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I have known my husband for 10 yrs.We were dating in college for 5 yrs then he dumped me for someone else who eventually got married to someone else.2 yrs back he was in the US and I went to see him and I dont know what happened we ended up getting married.My husband still is in love with his girlfirend .I spotted her photograph on his desktop and attimes he indirectly mentions how one cannot always marry the person they love.He is totally obssessed with her does not respect me or love me at all.on multiple occasions he has told me I am ugly,have cancer how my profession is the worst ever,the place where I work is horrible.he very obviously does not care two hoots about me.I have a 11 month old son .I am really confused.He says he married me not because he loved me but because he knew me very well.I dont want to be in marriage where there is no love no respect for each other,

2006-08-06 10:39:50 · 23 answers · asked by sanjm 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

23 answers

You make the ultimate decision, sounds like you already know what to do

2006-08-06 10:44:33 · answer #1 · answered by littlehuevo 3 · 1 0

Then you should have realized that from the Get - Go! If he had truly loved you he never would have went off and got involved with her in the first place! I think that you should tell him to hit the road!!!! It really disgust me when some one will do to another exactly what has been done to them! He should realize that if his ex-girlfriend had really loved him she would not have married some one else! And then he has the audacity to turn around and do the exact same thing to you, that she had already did to him earlier!!!! And I'm sorry, but what really takes the cake, is that you had accepted his proposal!!!!! I think that the two of you should really be ashamed of your selves! You had went ahead and married this man, even though you knew what you were getting yourself into!And then you turned around and ended up getting pregnant and having his baby, when the both of you knew all of the time that your marriage was never going to last anyway! You should just take your son and Leave your husband. Hasn't your son been through enough torment already?
Your son is still young, He should not have to pay for you & your husbands stupidity !!!! It would be very selfish of the both of you if you stayed together and you guys make him grow up in this type of Agony!!!!
Good Luck! I hope you will come to the right conclusion!!!!!

2006-08-06 19:10:45 · answer #2 · answered by bigred 4 · 0 0

You need to confront your husband on these issues and see if there is any other underlying issues that may be he is not telling you about. I am going through something similar to this only there was infidelty in my marriage because I was unhappy with the way my spouse was treating me. I have been with my spouse for ten years. If the only problem is his lack of respect for you and he is unwilling to work at your marriage. Then decide for yourself what is it that you need to do. A divided house will not stand. Make your decision while your child is still young.

2006-08-06 17:57:03 · answer #3 · answered by VON 2 · 0 0

i am first of all sorry to see you in this situation..
He needs to get over her but at the same time those things he is saying to you over a long period of time could hurt your self esteem. You could see if he wants to try to make things work and get couseling, and if not there is not alot you can do to heal the marriage. You also have your child to consider in this, and he will be watching how the daddy treats the mom and could very well repeat the whole ordeal. You are your sons teacher. So you have alot to worry about. it also sounds like the relationship means more to you then him, and you both have to be there.

2006-08-06 17:56:37 · answer #4 · answered by away right now 5 · 0 0

I'm not sure what you're waiting for or what you're asking here. You've pretty much said it all. He doesn't love you, doesn't even like you and flaunts another in front of you while denigrading your self esteem. You need a ride out of there or something? If you can't see the handwriting on the wall, maybe you should seek professional help for yourself. It's sad to say, but I think you need to read what you wrote. It's pretty powerful and all inclusive.

2006-08-06 17:47:59 · answer #5 · answered by J Somethingorother 6 · 0 0

If I was you I would leave him. The quicker you and your son get out of that kind of marriage the better off you are. And don't thank you cant find another man. There are a lot of nice guys out there that will love you and your son like he was his own. Have Faith.

2006-08-06 17:57:42 · answer #6 · answered by love to play spades 2 · 0 0

You already know the answer, I guess you just need someone else to say it. YES, you should leave him. He doesn't deserve you. Take your son and go. It can't be any worse somewhere else. He is a very vile sounding person, so I hope you go.

2006-08-06 17:46:04 · answer #7 · answered by doglady 5 · 0 0

How long have you been married? He sounds like some one that does not love or respect you. You should ask him point blank, does he want to be married to you. If he says no, then you should dump his *** and send him packing to that girl he really wants to be with.It is not healthy for your child to see his parents not respecting or even liking one another.
Why did you even marry him?
Good luck and let me know how it turns out

2006-08-06 17:50:33 · answer #8 · answered by bootsie69 1 · 0 0

He's already answered your question! Drop the guy; he's not worth it. When someone loves you; they would not be saying such things to you. Sounds like he wanted to play house for a while and now he's tired of it.

2006-08-06 17:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by mary c 3 · 0 0

Dump the slug. Don't let yourself be drug down by this bozo. Get a really good divorce lawyer and take him to the cleaners.

2006-08-06 17:52:30 · answer #10 · answered by karen wonderful 6 · 0 0

i think he's in a state of mis...illusion, he see's only what he's lost not what he has, some men dont take rejection well, he sounds like one of them men.. i dont want to sound awful... but maybe he married you to try and make her jealous...but it didnt work.... and you get the consequences for that.... maybe you need to show him that he is on the way to losing what he has .. for the sake of something he doesnt have.. and soon he'll end up with nothing... and realise when its too late...

2006-08-06 17:52:05 · answer #11 · answered by she wolf. 4 · 0 0

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