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My fellows! You have doubtless seen here clear and convincing evidence that very few christians herein have any clue as what science is about.

Obviously, this does not bode well for the future of our nation. A nation of scientifically "illiterate" adults will not long prosper and, as witnessed here, will sink into a habitual mediocrity of thought.

What happened! America used to produce the western worlds best scientists.

Is this dumbing down of the populace the result of a faulty school system, curriculum and otherwise?

Or is this thinking the kind of mush that passes for"science" in the public schools these days?

2006-08-07 07:49:45 · 33 answers · asked by yosemitedude@sbcglobal.net 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I said PLEASE!

2006-08-07 08:06:32 · update #1

33 answers

It's only fair that you reveal your agenda. Come clean, now.... Are you a Jew?

2006-08-07 07:54:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

First Atheism has nothing to do with science. The definition is: One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods. We still produce the best scientist in the western world......we are the western world.

Check out the Christ Scientist....I'm not a Christian but you will find something interesting there. http://www.tfccs.com/ something that negates your comment. Just cause many scientist feel there is no god there are tons that do. The issue of schools not being progressive enough to teach more subjects than what is currently offered has to do with educational system being standardized to teach the masses the basics. I have seen if a student desires to excel they can take a higher path within our current educational system. That's on the kid and the kid’s parents though (another topic). Think about this also.....kids cannot really pray in school, think of the debates about religious activities in schools and how even our Pledge to the flag has been scrutinized and dismissed in most schools.....so has our school system failed us????? No, the teachers and parents have failed us!!!!

Last point, the science in schools is indeed lacking. It is an expensive area and most schools cannot afford to support large labs and the elements that are needed to fill them. It also doesn't bring in money like the football team does....

2006-08-07 09:41:07 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan B 2 · 0 0

I believe it's the result of three major influences.

First and foremost, widespread illiteracy that is three generations in the making. TV is a large part of this... people don't read, they get their 'information' from tv. People lack common knowledge as a result. Things that nearly every grownup knew fifty years ago are lost on what we call modern adults. The tv floods the senses with endless trivia, distraction, lies and misinformation and it is all infinitely more alluring than things you might have to think about to understand.

The second enabler is the badly drawn curricula of public schools. Unless you are very lucky, any interest in science will be simply beaten out of you by the boring way it is all presented. I went to a good school, and still they couldn't really find a way to engage the kids. The schools also are victims of fundy parents complaining that their dear little kiddies are getting poisoned by science, and so the schools buckle under when the fundies demand equal time for their less than equal theories of reality.

But there is also this third thought, and it's a real head kicker. I believe that because of all the above, AND the toxins in our environment, people are actually just getting stupider. You see it in literature, music, movies and just general rude and inconsiderate behaviour everywhere. People are reverting to dull beast mode.

Now that's all pretty pessimistic I know, and I try to look for a silver lining. I know there are still plenty of bright young minds out there who might get into science and help us out of the rut.
But the truth is most science jobs are unappealing. You end up working for a megacorporation or the military, helping them with less than savory projects and lying a lot for them; or you go into academia, where you get payed to conduct one useless study after another.

So many of the scientific breakthroughs in our civilization's history were the result of lone wolf geniouses, who had the time and patronage to conduct experiments for idealistic reasons.

Nikolai Tesla once declared science dead with the beginning of the industrial age. Science, he said, that is not in the service of the betterment of the common man, is knowledge misapplied.

Tesla. Now there was an interesting man.

2006-08-07 08:07:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The school system. When I have to have a business letter dumbed down to 5th grade reading, it is a sad day. This has been happening for about 15 years now. It does not help with no child left behind. When then Texas Governor Bush got a report showing most 8th graders failing reading, math, science, etc - passing at the time was 70 - he signed into law LOWERING the passing grade to 65. Failures dropped.

I know science for me was a bore. I went to school in SC. It was 'if you do not want to learn, put your head on your desk'. Not really a good learning atmosphere. I have always been interested in science, but the teachers never did a good job of keeping me interested.

