I babysit for her a lot! she has a one year old and three year old. my kids are 15, 7 and 6. I rarely ask her to babysit for me besides 3 times in the last year, she gave my two youngest rides home from school. She called me a bunch of names (bad ones) and said I was selfish. I did have dr. appts the day she asked, no advance notice was given. now she won't speak to me. should i just let it go? she is quite an unpleasant person who has very few friends. she thinks our "family" relationship binds me to doing her favors at a moments notice.
17 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Family
POST SCRIPT: Her baby had a fever and her regular babysitter refused to take her, and she wanted to go to work. Mind you, she DOES not have to work if she doesn't want to, she grooms dogs.
12:10:44 ·
update #1
Sounds like you're better off with her not speaking to you! Enjoy it while you can, because you know she'll get over it.
2006-08-07 11:53:23
answer #1
answered by Catspaw 6
You were completely within your rights to say No. You are 100% correct about the situation. If she 1) did not give you advanced notice 2) did not NEED to go to work or have to go to work and 3) you babysit for her a lot, then that is her problem, not yours. If she didnt want the responsibility then she should not have had kids! There is no wonder why she doesnt have friends or very many. She sounds selfish and horrible. Who cares if she isnt talking to you? I say GOOD because if she isnt speaking to you then she cant demand you take care of her kids again. By calling you horrible names just because you said no to her then she has now guaranteed that you will not babysit for her again and you should tell her that if she ever calls you again. Do not call her, let her come down from her high horse and apologize to you, and if she wont, good riddance!
2006-08-07 13:01:35
answer #2
answered by Educated 7
Selfish...YOU...I think NOT. I think it's the other way around. Babysitting that is done by family should never be an expected drop everything on a moments notice arrangment. People do have obligations, appointments, etc. and shouldn't be expected to take care of children when these situations arise.
Your sister can always PAY someone to do her babysitting!!! But as you know the something for nothing lunch bunch always are the ones that get their knickers in a snit when they don't get their way!!
Get over it...Move on....
2006-08-07 11:55:05
answer #3
answered by aunt_beeaa 5
If you don't want to babysit her kids you don't have to. It does seem that she would need a logical reason to be upset. What did she need you to babysit for? Was she going out to the club or have to go into work at the last minute. Depending on the reason I would say she may or may not have had a legitimate gripe. Same goes for your end. If you truly could not babysit her children vs. not feeling like it. Don't let her guilt you into watching them. If you give in, she will always expect you to watch her children and know how to get a favorable response.
2006-08-07 12:03:17
answer #4
answered by Pig 2
Definitly not wrong. You are a mom with three kids of your own two of which are probably a handful. You had appt's to keep and it was selfish of her to expect you to cance those to watch her children. I wouldn't worry about it much though because she will need you again sooner or later and she will be all sweet and nice. Before you keep them again though I would tell her that while you love them and want to help her you have your own family and can't be expected to drop everything on a moments notice to accomodate her. If she can't be respectful enough to ask in advance then she needs to make other arrangements.
2006-08-07 11:59:11
answer #5
answered by Martha S 4
to in basic terms ask, sure particular - all people can ask. Doesn`t mean you would be able to desire to agree. subsequently, you should evaluate it a modern for the birthday boy. If it happens extra usually - then you certainly can value them for it (to boot, sixteen is sufficiently old, imho, to stay homestead). the only 'situation' is the not on time new child - as she could be appearing up and a sixteen twelve months old can not take care of that. As to the nutrition stamp element ( i don`t comprehend what they're - yet that`s beside the point). whether it fairly is against the regulation - don`t do it. on a similar time as you would be able to nicely be waiting to maintain quiet , somebody else ought to actual record it. And, as you assert, they gamble besides, so don`t motivate them. The nutrition element - difficult. i does not ask this, different than that they convey about their very own snacks. somewhat bread interior the morning, and a few dinner isn`t incredibly all that undesirable. yet whilst they choose snacks or chocolates, it`s completely okay to tell them 'convey your guy or woman' So, i`d do the sitting as a 'birthday present' - and the different time it`s pay earlier sitting.
2016-09-29 00:36:49
answer #6
answered by grumney 4
In my opinion, you are well in your right as well as in integrity to not babysit for your sister. Her children are first and foremost her responsibility and if you have prior engagements, then I don't see why you should compromise your life for someone else, unless it's a true emergency.
If your sister is unpleasant and does not have friends, she will probably come around by herself because she will need you again.
Given that, I would just let it slide and next time she asks you, know that you can say yes or no.
2006-08-07 12:08:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As family you are not obligated to watch her children. I have an unpleasant sister also. Finally about 3 years ago we had it out and I told her to live her life and I would live mine.We have not talked since, but it has been a lot more peaceful though. So depending how far you want to take this, it could be an option.Best of luck.
2006-08-07 12:18:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If her child was sick then she should have taken the day off to be with her child. She could have rescheduled her appointments. People are understanding when it comes to family emergencies. Even if you didn't have plans you're perfectly within your rights to say no to babysitting. You're her sister not her nanny. Don't worry about her attitude. Since she's mad anyway, take this oppurtunity to set a few rules regarding favors.
2006-08-07 14:29:00
answer #9
answered by Mollywobbles 4
Yikes...not sure what to say...other than to take penance in the fact that most families have their portion of messed up details and that your sister will probably get over it. People do and say regrettable things when their in a panic or upset over something. Try not to take it to heart. She's not as experienced as a mom as you are and you KNOW how hectic the infants can be. Hang in there! Sibling stuff can be heart wrenching.
2006-08-07 11:55:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Nope. You have the right to say no to anything, especially if you have previous plans, had no advanced notice and feel taken advantage of.
Do not feel guilty that she is throwing a tantrum simply because she did not get what she wanted :)
2006-08-07 11:54:14
answer #11
answered by cathrine98 2