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21 answers

Just Do It!

2006-08-07 02:45:25 · answer #1 · answered by alancl1 3 · 0 2

The path was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking other out of the way, but i recovered and said to myself, " Its a slip and not a fall"... By Abraham Lincoln after losing a senate race... next He Became the President of Unites States of America

2006-08-07 14:04:10 · answer #2 · answered by joe 2 · 0 0

"Persistance over resistence equals success"

Remember also, according to Rev. Charles Swindoll, "that life is 10 % what happens to us and 90 % how we respond, and we should respond with the only thing we are in control of --- our attitude". Be accountable for your actions. Don't blame others or luck or fate. The choice is yours.

2006-08-07 09:50:56 · answer #3 · answered by happytrails2_u 1 · 0 0

ya first u should hav a strong dream
if u hav it check whether u can achieve it
then give it timeboundedness( u will achieve it in this day..)
then work to fulfill it.
about quotes
a work well begun is half done
a journey of thousand miles start with a footstep.
where there is a will, there is a way
best wishes

2006-08-07 09:51:26 · answer #4 · answered by swift 2 · 0 0

fall 7 times, stand up 8

2006-08-07 09:48:29 · answer #5 · answered by Makisha 4 · 0 0

“Success is a journey, not a destination.”

“Success is getting what you want; happiness- wanting what you get”

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.”

“Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.”

“You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started”

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”

2006-08-07 15:48:58 · answer #6 · answered by ••Mott•• 6 · 0 0

Jack Canfield: "Winners are those people who make a habit of doing the things that losers are uncomfortable doing."

2006-08-07 09:50:10 · answer #7 · answered by LindaLou 7 · 0 0

"The price of success is hardwork,dedication to the job at hand,and the determination that whether we win or lose,we have applied the BEST of ourselves to the task at hand-Vince Lombardi.

2006-08-07 09:59:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Joseph Campbel says "Follow your bliss"

2006-08-07 14:11:40 · answer #9 · answered by Queen of Cards 4 · 0 0

2 be a successful business man all u need 2 give is---------------all u have.

2006-08-07 10:00:29 · answer #10 · answered by hi there 2 · 0 0

Follow your dreams... fulfill your desires

2006-08-07 09:44:08 · answer #11 · answered by erohit 2 · 0 0

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