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4 answers

I was born in Windsor and went to high school there. I left town for university because it didn't have a good reputation. For law it was known as last chance u. My older sister went there for undergrad - as far as I'm concerned she thought it was ok, not great.

As for that comment about Windsor being a dirty city, maybe you are referring to downtown where alot of the bars are and east Windsor. Otherwise places like south Windsor and the outlying areas near the airport and various shopping areas are quite clean and tidy.

2006-08-07 13:39:56 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Mysterio 4 · 0 0

Windsor University Law School

2016-12-17 16:20:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The University of Windsor (401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON Canada N9B 3P4) is a mid-sized, comprehensive, publicly-supported university in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. It is Canada's southern most university, and its campus is tucked beside and beneath the Ambassador Bridge, as well as long the Detroit River. The University of Windsor has a student body of approximately 12,000 full-time students and 3,800 part-time students. Located in Canada's traditional "automotive capital" across the border from Detroit, it has undergraduate faculties in Arts & Social Science, Education, Engineering, Human Kinetics, Nursing, and Science. Windsor also has a professional faculty in Law, one of six in Ontario, as well as a Graduate Studies faculty. The campus covers 51 hectares (125 acres), boasts more than 140 undergraduate and graduate programs across the faculties and offers nine cooperative education programs for 1,100 students. More than 80,000 individuals around the world call the University of Windsor their alma mater.

2006-08-06 23:48:03 · answer #3 · answered by JJ 4 · 0 0

I've actually never been to University of Windsor, but I hear Windsor is a really dirty city (I'm from Ontario, Canada).

That being said, I intend to go to University of Windsor if that is the only law school that will accept me - LOL!

(I go to University of Guelph - Guelph, Ontario but am on exchange in Keele, UK)

2006-08-07 00:09:36 · answer #4 · answered by Miranda 2 · 0 0

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