much better then it ever does now. I would just sniff and sniff for the longest time. Then I would go drink some water. Then I would go get a glass of real milk. Then Id lite a real stove and make some real bread.
2006-08-07 19:56:01
answer #3
answered by yourdoneandover 5
I would live in this century, because the technology that we have now makes life much easier than it was in any other century.
2006-08-07 19:43:41
answer #4
answered by mom1025 5
I wouldn't like 2 live for good in another century, but i would love 2 live a normal day in colonial times.
That would be so much fun.
2006-08-07 19:45:31
answer #5
answered by CheerChic1022 3
I would stick to this century because even though everyone has ups and downs nothing could beat what we have cause we're too used to it i think itd just be weird to change into any other time
but if i had to...
medieval- awesome clothes
2006-08-07 19:44:24
answer #6
answered by banana music mango 3
Past or Present? If there was a choice I'd wanna live in the future-just to see the progress of mankind! If I only have the choice of the past, I'd wanna live in the 18th century. becoz it seems so romatic......
2006-08-07 19:53:33
answer #7
answered by Rogue 3
Anything between 16 and 20 century.
Reasons, you are unplugged and you have more time for yourself.
You do not have to care about fat, cancer, AIDS, radiation, global warming, colesterol, ozone hole and all that stuff.
In those centuries technology advanced at a moderate rate.
2006-08-07 19:50:16
answer #8
answered by mfacio 3
During the Roman Empire.
Unchartered land, Gladiator tournaments, they bathed regularly, freelove and dubachary... I would have loved to be a high man on the political scale in ancient Rome.
2006-08-07 19:45:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
probably the late 19th century to witness the accelerating rate of inventions and the elegance of the victorian era.
2006-08-07 19:46:01
answer #10
answered by chris a 2
the early 1900's
i think that was when a allot of new designs were made and i would of loved to make a difference to the world and make a name for my self
especially in the history books
i think that it was much easier for an excited person to become their own boss and to be a well established person
2006-08-07 19:54:54
answer #11
answered by annie 5