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I'm getting a tatoo next week, and wondered if anyone here had any good ideas, I already have the idea for the tatoo I want, I'm designing it now, but I'd still like to hear your ideas...

2006-08-06 23:27:02 · 48 answers · asked by abebibobub2003 3 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

originality is the main thing for me.

2006-08-06 23:34:58 · update #1

I know it sounds stupid, but a tatoo will help me in the profession I've chosen.

2006-08-06 23:36:55 · update #2

48 answers

Take your time and don't rush into anything.
Remember it is for life i have several tattoo's and am getting more work within the next month once i have perfected the design.
Get to know your artist and listen to their ideas as well as they have your best interests in mind.
To those who have their negative opinions about tattoos why try and talk someone out of it, is it not better to give helpful advice rather than a "don't do it" attitude. If you do not like tattoo's that is fine and your opinion but please don't force your own issues onto other people.
If he feels he has made a mistake after getting it then at least it is his mistake not someone elses.
With all the tolerance today and the barriers that people have worked so hard to break down and the stigmas that our generation have managed to defy i can't believe that there are people out there that still think so archaically.

2006-08-07 01:05:12 · answer #1 · answered by illstealyourthunder 3 · 2 1

All I can tell you is don't get something that might look foolish on you when you're 65! Also never follow a trend; a tatoo is representative of your uniqueness not to be like others.Names of people are also not recommended . Get something that you know you are sure to like even in 20 years and make sure the tatoo artist is good. Check out his portfolio.

2006-08-06 23:36:35 · answer #2 · answered by Sherluck 6 · 0 0

Well, what's your idea? Then we can work off of that. I'll tell you things NOT to do (cuzz they're just too trendy or a horrible idea). Do NOT: get tribal tattoos, a tree, a real heart, a nautical star, Jack Skellington, or a colorful sparrow. I would DO something that means a lot to you so when you're 80 and you've lost your mind you can look at your tattoo and remember something that means a lot to you or something that holds a lot of significance. In terms of placement on the sides of your torso or the underside of your arm is a good place. They're just really painful places. Good luck and I hope that you love it!

2006-08-07 19:15:44 · answer #3 · answered by KiKi Jo 2 · 0 0

The only advice I can think to give you is to tell you to have someone draw it on you in the place you want it with permanent ink markers first (it WILL come off) and live with it for a little while BEFORE you make it permanent. Even if you have to redraw it every other day for a while.
I never could understand why people don't do this, as it can save a lot of regrets or really make you sure that it IS indeed what you want.
Good luck!

2006-08-06 23:34:27 · answer #4 · answered by mm 2 · 0 0

If you are getting a tatoo make sure that you like the design as you will have to live with this for the rest of your life.

Also be aware that if you have tatoos that are highly visable it may affect your job chances in the future, as they can be frowned upon, especially in certain jobs that require customer contact.

I have 2 tatoos on my lower back - a dragon and a pheonix, which means that I can display them if I want, but I can also cover them up for work.

2006-08-06 23:33:35 · answer #5 · answered by stigy_dog 3 · 0 0

Sorry love, my idea would be DON'T DO IT! They are cheap and common, not cool anymore, everyone has them and they just don't look sexy at all.

If you are absolutely determined to go ahead then please go for something subtle in a place where it isn't always on display (hip, lower back maybe, just above the little toe is cute). When it comes to formal wear, or a wedding, nothing looks worse than a lovely pretty dress with a tattoo showing - awful!

Well my lovely, you did ask!!

2006-08-06 23:34:40 · answer #6 · answered by peggy*moo 5 · 0 0

If you don't know what you want don't do it. Go for a S&M session instead if you just want to endure some temporary pain without the side effect of being branded with something that you will regret later on. Sorry if I soudn like your parent but arn't you already beautiful?

2006-08-06 23:34:58 · answer #7 · answered by Frank M 3 · 0 0

Don't think anyone has said this yet, how about something Celtic. You can get loads of great celtic designs such as a cross, trinity, shamrock and my fav is celtic bands. If you're designing your own you could type in celtic tatto in yahoo search and select the image tab then get some inspiration from all the images cause we all have our own taste. Good luck from the Irish!!

2006-08-07 22:38:02 · answer #8 · answered by ♥ Miss Sausage ♥ 5 · 0 0

Think about it, When you get old the tatoo will grow old with you. Its rank a saggy tatoo is never a turn on, you sure you want to have it for the rest of your life!

2006-08-06 23:56:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You could be a rebel a not get one!

You would be just scarring yourself. And don't they look attractive on older people when they become blue-green-grey smudges on old, stretched skin. Lovely!

My girlfriend wanted one about 10 years ago. She's so glad now that she didn't.

2006-08-06 23:33:25 · answer #10 · answered by Al 2 · 0 0

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