2006-08-07 08:02:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not just poor public schools...private (read: catholic/religious) schools can do away with anything they want, or teach pseudo-science like biblical theories, etc. Unfortunately, the public school systems have gone to crap thanks to right wing governments who are doing their best to remove public schools completely (i.e. GW Bush Crime Family) and left wing school "reforms" that care more about making sure everyone is happy and passes (social promotion) without caring about whether or not they've actually learned something. Ultimately, however, this falls on the cry-baby parents who whine and ***** if their baby actually flunks something, and then local school boards and administrators who don't stand up for their teachers. However, the parents usually just give up and pay to send their kids to private school.

Secondly, there is much dispair and fear in the world today, for many reasons (financial, health care, war, etc). Many people turn to religion and god in these climates. Which makes it even more dangerous. Logic and reason, the things that could solve some problems instead of leaving it to a "higher power", are pushed aside as unimportant, either through true ignorance or "righteous indignation".

Have a nice day!

2006-08-07 08:00:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That doesn't just pertain to atheists, that affects all non-christians. Non-Christian is not necessarily atheist.

But that is a very good point. I think the dumbing down has to do more with pop culture having more to do with raising kids than a lot of parents. What do we expect is going to happen when 13 year olds see sex in the media constantly and have zero to no parental supervision. However, I've never been to a school that was not allowed to teach evolution, so superstitious religious beliefs could possibly be more at fault than I realize.

2006-08-07 07:58:44 · answer #6 · answered by Allison L 6 · 0 0

Society as a whole tends not to think, but rather accept what is given to them as truth without research or thinking for themselves. Why, just the other day I heard a commercial on the radio warning people that if they are in a lightning storm they should get out of their cars and hit the dirt away from tall objects. These are the type of people that refuse to do research and think for themselves. Cars, are grounded, therefore the lightning would travel around the car into the ground in a lightning storm.

Yet, rather than do research to figure this out (which myself, and my atheist friend knew instantly) they will nod and go "Okay, next time I am in a lightning storm, that's what I'm doing."

So in general, they've been handed information, and it is much simpler to accept the information as truth, rather than question it and investigate to confirm the truth because really that just takes too much time doesn't it?

2006-08-07 07:59:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I dunno.
No just kidding. I think if you asked this question over in the "education"section you would hear from teachers who just feel it's too much trouble to really teach about evolution. All you need is one Fundy kid with parents with too much time on their hands and you've got a headline news story ready to happen.
The school board never supports these teachers. They usually snap like twigs. For what we pay teachers are we surprised this happens?
Oh the reason why we had all the top scientist for a while is they were Jews on the run from Hitler. If we make this a "Christian Nation" and all those Baddest Asian kids who murder the math SATs and clog up AP physics head for Canada, it will only be Justice

2006-08-07 08:09:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Schools are failing because Education doesn't seem to be the focus of the United States of America, not because of Religion. School and Religion should be separate, just like Government and Religion should be (granted they haven't been successful at separating them yet have they?)

Christianity (at least the one I'm part of) has no beef with science, we just don't agree with Evolution, and believe in God. Other than that Science is great, and was my favorite subject growing up. You do know that science encompasses more than just evolution don't you?

2006-08-07 07:59:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should be aware than not all religions are in conflict with Science. Depsite the well known and oft misused word "Judeo-Christian." Judaism adheres to science and believers have no conflict with evolution. This, among many other reasons is why the two should not be used in conjunction with one another. Science and this religion in particular both place great emphasis on numbers. Also, not trying to belittle whatsoever, are you aware of the difference between atheists and agnostics?

2006-08-07 07:53:48 · answer #10 · answered by tharedhead ((debajo del ombú)) 5 · 0 0

Atheist here

The most powerful man in the world is an evangelical christian.

George Bush's recent veto of a bill for government funded stem cell research shows where our country is heading and it scares the s*** out of me.

Next thing you know we'll be jailing scientists for their theories like the inquisition did to galileo. I know (hope) that will not happen.

Living in reality, I realize that an atheist will not, in my lifetime, become president. What we need to make sure of is that we at least elect a less fanatical theist, like a catholic, or baptist. Someone more liberal or at least moderate.

Our public schools do need to improve, but that does not include the addition of creationism. Intelligent design is just "government endorsed religion" in sheeps clothing.

2006-08-07 08:16:54 · answer #11 · answered by downdrain 4 · 0 0

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