Okay, I'm not going to down talk you because that's not what you need right now. From experience, I lost my virginity at 15. I didn't love him though. If the two of you are really in love and getting married(wow) then wait until your wedding night and make it that more special for the two of you. You sound so grown up for your age, so make a mature decision.
My oldest is only 10, but I would support him in whatever he thought was truly right for him.
I don't think you are trailer trash, just really mature for your age.
Wait until you are husband and wife, and that will mean so much more to the both of you.
I wish I had waited for my husband if I could do it all over again.
Good luck to the both of you. May you both beat the statistics of divorce due to marrying young. (My husband and I have for 10 yrs now). Congratulations on your marriage, and keep on thinking with a clear head, it will get you far in life. Best wishes.
Everyone above me, YOU SUCK! Leave the guy alone, he has already shown more maturity than all of you put together. You all need to get a life.
2006-08-06 10:33:24
answer #1
answered by ~SSIRREN~ 6
Unlike some of these other people I actually read your other question.
I understand not having sex yet, to a point, but remember that you are married now and it is okay. One of my friends got married at your age, of course the guy was also older and her parents signed for it. I say just let it happen if it's going to, use protection cause at your ages you DON'T and I say don't need children. I think if you're old enough to get married it's your business.
2006-08-06 10:34:36
answer #2
answered by banshee 4
Get A Divorce,She Touched You,Thats Gotta Be Grounds For One
2006-08-06 10:27:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Alright sonny boy, get a life. How is it you're married? IF you were then you'd be messing around day and night. get a life and go play some video games ask mommy for some quarters and go to the arcade.
2006-08-06 10:28:23
answer #4
answered by bella_mexicana_rellena 2
if i was married at 14 i would want to hold off of on the sex forawhile. but you're married and you want a phsyical relationship, try doing other sexual stuff, but really, do try and hold off on the sex yet, develope the relationship first.
best wishes
2006-08-06 10:36:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
as you are married and have your parents consent then well, just do it! (just wear a condom as i am sure you dont want any kidz yet!) sex is normal, you will have to start sometime, just do it
2006-08-06 10:27:27
answer #6
answered by livinia 4
#1 i don't believe you. #2 if you think you're old enough @ 14 to be married, then why are you asking such a stupid question?
2006-08-06 10:27:25
answer #7
answered by CA Girl 2
If your married have sex.
2006-08-06 10:26:27
answer #8
answered by Medical and Business Information 5
just do her you big fag! rent a porno and learn some moves u big loser
2006-08-06 10:30:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
put daddys dirty book away
2006-08-06 10:25:24
answer #10
answered by san_ann68 6