I don't know if it's right or not, but they can be.. I'm 24, my sister is 22.. and I've never seen so much jealousy in a person. She's jealous that I have a house, a husband, wonderful kids.. my youngest is 15 months and she tried to claim that I stole the name that she was going to name her first kid.. She never stops.. badmouthing me, trying to mess up visits... I wish I could understand it.
2006-08-07 10:15:21
answer #1
answered by Imani 5
Sure they can. Believe me, my kids have been driving me crazy since they were very young. Now my son is 32 and my daughter is 29 and they are still at it. And it's always that I did something for one of them and didn't do for the other. Never mind, I did some equal for them. It's always something. Now my son has a 3 year old son, and my daughter a 2 1/2 year old son. And that has really got the two of them going. Now all I hear is that I do more for the 3 year old and babysit all the time for him. Well, yes I do babysit more, but now the younger one is getting old enough to where I can keep him more. And as far as buying them cloths, I buy them both the exact same clothes and toys everytime. Which I don't feel is really fair because my daughter's husbands big family buy more stuff than he will ever use. He has so many clothes that he has never worn and toys that haven't even been open. My son's wife's family hasn't really ever been able to help. So it is just me buying for him. It's just a big mess and I don't even visit them anymore because I am afraid I will go to one of their houses more than the others, lol. I don't know what made my kids like this. I have 2 sisters and sure I have been jealous before, but when something good happens to them I am truely happy for them. There are things about them that I envy, and things about me that they envy. That's only normal. So there's just a couple reasons. Are you sorry you asked, lol.
2006-08-07 10:32:00
answer #2
answered by Vicm0322 3
Yes. Like the fact that my sister has no problem staying skinny and gorgeous and finding decent men that're willing to hold a job and help her out, and I have to work constantly at staying slim and can't find a man to save my life. However, after age 20, you are able to ignore the jealousy for the most part and prevent it from effecting your relationship with your sibling.
2006-08-07 10:14:02
answer #3
answered by gilgamesh 6
yes, i am still jealous of my sister, she is 20 this year and i am 23...
she is always been the prettier, skinnier and more popular one and yes it is embaressing to admit but i am still jealous of her....
we also are both single mums and my nan is always telling me what an unfit mother i am and how my sister is coping with it way better than i am as i have no friends..... my nan is such a lovely person!
but then i suppose the jealousy i feel could be more down to my self confidence, but hey i believe yes siblings can still be jealous, as it then can be about money, house size whether married or not etc....
2006-08-07 10:29:10
answer #4
answered by sinnedfairy 5
Siblings are jealous of each other for all kinds of reasons, in the same way that no matter how old you are or how pleased you are for friends when they get good news, job promotion, great new boyf, you are always a little jealous.
Its a human condition and anyone who says they do not get jealous is a big fat liar!
2006-08-07 10:22:10
answer #5
answered by Miss Sunshine 2
A person can be jealous at any point in their life...it has no age limit. Jealousy is such a waste of emotions. The key is to learn where the jealousy is really coming from and tackle it from there.
2006-08-07 10:27:58
answer #6
answered by jenstar1 2
Yes, they can, it all depends on the level of success they each have. It shouldn't happen, when we love someone, we should be happy for their success. But Human nature, isn't always the way we want it to be, so the ugly head of jealousy, raises itself.
Hopefully, as we mature, we are better able to cope with that terrible emotion.
2006-08-07 10:15:47
answer #7
answered by johnb693 7
Yes, I think so. My sister is 7 years older than me and was the only girl until I was born and she has hated me since day one. We live 4 miles apart and don't even talk unless I see her in the grocery store and make her talk to me. Her son and daughter have died and I found out from my brother who lives 1200 miles away because she won't call me for any reason. It's a shame!
2006-08-07 10:15:42
answer #8
answered by icddppl 5
My dear, the human mind is capable of astoundingly irrational behavior, so the answer is "yup." You ask "what for?" The human mind is very inventive so if there isn't anything about which a person can rationally be jealous, they'll come up with some dam thing.
2006-08-07 10:14:41
answer #9
answered by DelK 7
Yes they can over just about anything, just like when they were kids. Parents spending more attention on the other's children and not their own for example. Or perhaps one went to college the other didn't and the parents paid for the one to go to college but wouldn't say ... give a downpayment for a car (extreme example) it happens and is quite common
2006-08-07 10:13:52
answer #10
answered by christina s 3