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Yes? No? It doesn't matter what you say-----He is the savior. And nothing anyone will ever say or do will change that fact.

2006-08-07 08:52:38 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

amen to that

2006-08-07 08:56:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So it's a "FACT" that Jesus is the savior, huh? As one of the other posters mentions the Torah and Bible in his excellent rebuttal...He's too long winded though...Let me sum up as follows:

Jesus didn't die to save us from our sins...We sitll have sin today and the Jews are suffering living penance (that's how God {if there is one} is puinshing them--and why they are the "Chosen People") for the sins of humanity daily. Jesus wasn't Son of God because he couldn't have been killed and the whole crucificixion would have been pretend--a farse. Jesus isn't savior because if he were in fact savior (Messiah) humanity would have ceased to exist at one of two moments in time...at the time of his death on the cross...or at his resurrection...We would have all ascended or descended accordingly. That didn't happen. JESUS IS FALSE! PEACE!

2006-08-07 09:23:52 · answer #2 · answered by thebigm57 7 · 0 0

Was saving us the only reason He came? :) I think He accomplished much more than that. And I agree with you. I see it like this...denying the truth makes it no less true. Likewise, endorsing the false makes it no less false.

I believe the testimonies of the myriad witnesses who have personally experienced saving grace. I find it hard to believe the denials of those who didn't experience it. It's like denying the existence of Texas because you've never been there (here).

The evidence is undeniable by all but the irrational.


2006-08-07 09:01:33 · answer #3 · answered by Just David 5 · 0 0

OK, maybe you should stomp your foot next time. We get it, that is what you believe. A lot of people don't, suck it up and move on. Just because you believe something to be true doesn't make it true. A belief is believing is something with out the evidence of proof. A fact is simply a fact, it does not need someone to believe in it to be a fact. Fact is, you can not prove what you have just said, that is a fact.

2006-08-07 09:00:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


1. Scriptural References

In order to understand anything in the Torah one must look at the original Hebrew. You will see that the Christians distorted, changed and misinterpreted many of the Hebrew words in order to fit things into their beliefs. The two places that you mentioned are good examples. In Psalm 22:17 the Hebrew states "hikifuni ca'ari yaday veraglay" which means "they bound me (hikifuni) like a lion (ca-like ari-lion), my hands (yaday) and my feet (ve-and raglay-my feet). The Christians translate this as "they pierced my hands and feet". Nowhere in the entire Torah, Prophets and Writings do the words ca'ari or hikifuny mean anything remotely resembling "pierce".

In Isaiah 7:14 the Hebrew states "hinei ha'almah harah veyoledet ben" "behold (hineih) the young woman (ha - the almah- young woman) is pregnant (harah) and shall give birth (ve-and yoledet-shall give birth) to a son (ben)". The Christians translate this as "behold a virgin shall give birth." They have made two mistakes (probably deliberate) in the one verse. They mistranslate "ha" as "a" instead of "the". They mistranslate "almah" as "virgin", when in fact the Hebrew word for virgin is "betulah". Aside from the fact that if you read the context of that prediction you will see clearly that it is predicting an event that was supposed to happen and be seen by king Achaz who lived 700 years before Jesus!

2. Genealogy

He was not descended from the House of David. According to Jewish law, tribal identification comes from the father's side, being Jewish, from the mother's side. According to Matthew 1, Joseph was descended from David (Although there are many contradictions between his genealogy there and that listed in Luke, however according to the same text, Joseph did not have sexual relations with Mary, therefore Jesus was not related to Joseph, and not a descendant of King David.

Three answers to this problem are given in classic Christian sources:

1. The genealogy is that of Mary - This is inadequate, since if he is claimed to be the Jewish messiah, and according to Jewish tradition he must be descended on his father's side, Mary's genealogy is irrelevant.

2. He was adopted by Joseph -According to Jewish law, adoption does not change the status of the child. If an Israelite is adopted by a Cohen, (A descendant of Aaron the High Priest), the child does not become a Cohen, likewise if a descendant of David, adopts someone who is not, he does not become of the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David.

3. It doesn't matter, he was a spiritual inheritor of King David - If it doesn't matter, why do Christian scriptures spend time establishing his genealogical pedigree? And if he is claimed to be the Jewish messiah, then according to Jewish tradition it does matter!

3. Messianic Predictions

The main predictions concerning the Messiah are that he will bring peace to the world, gather the Jewish people from their exile to the land of Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. After Jesus' appearance, the Temple was destroyed, the Jews were exiled all over the world and we have not even had one day of peace in the past 2,000 years. (Many of the wars in fact were started and fought by followers of Jesus) These events are enough to show that he was not the messiah.

The main Christian responses to these objections are:

1. The Second Coming - First of all, we find this to be a contrived answer, since there is no mention of a second coming in the Jewish Bible. Second, why couldn't G-d accomplish His goals the first time round. Most importantly, the second coming idea is just an attempt at answering an obvious question but it certainly does not constitute proof of messianic claims.

