What did you used to do before you two got together. I'm sure since he has come along you have neglected good friends. We are all guilty of doing that when we start a new exciting relationship. Spend some time with them and your family. You also need to learn how to be happy when you are alone. Get to know yourself. Find some new hobbies, learn some new things and make some new friends too. I know it is hard when you are missing him, but it won't be nearly as hard if you stay busy. And if you smoother him, he will grow to resent you and break off the relationship. Then you wouldn't have any time with him. So get busy doing something else. He will probably be really proud and happy with the new you. Good luck.
2006-08-07 10:12:56
answer #1
answered by Vicm0322 3
It's time you got involved with some hobby or project. You need something to occupy your time, other than thinking about him.
Is there something he is into, that you could study up on?
Is there anything you like to do, read, work-outs, bicycling, swimming something on that level.
You need something to do, so that you won't be so bored all the time.
Learn a new language, or some other skill, that will make you feel as if you have accomplished something.
You have to be happy with yourself, and you won't be, sitting around doing nothing. but moping around the house, missing him.
There has to be something you like to do, if not, you need to find one. Men, don't really care for needy women, and as you have found out, neither do you.
2006-08-07 17:10:34
answer #2
answered by johnb693 7
I know how this feels. Maybe you could get more busy with making new friends (not a good plan for myself but maybe for you), find new hobbies that occupy your time, get a pet, volunteer, spend time with family, read some great books, take some classes...there's lots of things. Good luck!
2006-08-07 17:10:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Stop trying to depend on someone else so much.Relationships are hard enough without putting undo pressure on someone.Learn to be your strong,independent self.Your boy friend fell in love with you,and who you are. Do not falter from being that person or he will find you to be someone else that he may not like at all
2006-08-07 17:11:02
answer #4
answered by merlyn-canaid 1
You need his affection and attention. and you will absolutely miss him if you go alone most of the time. One way is to get in groups, go out with friends, participate in activities, games and so on. a good intimate friend can be a good replacement when you are not with him.
2006-08-07 17:10:32
answer #5
answered by Sally 3
well it depends... does he love you enough to hang ouit bc if he dont then you dont deserve that. you deserve better and dont worry bc it sounds familair to my friend.. eventually hes gonna wanna hang out.. keep yourself occupies and go out with your girlfriends instead. but i say its beter to be single bcthats the best and only chance you get to be alone and free of fun and enjoyment. you can talk to anyguy you want to. but at the same ime youlove him of course but i suggest ..keep an eye on him becuase when i guy is too busy they might be busier than you think... ( have you ever seen the show cheaters)
2006-08-07 17:09:31
answer #6
answered by adamsgurl 2
Find a girl friend to go places with.
2006-08-07 17:06:05
answer #7
answered by Busy Lady 2010 7
explain to him that you need more of his attention.
2006-08-07 17:05:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous