Try explaining to her that the love you two share is wild and untamable and that expressions like on the sister's bed are bound to happen because you two are so free and in love. If you aren't in love then tell her not to feel bad, and maybe you two should wash the sister's sheets together.
2006-08-07 10:18:39
answer #1
answered by cochise_angel 1
Have sex on your parents bed or your siblings bed next time so she feels more comfortable. There is nothing weird about that. I once had sex at some friends place that I was house sitting for the weekend and had sex in their bed when her brother came and check on the house. Felt weird but made it look like I Just came out of the shower. The risk involved makes it hot
2006-08-07 10:16:56
answer #2
answered by jamiesonparker 1
I would say stay off the sisters bed. Personal places aren't a great Idea. But intresting places are lots of fun. It's the rush of "are we going to get caught?" Try public places. Instead of other peoples beds.
2006-08-07 10:17:42
answer #3
answered by laneybugbaby 1
No I don't hink its weird to have sex on your girlfriend bed because I mean her sister probably have sex on the same bed with her boyfriend so the bed wouldn't be nothing new.
2006-08-07 10:16:35
answer #4
answered by babygirlhollaataplaya2002 2
she doesn't feel wired she feels guilty like she has done something wrong what u guys did. u don't do it on other peeps bed that is wrong. if u want weired try the washing machine or in a public bathroom or a dressing room now that's fun Lol
2006-08-07 10:21:19
answer #5
answered by ryan s 5
I think she feels weird because you just defiled one of her family members' beds... I wouldn't do it on anyone else's bed besides my own or my man's... If you want a weird place go camping- it's better when it cold at night so you can keep yourselves warm. But yeah... I would suggest not doing it on someone elses bed... plus, who knows what THEY'VE done that's on it... : (
2006-08-07 10:17:59
answer #6
answered by wilkes1216 2
Yes you can put her mind at ease. However, you face a more pressing problem at the moment. Get your spelling skills in order son or you will find yourself having sex with weridos in their car for crack money.
"Don't be a fool, stay in school" MR T
2006-08-07 10:15:50
answer #7
answered by willberb 4
I think the first time in weird places sometimes can feel weird it gets better everytime i'd just work her into it, she'll get used to it
2006-08-07 10:16:02
answer #8
answered by lauree_anne 2
Try her parents bed, that is even better. Or in the middle of a lake.
2006-08-07 10:14:21
answer #9
answered by Highroller 3
Maybe it would be better if you didn't use other people property... Just out of respect. I doubt it would feel as strange if you did it in your car or in public but not on someone else's property... ya know. I would be weirded out by it too.
2006-08-07 10:16:22
answer #10
answered by Kamunyak 5