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2006-08-07 10:10:58 · 66 answers · asked by debrett 1 in Family & Relationships Family

I have read all your Anwers, Thank you for time. I do agree with all that most of you are saying. I,m going to sit them down and have a serious chat. It's true I'm not doing them any favour, allowing them to go on in this way. Its time they understood that nothing comes free in this life. Wish me luck. Thanks again everyone

2006-08-08 00:08:18 · update #1

I have read all your Anwers, Thank you for time. I do agree with all that most of you are saying. I,m going to sit them down and have a serious chat. It's true I'm not doing them any favour, allowing them to go on in this way. Its time they understood that nothing comes free in this life. Wish me luck. Thanks again everyone

2006-08-08 00:08:19 · update #2

66 answers


2006-08-07 10:14:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You don't want your flesh and blood to be homeless. But you can exercise some tough love.

At the very least they should be helping around the house.

Are they going to school? Are they bettering themselves in any way?

Do they want to go to college? Are they in college? Give them a break until they graduate.

If college is not for them have you/they considered an apprenticeship program? (Start as an apprentice and learn a trade and take courses and then make your way to being fully certified in a trade.) Call your department of labor about Apprenticeships.

Take them to your Department of labor and show them how to find jobs.

In the mean time - all you have to do is have a pulse and you can get a job in Fast Food or a convenience store. At the very least they should do that.

Set up deadlines for them to get jobs. Charge them a little rent if you want.

here are some job sites


2006-08-07 10:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by Think.for.your.self 7 · 0 0

Threaten to throw them out of the house unless they get a job or make some kind of contribution towards the household income. If they're fit and able they should be working not expecting to live with their mother for free for the rest of their life.

2006-08-07 10:17:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Kick their asses out. I'm 22 and I bring, to my own house, over $100K/year. You know why? Because when I was 16 my parents said if you want a car you better get a job and buy one. So I got one. Then they said if you want to drive that car you better have money to pay for insurance and gas. So I have been working full-time since I was 17 and going to college at the same time. It's time to teach them to work. It ain't an easy world out there.

2006-08-07 10:18:45 · answer #4 · answered by allknowing 4 · 0 0

If you don't want to go the route of kicking them out, start enforcing rules that will make them consider that they might want to live on their own where they could make the rules.
Things like:
Under my roof, live by my rules.
1. Wash Dishes.
2. Cook Dinners.
3. Yard Work
4. House Cleaning
5. If your out later than what you tell me call me and tell me where your at, where your going and when you do expect to be home.
And so on. It's your house so you define the rules. They can live by them or find jobs and move out. Or find jobs and pay rent and have the chores cut back by paying rent.
Best of Luck

2006-08-07 10:18:15 · answer #5 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

hi if this was me i would tell them to get a job (If they haven't got one already) and contibute to the household. If this doesn't work charge them rent, if this still doesn't work throw all their clothes out this will shock them into thinking your serious. If this still doesn't work go to a solicitor or citizen advice see if you can get a contract as in the uk they are legally should be able to pay you something due to council tax. if this still doesn't work then throw them out. Just remember if you have a partner get their help. are they at colleg/university? if this is the case give them some slack.

2006-08-07 21:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by jules 4 · 0 0

You should limit their activities and cut down on the allowance you're giving out. They have to be aware of the laziness they're bringing to the family and give them the newspaper to find jobs. You also have the internet to help them find one. If they're too lazy to look then set them up for an interview and force them to go... They're grown men and they need to start acting like it. You definitely need some support to pay the bills and stop paying theirs...

2006-08-07 10:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hard...is it not?

I don't understand what they are doing at home yet. I was 19 when I had finished my school and i started work.

They need to be independent, and start now! If you keep them any longer at home and will pay for them... they will never grow up!

Tell them to find a job, and don't give them money... they can work for you (cleaning, tiding,cooking) if they can't be bother to find a job.

They will prefer to go to job than stay at home and working :)

And if they don't accept the deal...you need to kick them out. For they own good.

Now is the time they should help you!

2006-08-07 10:31:34 · answer #8 · answered by Paulina 2 · 0 0

It's about time they learn that the piper has to be paid. You kindly, gently, but VERY firmly say,The free ride is gone and you need to contribute $______ on the first of every month. If they don't come up with the cash. You say, "Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out."
Sounds mean doesn't it? You'll be doing them the biggest favor of their lives.

2006-08-07 10:18:19 · answer #9 · answered by DelK 7 · 0 0

I am glad to hear that you are going to sit them down and tell them that if they want to stay with you that they need to pay their way. They need to learn this as when they do move out, if they did not learn that things don't come for free then they would suffer as you really need a job to survive.

2006-08-09 06:36:26 · answer #10 · answered by megajen2000 3 · 0 0

since they are legally adults,and by the consent of the goverment,should be able to have financial responsibilty,you should tell them to find their own place...but if YOU can't bare them to leave the nest because of something..then just talk to them about paying something in return for lodging..either in the form of electric bills or gas..or something....but it is best if you let go of the 22 year old,he should learn the responsibilities of a young adult,try not to baby him..if so,he will end up depending you for alot of things (and most likely leaving you with the tab)..i wish you good luck :)

2006-08-07 10:18:00 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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