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Hi girls!
About a week and half before I get my period, I tend to eat soo much more than usual. I do put on extra weight but then then when i get my period and after, i go back to my normal eating habits. I hate then this happens! I feel much heavier and feel so down about it. Is there anything I can take to prevent my overeating or vitamins. Im currently not on the pill, could this help my overeating too?
Look forward to yr responses!


2006-08-06 14:19:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

5 answers

It probably has to do with many factors which will vary individually, and likely with a craving for carbs to increase hormone serotonin, (which is a "feel good" neurotransmitter), which is at lowest levels in women premenstually (late luteal phase). This is also associated with hormonal balance in general (specifically estrogen and progesterone), probably not related to serotonin alone as it tends to occur in women with greater PMS symptoms in general.
There are all kinds of claims about what helps women with PMS and a lot of really expensive vitamins and such out there that may or may not help. Different things work for different women. Some things I have seen work include the herb vitex, high quality daily fish oil/DHA, b-complex/magnesium/zinc, high-nutrient foods, regular exercise. If you try a supplement, get one that is high quality only and be consistent with taking it if you want to see changes Going for complex carbs instead of refined ones may also help lessen the cravings. And if you crave chocolate, get a little of something VERY GOOD rather than a lot of crappy choclate.
I personally would definitely think twice about going on the Pill for this reason, which could exacterbate the hormonal imbalance long term rather than help you body heal it.
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Good luck

2006-08-07 16:59:15 · answer #1 · answered by Faye 3 · 0 0

I have the same deal all the time too! Eating like I will never have access to food! But after my period starts, I eat less then normal. Just dont have as much appetite. :) SO I guess, it is normal. ;)

ps: I dont think pill will help, because I am on the pill-- still doing the same!

2006-08-06 15:16:11 · answer #2 · answered by Просто Я 3 · 0 0

Well, I do the same thing. I feel like I can't eat enough for the week before my period. But when mine starts I seem not eat very much for a few days, so it pretty much balances out for me. Good luck.

2006-08-06 14:34:03 · answer #3 · answered by Beth 5 · 0 0

That's a pretty normal pre-menstrual syndrome symptom. I do the same thing. It's normal. :)

2006-08-06 14:24:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It sucks, but it's perfectly normal. I do it too.

2006-08-06 16:19:04 · answer #5 · answered by Claire 3 · 0 0

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