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bought an asus en6600gt pci express 128mb video card from ebay. just put it in and it froze my computer 3 times before and after installing the latest drivers from nvidia.

i have a 520w power supply and my computer has never froze before and stopped freezing once i removed the card

is this card bad?

2006-08-06 07:37:19 · 3 answers · asked by tracker 9000 1 in Computers & Internet Hardware Desktops

my computer doesnt have agp slots, 1 pci express 16 and some pci slots

2006-08-06 07:46:14 · update #1

3 answers

Check to see if you have the correct drivers. Or if your cpu is supported by the video card. I think they all are. Ne ways also check to see if you have put your graphics card on the correct speed, 16x. Because many agp graphics cards have different voltages than their motherboards so if you set it on agp 8x but its a different voltage, you could blow one or the other. PCI express should be no different.

2006-08-06 07:43:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Download the latest video card drivers from www.nvidia.com
2. You need to disable your onboard graphics card (if you have one).
3. UNINSTALL your drivers for your 6600gt card and reboot into safe mode.

Once rebooted in safe mode, check under "Device Manager" and then "Display Adapters"...if it still says that the 6600gt is there, uninstall it again, but DO NOT reboot. Install the updated drivers that you downloaded earlier and then reboot windows in normal mode.

NVIDIA drivers are extremely picky if there are any other video drivers installed, even if it is their own :(

2006-08-07 12:06:54 · answer #2 · answered by buffynbtvs2002 2 · 0 0

One possibility is that you installed the wrong drivers.
Did you make sure to disable on-board graphics?

2006-08-06 07:53:34 · answer #3 · answered by subdragonzero 3 · 0 0

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