The problem is the cost of living is based on two people earning a living, so the option to stay at home is taken away, unless the husband is earning a s*** load of money. I believe you should get help if you have worked and paid taxes, and the government should stop giving benefit to teenagers or anyone who have never done a days work but insist on having chlldren. If the cost of living wasn't so high in the first place, more mothers could stay at home, as the children would really benefit.
2006-08-06 10:46:52
answer #1
answered by Thia 6
I think it's great you want to stay at home to bring up your baby, I did it and it was a real struggle at first, but I don't regret a single minute. My kids are now 3 and 6 and I'm going back to work part time in September, but I'm so glad I had these years at home with them, you'll never get those early moments back.
And to all those people like 'Kitty' who think stay at home mums sit around all day, well you just try it and you'll soon see how tiring it is.
I don't know what I can say to help you financially, we were lucky that my husband got a better job and we managed to survivie financially. But I just wanted to say, good for you, as there have been a lot of negative posts on here which I find quite shocking. All the research shows that children thrive best when they have a parent with them at home for at least the first year.
Good for you and I really hope it works out for you.
2006-08-06 08:41:08
answer #2
answered by Jude 7
The government is not there to support people that are too inexperienced to earn a good living. Before you have children there should be a plan on how to care and provide for them. It is easier to open you legs and spit out a new life than work to give that life a good chance to be someone. The sooner you learn that the responsibility is Your and your partner the better you will be. I think mothers should be home with their children and I worked two jobs and overtime so my wife could be home with the children. Why can't your partner do that??
2006-08-06 07:39:03
answer #3
answered by mr conservative 5
Here in the U.S. the gap between the rich and poor will in most cases not allow the woman to stay home while the man works or the other way around these days but if you look back in the 50s and 60s and 70s the gap was closer and if one parent wanted to stay home they still had a living wage.
2006-08-06 07:47:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
smellyteddy says:
" I believe that the government should do more to let mothers stay at home with their child. If the mothers dont spend enough time with their child they can loose that special bond and it is never replacable. Mothers should only go back to work when their yongest child starts full time school as the early years of a child life are the most important and they learn how to act and behave from the people they are around. would you really want some one else teaching your child how to behave.
2006-08-06 07:39:37
answer #5
answered by Smellyteddy 3
With 7 billion people on the planet, no one needs to have children to ensure the survival of the species. In this day and age, having children is a choice.
If someone makes the choice to have a child, they need to be prepared to care for that child. If that means both parents have to work, then both parents need to work. The alternative is to wait until their financial situation allows one of them to quit while the child is young.
"The government" actually means "the taxpayers." It is unfair and unrealistic to expect others to pay for a person to stay home with a child they cannot afford to have. Far too many people abuse assistance programs as it is.
2006-08-06 09:47:20
answer #6
answered by functionary01 4
No I think the government should do more to get woman off their butts and out of the bedroom making babies and out in the workforce so that they can make a living and help support the household to bring the average American family out of poverty.
If woman want equal rights than show the rest of the country that you are sincere ,grab your briefcase and start singing Taking Care of Business while you are on your to work in the morning just like the male species that you woman like to make fun of and ridicule all the time.
I think that every woman who does not work should be penalized a stay at home tax and have that added on to your taxes at the end of the year,so you can get off your fat butt,stop listening to Oprah,or whatever is on during the daytime tv,( I wouldn't know I work),and start earning your keep in society instead of depending on Men,and then bashing them in the courtrooms whenever you get the chance just because you feel like changing partners.
I am sick and tired of the double standards that the johnny do gooders of this great USA try to shove down our throats.I am tired of watching my tax dollars being spent by lazy no good baby makers that sit home all day and do nothing except wait for their welfare check which rewards woman to be a baby making machine.
Maybe they should restrict children to 2 per household,and start a sterilization program for woman after 2 children,this would save the taxpayers of this country millions of dollars and save ex husbands of this country millions of dollars in child support monies.
My peace said for the day ..thanks for asking this question.
2006-08-06 07:45:07
answer #7
answered by Dfirefox 6
I feel people should take responsibility for themselves and not look to the government. Government "benefits" come from other taxpayers. Why should one family be paying to support another? People make decisions and should accept their choices.
Consider having your husband get a second part-time job or come up with a way for you to earn some extra money working at home.
2006-08-06 07:34:37
answer #8
answered by Plasmapuppy 7
I stayed at home with my children until they started full time school and then got a job working in the school kitchens,that way your off when the children are off,i know the wages aren't brilliant but at least I was there for them instead of having someone to look after them.Maybe you could look into claiming child tax credit.I know that doesn't answer your quetion but felt like sharing it with you.
2006-08-06 07:42:40
answer #9
answered by bobcat 3
No, banking should be gold-based...therefore a woman or man could stay home and raise their child, given inflation wouldn't have it's destructive powers (in most cases).
Note: I understand your currency still has power, but like another inflation slowly kills savings, and wages.
Refer to America in the 50's and early 60's...there was no need for women to work. Inflation and culture brought that would be better if you could do such...for your child.
2006-08-06 07:43:58
answer #10
answered by Rick 4