2. There is peace within his followers hearts - That is wonderful for them, but does that help the victims of the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Hundred Years War, the First World War, the Second World War etc. In each of the events that I mentioned most if not all the combatants, the violent oppressors and torturers where people who claimed to be followers of Jesus. And is peace in the heart a fulfillment of "swords into plowshares etc."

4. Messiah's Qualifications

Messiah is a prophet, a scholar and a pious king. Jesus made a prediction that "The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand." (Mark 1:15) That was 2000 years ago, has the kingdom of God come? Do you call the holocaust, Pol Pot and Stalin a world in which the kingdom of God has come? Jesus was not a great scholar - one of the requirements of the Messiah. Was Jesus a king? He was not anointed as king by a prophet (as was the rule in Jewish kings), he was not appointed by any judicial body as a leader and he did not rule over the Jewish people nor was he accepted by them. He was arrested, tortured and killed by the Romans like a common criminal. He had no army or government. The answer to my question is an obvious, "no."
1. The Trinity

The Christian idea of a trinity contradicts the most basic tenet of Judaism - that G-d is One. Jews have declared their belief in a single unified G-d twice daily ever since the giving of the Torah at Sinai - almost two thousand years before Christianity.

The trinity suggests a three part deity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19).

In Jewish law, worship of a three-part god is considered idolatry; one of the three cardinal sins for which a person should rather give up his life than transgress. The idea of the trinity is absolutely incompatible with Judaism.

2. Physical Manifestation

Christianity believes that G-d came down to earth in human form, as Jesus said: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).

The Torah states that G-d cannot not take any form.:

"You will not be able to see My face, for no human can see my face and live" (Exodus 33:18-20)

"You did not see any form on the day G-d spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of fire" (Deuteronomy 4:15)

As little as we may know about G-d's nature, Judaism has always believed that G-d is Incorporeal, meaning that He assumes no physical form. G-d is Eternal, He is Infinite; above time and beyond space. He cannot be born, and cannot die.
Christianity denies the eternal relevance of Torah Law, basing the concept of the New Testament on a mistranslation of a verse in Jeremia.

In Jeremia 31:30 the Hebrew states: "Henei yamim baim Neum Hashem VeCharati Brit Chadash" They translate: "Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new Testament with the house of Israel "

"Brit" does not mean Testament. Throughout Scripture "Brit" means covenant. See for example Genesis 17:2, 15:18 Exodus 24:8, Leviticus 26:42, Numbers 25:12.

It is a fundamental principle of Judaism that the Torah received at Sinai will never be changed nor become obsolete. This concept is mentioned in the Torah no less than 24 times, with the words:

"This is an eternal law for all generations"

(Exodus 12:14, 12:17, 12:43, 27:21, 28:43, Leviticus 3:17, 7:36, 10:9, 16:29, 16:31, 16:34, 17:7, 23:14, 23:21, 23:31, 23:41, 24:3, Numbers 10:8, 15:15, 19:10, 19:21, 18:23, 35:29, Deuteronomy29:28)

It is absurd to accept the Divine origin of the Torah yet deny it's eternal relevance. Judaism is a religion of action; it has always taught that through performance of the commandments one declares the belief of the heart. To dispense with the legal body of the Torah and reduce it to a book of morals would cut it down to less than half it's size. Can this really be the meaning of those words an eternal law for all generations?

2006-08-07 08:57:17 · answer #5 · answered by Quantrill 7 · 0 0

Look hon, I know that you're adopted, and you just found out that your mama was a crack ho, and that you don't know who your real daddy is.

But jesus, give your mom a break! Give yourself time to heal before you go exploding like a squashed bug all over the internet.

You may want to consider counseling. I'm pretty sure that there are therapists who specialize in adopted children. That's probably your biggest issue; leave the drug issues for later.

2006-08-07 08:58:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If he is the Savior then how come after he was crucified he got resurrected. wasn't the whole point that he gets killed in order to save the sins of human. well how is that true if he is alive now

2006-08-07 08:58:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

But how can you establish that as a "fact"? What experiment can I perform today to establish any credibility for your claim? You believe it as a fact because you were brought up to believe it, not because you ever, so much as once in your entire life, saw any evidence that it was so.

2006-08-07 08:58:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus Christ was not the son of the god ... Do gods have sons .lol ?

He was just a good person.

2006-08-07 09:00:39 · answer #9 · answered by Alpha-Male 1 · 0 0

first thing jesus is not son of god, he is a prophet like all the other prophets for example adam did not have a father or mother does that make god his father, no i didnt think so

2006-08-07 08:59:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Of course he is, Sweetie. Now run along back to playing wiff your wittle Cwistian fwiends.

2006-08-07 08:57:37 · answer #11 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 0 0

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