1st off. I am a Christian.
Alot of Christians, or people beleiving in a planned design, are hard nosed to the idea of aliens. But why?
There are (supposedly) billions of galexys with billions of planets and millions of other suns and solar systems, all hidden by the great vastness of space, but at least we know that their out there. So with all these billions of planets and suns and systems, there is bound to be AT LEAST one other planet that is suitible for life as earth is.
In this instance there is more proof to suggest that aliens exist than to suggest that God exists. But we still beleive in God by faith and by our spirit.
Also, the Bible doesn't mention any thing about other races or other places other than heaven and earth. But why should it? If it doesn't concern us or our salvation, why should the Bible include, any material concerning alien lifes?
If we are still finding animals and species of animals that have never been seen before on this planet, imagine how infinite the universe must be. We havn't even finished discovering our own home!
Good Question.
2006-08-07 08:04:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sure there's life elsewhere in the universe. The Bible said so in Gen 2:1: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." KJV
The host of "THEM"!! Not just the host upon earth (animals and man), but the host throughout the heavens!
Didn't you read that there were "sons of God" that violated the dominion of Adam after the fall?:
Gen 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. KJV
There's life elsewhere in the universe, we just don't encounter them very often.
It's a forgone conclusion that the ones that weren't swept into Satan's rebellion honor the dominion of Adam, and don't violate it even though corporate Adam (us) are in a fallen state.
The ones who are in league with Satan have interfered and may meddle at some point in the future as well.
You must consider that not all planets are like earth. Much of the life may not be able to tolerate conditions on our planet. We have an atmosphere rich in oxygen, a very corrupting element!
Look at the myriad life on this planet alone! Life elsewhere in the universe is probably way different, possibly even living within, not on the surface of their worlds.
2006-08-07 08:05:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"If you believe God created all things, do you also believe in alien life elsewhere?"
I noticed a few denying it, but I have to disagree with them. I believe that it's in His nature to create.
If I were to look into the Bible for evidence, I would start in Ezekiel 1.
There is something there that defies the description of any angel or human. If it was a machine made by God, it apparently had a life in it ( verse 14) .
I would not limit God to making what we can see, and angels only.
2006-08-07 08:30:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Anyone that doesn't believe in life elsewhere in the universe hasn't done the math.
In the Milky Way galaxy alone there are hundreds of billions of stars just like ours. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies throught the observable universe. That means that for every grain of sand on every beach on this entire planet, there are a million stars in the observable universe.
What does the Creator do if not create? Take a close look at his creation and use your common sense.
2006-08-07 07:55:59
answer #4
answered by Elmer R 4
I've answered a similar questiona nd will answer again.
I think it is possible that life exists elsewhere, after all God never said he didn't create others.
Look at the Bible where "chariots of fire" are mentioned. Chariots of fire coming from the sky or ascending from the heavens.
A chariot was the only the only known "vehicle" in those times.
Of course, electricity was not discovered yet. So fire would be used to describe lights.
Could "chariot of fire" be considered a UFO or "vehicle" with electric lights?
I think it may be a possibility.
2006-08-07 08:06:49
answer #5
answered by Nep-Tunes 6
I am agnostic, I do not believe anything that I can't see. I think that it is possible, and that is a fact. It is possible that alien life could be out there with the data that we have today. There was a time that people thought that stars were the pin holes in the curtain of night, put there for our amusment.
2006-08-07 07:49:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Since i don't feel I can prove the non existence of god, how could I be certain there were no other lifeforms in the universe. Genesis' first line in hebrew actually reads: "In A beginning..." rather than 'In THE beginning', therefore, that could bring up the likely possibility of many beginnings and many life forms. Can we really be so sure of anything?
2006-08-07 07:50:34
answer #7
answered by tharedhead ((debajo del ombú)) 5
Yes I do! I don't believe He would make all those planets & stars & moons & suns for nothing!
I have seen UFO's & possibly my whole family was abducted in 1964.
There were other witnesses to UFO's & alien beings in their own yards the next day.
2006-08-07 07:51:25
answer #8
answered by Frogmama 4
I think it is quite arrogant of us to think that life only exists on this planet, and doesn't it make God a far more wonderful being if he created other worlds and other beings?
2006-08-07 07:54:29
answer #9
answered by anna21 2
No. Read the book or watch the film The privileged planet : how our place in the cosmos is designed for discovery. It was actually written by a scientist who is not a Christian.
2006-08-07 07:49:32
answer #10
answered by Seeking answers in Him 3