Not all women are like that. Don't generalize.
2006-08-07 10:07:38
answer #1
answered by Diabla 6
Yow Ryan
Today's women/girls are not realistic in terms of having a serious relationship based on love. What takes place today is a type of formal prostitution whereby you have to buy a woman's love. No wonder so many of these girls get abused and used and disposed of....
While it has always bee our role as men to pamper and powder and pet the women by treating them nice etc. it should never be that we are purchasing her love or time in bed. The issue of "no money no love" is a clear indication that today's girls believe that their love is for sale.
Real girls no what relationships are made of; its more than the diamonds and pearls. Just look at Hollywood, you want more evbidence than that? Where is the love?. Remember this, those who say "no money no love" are no less than prostitutes. And by the way, lest people read me wrong, I am not encouraging girls to have worthless bums as their men or to have bums who dont like to work or treat a lady like a lady
2006-08-07 17:16:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Brave question sir!
Honestly, I think that most folks are "not real" anymore.
More concerned with the "things in life" not the joy in life.
If your entire family can live without any credit cards, just buy things they "need" to live and spend within their means financially. You don't need more that three pairs of jeans, why have more? So get back to basics and be clean and real!
Take her to the park for dinner, get a basket fill it with a fresh flower, lots of fresh fruit, sparkling waters, chips and sandwiches, add a battery operated "push lights" and a lite blanket to put it all on. Then listen to the free symphony concerts playing in the park at night... that will cost ya maybe $15-30 for hours of fun and touch each others lives and enjoy the person, not let a dark movie theater be the main focus.
Give her the fresh flowers and the basket as a reminder of the evening. With the promise that the basket gets to go to the beach next time....
Buy real things- real diamonds, dependable cars, quality classic clothes and think forward . Never be "Cheap" in your heart and time. You must become creative in your thoughts to overcome just buying stuff!
2006-08-07 17:32:00
answer #3
answered by Denise W 6
That is all going to depend on how she was raised, did her parents give her anything without her having to earn it? If they did then yes she will have an unrealistic sense of entitlement and expect things to simply appear for her. If she was taught the value of things like working for what you have, respecting herself and other people and how to handle money then she'll be very realistic. If you meet the first type just run, she will never be happy with anything so don't waste five minutes on her.
I have to completely disagree with ain't there, I am a woman and have no interest in such things, I have always gotten what I wanted for myself and don't want other people to get them for me so and have known dozens of women just like me....his declaration that ALL women are like this is not only wrong but offensive.
2006-08-07 17:11:02
answer #4
answered by dappersmom 6
No, realistic women would go for real estate, diamonds and cars are poor investments and usually more of a sign of debt than a realistic investment strategy. All show and no go. All shake and no bake. All flash and no cash.
2006-08-07 17:09:29
answer #5
answered by willberb 4
Every woman is like that. Maybe not on a very HIGH level, but every woman likes free stuff and judges a man's ability to provide.
To be fair, men judge women by their beauty and sexuality. That's really their one power over men.
Think about it, what else besides that does a man need from a woman. Really not a damn thing.
Better save up those dimes, dude. It's gonna cost ya.
2006-08-07 17:10:49
answer #6
answered by Ain't Not Cool 3
Stuff doesn't make you happy. Any one, male or female, with half a brain figures that one out about the same time they realize no one is going to give them anything...they have to earn it.
And, "cars, diamonds, money..." is materialistic, not realistic.
2006-08-07 17:10:14
answer #7
answered by Kaia 7
Don't judge all the women as that... there are girls who just want to be loved, and nothing more or less than that. Money is not all that women want... so don't put us all in the same group as those who only care about money, cars and stuff like that.
2006-08-07 17:09:08
answer #8
answered by miraob86 4
Do you mean materialistic? I have to say that yes alot of "girls" are into those things, and unfortunately they do not grow out of that. So therefor they turn into "women" who are into material possessions, and that is all that they care about. Not all of us are like that though, some of us have been brought up with morals, and the ability to acquire things on our own. I sadly do know quite alot of women who are like that, who only care about the size of their diamond, or the price of their car. It is all petty crap that is replaceable, and there is much more to life than that.
2006-08-07 17:07:18
answer #9
answered by somechick25 5
Money? Jewelry? That's not realistic. That's materialistic? And no. Not all girls are caught up in material things.
2006-08-07 17:07:47
answer #10
answered by Olivia B 6
I agree. Apparently the definition of modern feminism is a woman having everything she wants provided by her man without giving much of anything in return.
2006-08-07 17:08:30
answer #11
answered by Otis F 7