Mine started teething at about 3 months... Lots of drooling! (no teeth until 10 months though)
If she's not drooling, she may just be hungry. Are you nursing her every 3 hours? Is her weight gain adequate? They go through growth spurts where they'll want to nurse round the clock. If she seems to be okay after nursing, then it's hunger. If you feel like she's always on the boob... give it some time. It'll slow down again.
If that's not the case, check her temperature and make sure she's not feeling warm. If you still feel at a loss, take her in for a checkup. It can't hurt to have her pediatrician look her over just to be on the safe side.
I took my son in for every fart & fiddle the first few months. Being a new mom, I didn't know what to expect... and really didn't trust the advice of older family members. They're remedies were a bit arcaic for my liking. In the end, it only makes you stronger the knowledge you pick up by worrying... and talking to the doctors.
2006-08-06 16:47:40
answer #1
answered by VixenMom 3
Teething can begin in infants as young as 2 months even though the first tooth usually does not appear until about age 6 months. Usually the first tooth to erupt is one in the front. As the tooth penetrates the gums, the area of the gums may become inflamed and sensitive. The gums may appear slightly red or swollen over the tooth. Sometimes, a fluid-filled area may be seen over the erupting tooth.
Many children have little or no problem with teething, while others may have significant discomfort. Usually the pain with teething comes and goes and may seem to ease after several minutes.
Teething may cause the following symptoms:
Increased drooling
Restless or decreased sleeping
Refusal of food
Fussiness that comes and goes
Bringing the hands to the mouth
Mild rash around the mouth
Teething has not been shown to cause the following:
Prolonged fussiness
Rashes on the body
Because teething is so common and other symptoms such as fever, fussiness, and diarrhea are common, they often occur at the same time. Teething may not be causing these symptoms. Other illnesses or disorders are much more likely to be causing fever, fussiness, and diarrhea. It is important to contact your doctor if these or other symptoms seem concerning to you. Do not assume that they are just from the teething.
Teething should not require emergency care. If there is concern, however, that something other than teething may be causing symptoms, contact a physician.
By the way, I was told by my childrens doctor that fever, diahrrhea are not from teething, they are from an illness. call her doctor or see who is on call. Maybe you have something wrong with your breastmilk-something you eat could be making her fussy, or you could have thrush or an infection in your breasts making them hard and swollen which makes the milk leak out kinda fast but when the baby nurses it comes out kinda slow. Good luck
2006-08-06 23:59:02
answer #2
answered by ? 3
It's more likely to be a growth spurt. Babies have a growth spurt on average at 3 and 6 weeks and 3 and 6 months old, but every baby is different. If she nurses frequently for 3-4 days, then seems okay, it was probably just a growth spurt. If it continues and increases in intensity until a tooth pops out, then it was teething. Babies typically get the first tooth between 5 and 12 months old, but some babies seem to have teething pain for several months before.
2006-08-07 04:12:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
2 1/2 months of age is too soon to be teething. Babies start teething around 4-6 months, some as late as 7-9 months. Offer her a pacifier to help soothe her when she's fussy. Play soft music for her, like classical or relaxation music. Rock her while sitting. Talk softly or whisper in her ear.
2006-08-06 23:18:20
answer #4
answered by Belle 6
Probably not teething. She is probably having a growth spurt. During this time she will nurse a lot bordering on constantly because you are not giving her enought milk. Her nursing will bring in more and all is well. It happens several times before they are six months old. Natures supply and demand chain, isnt it beautiful. I LOVE BREASTFEEDING totally normal dont worry. if you are concerned call your LLL or doc. also when teething a lot of babies wont nurse, they dont usually nurse more. Pick up, "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" all my questions and concerns were answered in there. also my mom breastfeed me so I had her on hand.
2006-08-06 23:20:06
answer #5
answered by ushabug 2
they usually keep biting...
10 weeks it is probably more just being unsettled or overtired or something... i wouldnt guess teething... i wasted 9 months of my life thinking my son was teething and trying to sooth his gums ...
they sometimes just get selfish and like to just hang of you becasue tehy can... sometimes you just have to try and break the habit
just get them off you and sooth in other ways if you know there is no way they are hungry
also she may be gettingfrustrated on your breast as not enough milk is coming out than she would like... she make need a top up feed
it is so hard to say online but maybe try these out to eliminate them
- overtired
- wind
- not enough milk
- they like too
- like sucking (maybe try a dummy)
- thirsty (boiled water)
teething would be the last thing i would worry about at this age
i remember this all too well lol
2006-08-06 23:26:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's probably not teething. She could need another distraction. Perhaps a little play time. If you are sure she isn't wet or cold or hungry, she could just be going through a fussy period and needs to learn to comfort herself. It's hard to let her cry but she isn't to young to learn.
I've had lots of experience with babies. I'm the mom of two and the third child of eleven.
2006-08-06 23:45:52
answer #7
answered by knittinmama 7
It sounds more like she has an ear infection. They will be more needy when this happens. But, if she is teething, there will be definite bumps on her gums where the teeth are pushing through. If these bumps are not there, and really evident, then please take her to the doctor and have her ears checked. Ear aches are quite painful in babies, and if untreated can cause permanent damage.
2006-08-06 23:22:30
answer #8
answered by jmiller 5
Ah, yeah, it sure sounds like it. My daughter started teething around the same time too. Give her a little tylenol and a pacifier or a teething ring to chew on :)
2006-08-06 23:39:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
she might be having a growth spurt if all she wants to do in nurse. Also some babies do teeth this early (few do) but it is possible
2006-08-07 00:33:22
answer #10
answered by Big Daddy R 7