I have nursed on planes and buses many times. I didn't do anything special--just pull up my shirt and nurse! I rarely got any comments, except for an occasional "You had your baby there the whole time?! I had no idea!!" when getting off an 11-hour flight.
You didn't say where you live, but if you are in the US, breastfeeding is legal in public in *all* locations. In some states or cities, there are specific penalties for refusing to "let" a mother nurse her baby. If you are traveling to or through more than one state, you may want to look up the law in each one. See sources section below for details. Then you can quote the specific law to anyone who harasses you.
I do *not* on basic principle put a blanket over my baby's face while nursing. She wouldn't stand for it (I don't blame her!!), and I object to the whole idea anyway. The *only* people whose faces are covered in public are those who are dead. That is not an example I choose to follow for the life-giving act of breastfeeding. It is *disgusting* to even suggest it.
2006-08-06 21:17:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm a mother and grandmother and I have no problems with a mother breastfeeding her child in public IF it's done discreetly and with no fanfare. I think you're doing it the right way--covering up so unless someone is staring at you no one should even be aware of what you are doing. My daughter-in-law is also breastfeeding and she puts the blanket over her shoulder and the baby before lifting up her shirt and bra. There's no way you can tell what she's doing. It is a natural act--you don't see animals with baby bottles feeding their young--but some people are going to protest no matter how careful you are.
You might want to see if there is some place you can sit (perhaps in another car) where there is more privacy when it is time to nurse. If not, maybe you could turn in your seat towards the window where it would be even less noticeable.
I don't know of any rules--you might want to call the number where you made your reservation and ask them if there are any restrictions--or if there is a quieter place you could go.
As I said, someone is bound to complain, but you'll find that anywhere. Be polite, maintain your cool, and if they say something rude, respond with something like, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm sure you want my daughter to get the best start in life that I can provide her." or words to that effect. Just don't get upset because you know that's not good for your milk supply or the baby.
Good luck and enjoy your trip.
2006-08-06 16:02:25
answer #2
answered by goldie 6
OK. I'm a self proclaimed expert on this! You have every right to nurse your baby in public. I'm not an activist or anything, but the kid has got to eat, right?! Call ahead to ask for suggestions or ask when you board if there is a private area you can use, not the bathroom, they will probally try to find you a good spot. Then ask if you are free to go there as needed. If you're lucky, there may be a designated area or a private lounge. If not, maybe there's an empty row of seats you can use. Worst case scenario, do like you always do and cover best you can in your own seat.
If anyone gets offended, ignore them. Just don't flash your boobies. Maybe if they complain you could be asked to move to a more discreet area where you'd be more comfortable anyways.
Are you traveling across states? You may be able to find out online if your state or the states you are traveling through have laws protecting women's rights breastfeed in public. Check out La Leache League (sp?) So if needed, you can be armed with the facts.
Good luck and don't feel badly about feeding your baby in public.
2006-08-06 16:02:41
answer #3
answered by mommaof4 2
I nursed my daughter until she was 27 months. My son is 15 months and still going strong. I nurse in public all the time.
My two best pieces of advice for doing this in an enclosed space (I've never done a train, but I've done a plane many times) are:
1) If you can, sit on the inside by the window. If your husband is with you, have him sit at the aisle. You will feel more comfortable if you aren't on the aisle, and it also limits the chances that baby will kick someone other than your husband.
2) Get baby latched on and then look around with a smile of confidence on your face. You'd be amazed how many people won't notice or care. What draws attention isn't the nursing, it's the sneaky look of guilt many women wear when you're nursing.
Remember, everyone will see far more breast on a Hooters ad or on TV than they will while you're nursing your baby, and what you are doing is absolutely and positively the very best for your little one.
Good luck!
2006-08-06 15:54:47
answer #4
answered by PrincipalNZF 2
If you need to nurse, then do so... but you can be discreet about it. I know in close quarters it can be difficult, but just draping a blanket over your shoulder will be enough. You could try getting a window seat so that you don't have eyes on both sides. If you're traveling with a companion, have them sit next to you so that they can provide some privacy. As long as you make an effort to cover up... tells people that you are conscientious. If anyone gets offended by what you're doing... that's their problem! I just recently had to fly, and nursed my son both ways. My return flight became a nightmare and I was on the plane for 14 hours. I made every effort to be discreet, but did not deviate from nursing simply because I had no where to go.
Some years ago, I was on a train at rush hour 7:30 am(mass transit), and a woman sitting down just flopped out her boob and began nursing her baby. Though she had a blanket on her lap, she made no effort to cover up... and I mean she just whipped out her tit, blue veins and all! This on a train with 200+ people packed like sardines. I call that blatant disregard for everyone else. Though it's her right, there's no need to be crude about it.
I have nursed my son in restaurants, in parks, the mall... and I've never felt uncomfortable because I knew that I was doing my best to be considerate... yet providing for my child.
2006-08-06 16:23:53
answer #5
answered by VixenMom 3
I too have breastfed my babies and yes it is annoying with all the stares and attention people give you. I myself would cover myself up. Not really so much for other people but for respect for myself and my child. It is natural and one of the best bonds with a mother and baby. I would just lift the blanket away from the babies face so air could get in if the baby was getting to hot. I think if are covered up there shouldn't be to much stares but if you are not covered up then yes expect a whole lot of stares.
2006-08-06 15:58:10
answer #6
answered by baby blue 1
I have breastfed two children and am on my third. When I was in the hosp. after having my first I was in my room and had some company but needed to feed my child. so I did, but used a blanket to cover up. After a couple of min. i checked on the baby and she was blue!!!!! Her nose was against my breast and she was not breathing. So after that I decided that I could'nt give a crap what people thought or saw. So I breast feed whenever, where ever. In florida it is the law that where ever your children are allowed to be that its ok to bf. Also we are exempt from indesent exposure laws. So I say nurse away-and feel proud that you are making the right choice for your baby.
2006-08-07 04:30:22
answer #7
answered by megklins@verizon.net 2
From the perspective of a father of four, I got so used to it when my wife did it that I didn't even realize when other women were doing it. Those that are bothered tend to be those who have not breastfed children or been the spouses of those who breastfed children.
The most polite mothers will cover up with a light blanket. Don't feel bad about doing this. In most countries mothers don't cover up.
2006-08-06 15:55:14
answer #8
answered by chdoctor 5
I would contact the train company and check with them. More likely I would tell them that I need to breasfeed my child so that the conductor can be made aware of it should any narrow minded people get it in their head to complain about it. My wife had a perfect answer one time in a restaurant. When a gentleman at another table complained about my wife breastfeeding she calmly and politely told the gentleman that after watching him eat she was surprised that he would criticize anybody's eating habits. The shocked look and red face was priceless.
2006-08-06 15:56:09
answer #9
answered by Jim T 4
I don't have a problem with women breastfeeding in public as long as they are not just popping out without covering up. Take a poncho, shawl, blanket with you. When my son was at Children's Hospital in Seattle there was a woman walking around the cafeteria with her shirt pulled up and boobs hanging out and no blanket to cover herself or her child. That is wrong, especially if there are kids around.
2006-08-06 15:55:18
answer #10
answered by Ryan's mom 7