Let him go! You're better than that! Don't show him you're crazy about him, he will make you more crazy, cause if he really loves you he wouldn't go with another girl! You are Smart, Beautifull, and a lot to do, he is not the only one on this earth anyway. So my best shot is Move on girl, there is plenty out there waiting for you, one day, he'll be sorry to you. GOOD LUCK.
2006-08-07 11:13:46
answer #1
answered by 1.2..3 2
Go tell him how bad you want him back, the beat the crap out of Kaite to show him how much he means to you.
2006-08-07 10:08:51
answer #2
answered by donovan49_e71 2
Well, if it had been any other name but Kaite, I could have offered advice. But I won't take on a Kaite.
2006-08-07 10:08:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Punch Kaite the next time u see her. Once your ex-boyfriend sees that you kicked her a**, he will want to be with you again.
2006-08-07 10:09:26
answer #4
answered by tmfc25 1
well it sounds like he's kaite's boyfriend now so you should probably either wait til they break up or get over him join a club or something meet a guy the rest will settle itself out
2006-08-07 10:09:02
answer #5
answered by Jake S 5
in the first place you should know that he was important to you and you were to know that you guys need to stay together why did you even go threw the process of breaking up. you know i think that you don't want him back i think that you are jealous so if you really think that you made a mistake let him know but it's gone bad already because he has a girlfriend and now you are trying to break that relationship because suddenly you think that he is important you can't do that because you wouldn't want no one to do that to you. you need to find some one in your life that can satisfy you and you won't separate trust me you will not miss him because now you have a man so it's going to be o.k soon don't worry.
2006-08-07 10:16:37
answer #6
answered by cute_girl_shantie 2
If he calls you back tell him you need time to find out who you are now. By all means get out and start making friends. If he thinks you are there waiting on him he will take all the time he needs with this girl. Besides you have nothing now with him. Get out and take a chance on someone else. Tell him if you can't be the tablecloth you won't be his dish rag.
2006-08-07 10:12:44
answer #7
answered by Busy Lady 2010 7
You should do absolutely nothing. You had your chance with him and now he's moved on and so should you. If you try to break them up and things end badly, he won't dare get back with you. Either wait out the relationship or find another guy.
2006-08-07 10:10:37
answer #8
answered by MakeBelieve. All you want. 4
If you love someone set them free if they come back it was meant to be if they don't they were never yours
If your ex boyfriend really wants to come back he will on his own you can't force someone to be with you.
It all depends to on how old are you guys? why did you break up? Is he really who you want to be with? Ask yourself some questions about it. Then really think is it him you want back or is it just having a boyfriend you want.
Good Luck
2006-08-07 10:09:41
answer #9
answered by jennbabe 2
Well, if your a nice person you would just let him be, if you are a coldblooded jerk, you would try to split them up in any means necessary!!!!!
2006-08-07 10:08:16
answer #10
answered by stephanie c 2