This is gonna be hard to understand, but it's going to balance out. You'll be a much smarter and stronger person than those around you, because of the sadness you've already endured, and because you know how to find small happiness even in the middle of hardship. I'm sorry for the pain you're going through, and I hope the doctors are wrong about your dad. You may never be a "happy little girl", but that's because "happy little girls" don't understand the world around them as well as you do. Hold tough, and if you can, find an adult friend (like a teacher or a relative) that you can talk to about these things. They're more likely to understand what you're going through. Make sure to let your friends make you laugh sometimes too. Good luck.
2006-08-07 12:00:43
answer #1
answered by Beardog 7
Do not look at this a having an unfair life. Look at it as being given the chance to deal with lifes most heavy challenges. If you can cope with everything you have been through and everything you will be going through then you will grow up to be a very strong and confident person. Who knows this could even help you decide on a career in the medical feild to help others not have to cope with the same things you are right now.
I am very sorry you have to deal with such horrible things but look ahead to your own life, keep strong and postive and something good will come out of it.
2006-08-07 11:53:02
answer #2
answered by plantladywithcfids 4
Hello! one million.Do you have got a RL (truly lifestyles) superstar weigh down, or if now not a weigh down, any individual who you feel is alternatively stunning? No one in certain. two. What is your favourite non-anime exhibit? Friends. I as soon as watched a 24 hour Ross/Rachel marathon that used to be virtually simply the identical 6 episodes again and again... three.What is your favourite non-anime booklet? Three-means tie Dx : Lost World - Micheal Crichton (sp?) The Testament - John Grisham Come to Grief - Dick Francis four. If you have been pressured to speak approximately politics in RL, what might you definitely be pronouncing? "The young children do study!" Just kidding. I'd most often simply whinge approximately revamping the remedy process or how revenue tax used to be intended to be transitority xD five. (good enough, this one is an genuine anime query given that in any other case I would get in difficulty) Which anime person's hair might you like to switch along with your possess? I'd alternate for Regene Regetta's hair from Gundam 00...It's red. BQ: Have you heard approximately Hayao Miyazaki's new anime movie "Ponyo" and are you going to head see it in theaters if it is to be had in which you are living? I wish to peer it, however no theaters round listed here are displaying it. I'll most often hire it while it comes out.
2016-08-28 11:13:47
answer #3
answered by pharisien 4
No one ever promised that you would have a fair life. Your life is unfair, but that is not so surprising. But remember that even with the unfair nature of your life that does not mean you should give into depression. But remember that it might be a kindness that these things happen. Things could be worse at least you get a few more months maybe years with Dad, cherish them
2006-08-07 11:54:25
answer #4
answered by admiralgill 4
Downs Syndrome is a birth defect ... children are born with it, they don't develop it.
I think you're making this up to get attention. Why don't you go help someone and stop thinking about yourself so much.
Now, if you're not making it up, I am sorry for your hardships. Life is NOT fair, but we all just have to try to get thru the best we can and find happiness in small increments.
Oh, and the words are "depressing", "supposed" and "accident".
2006-08-07 11:53:59
answer #5
answered by frankiquilts 3
If you are healthy and happy with your own life and the things you do - I would try to find happiness from within. Death is a part of life, so if you can be happy with yourself, you will be able to live without them and know you will see them again in heaven.
2006-08-07 11:51:29
answer #6
answered by silver5802 1
well you shouldnt hide what your feeling about this. that will make it work. spend a lot more time with your dad and make the next 1 or 2 years the best hes ever had. good luck
2006-08-07 11:50:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think that someone needs to be taking you to therapy. That's alot of grief to be dealing with on your own. I believe that you should be happy and let your family know that you are happy. I think that's what they would want for you. Happy hearts will cure most things. Good luck to you little one.
2006-08-07 13:07:07
answer #8
answered by babe_in_the_country 2
You don't just suddenly come down with Down Syndrome...that is something you are BORN with. Get your facts straight. And yes your life is fair...we are all dying the minute we are born, but it's up to you to live your life to the fullest.
2006-08-07 11:50:26
answer #9
answered by SassySours 5
You are going thru alot, but should be happy that thus far you are healthy. I am sorry for all the health issues your family is suffering.
2006-08-07 11:50:25
answer #10
answered by June V 3