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I used to have a close friend. We fell out, badly, & for some time she made my life hell, saying things about me, shouting at me, accusing me of all sorts. We had both done wrong. I decided to stay out of her lfie for good, but for some reason she seemed determined to make my life miserable for some time.

After some time she calmed down on the abusive front, but there were long-lasting effects. I used to regularly go down to the local student pub with my friends, but I've been out once since 'the fall-out', & I find myself constantly scared. I make excuses so I don't have to risk maybe finding myself in the same place as her, like even cancelling on other good friends who know us both etc.

Leeds Festival (big outdoor music festival in the Uk, camp overnight etc) is soon, & we both have tickets. I'm scared of being somewhere near her. Thing is, my boyfriend really wants me to go. I want to go to be with him, and because its great, but I don't know if I can do it. Opinions please.

2006-08-06 07:31:19 · 11 answers · asked by amyeighteenlancaster 2 in Family & Relationships Friends

11 answers

just go and act like you do around her as you would others who you do not know, never let the past enter your future or it will haunt you, you must move on, unless you don't want to lead a normal life!

2006-08-06 07:37:26 · answer #1 · answered by love roccks 2 · 2 0

Make a point of going up to her and laying everything out. Say sorry if you've done anything wrong, and say it like you mean it. Then tell her she can either ignore you for the rest of her life or not. You are asking her to stop any nastiness.
When you say these things, say them calmly and don't be tempted into raising your voice. When you are finished, just walk away.
This puts the ball in her court. You will have been mature enough to face the problem. Something she will not fail to notice. Regardless of how she feels.
Beleive me, you won't get the reaction you are expecting.
Because if she is putting you down in any way, it will be on some moral ground, to justify herself. By addressing it that way you will have done it in a way that cannot be criticised.

2006-08-06 07:41:12 · answer #2 · answered by JeffE 6 · 0 0

I kind of had the same experience as you. Me and my best friend had a huge fight...it was a bunch of things really, but we stopped being friends. I jsut wanted to not be around someone who treated my like she did anymore, so I just stayed away, but she was constantly making fun of me and my other 2 friends. Making fun of how poor we were, and how screwed up our families were. Just really immature stuff. But I was sort o f the opposite of you, when she would try to start something, I would come right back with insults.

Anywho....I would go!!! Whats the chance you'll actually see each other. And you shouldnt let someone take over your life like that. She is immature for trying to ruin your life. So dont let her. If she sees that what she does is affecting you, than she will more than likely keep doing it!!!! So go and have fun!! Not just at this, dont be afraid to be in the same place as her. Conront her right back!

2006-08-06 07:40:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey its not good to live your life like that, you are going to end up having so many regrets! Live your life, dont let some b!tch ruin it....she might be there, so what? Just hang out with your friends, if they are your friends, then they will understand if you leave early if she shows up. At the concert, there will be tons of people there, so odds are you aren't going to run into her, if you do, be like, "what a kick @ss concert", and walk away. Enjoy the time with your boyfriend and the concert, you'll have a blast if you go and regrets if you dont! Try to be decent with her, so she wont have anything to say about you the next time she's brainwashing your shared friends. But who cares what she thinks, she's not someone to you now.

2006-08-06 07:42:26 · answer #4 · answered by Hannah 5 · 0 0

of course you will go. your friend wants you to stay inside the house like a mouse. dont give her the satisfaction. go out with your boyfriend, go out with your new friends, be happy and have fun, .show her that you dont need her to make you happy. if you are confident and smile a lot then the world will think that you are great and that your friend is crazy for saying those rumors against you.

2006-08-06 07:43:49 · answer #5 · answered by atahsina 5 · 0 0

You can do this, its a big place, and you have your bf with you. Hold your head high, and remember you have every right to be in the same place. odds are you won't see her at all, if you do, don't freeze up, just smile and carry on with whatever you were doing.

2006-08-06 07:35:03 · answer #6 · answered by welsh_witch_sally 5 · 0 0

Go girl and if the bi tch says anything to u, its about time you stuck up 4 urself and kicked her ****!! That would shock her and even if you lost at least she and everone else would know that your not gonna take anymore ****

2006-08-06 07:40:21 · answer #7 · answered by Kerry B 2 · 0 0

Yes you can go and make sure you have a really great time. You will be with your boyf who wants to go with you and have some fun. You really want to let her stop you?

2006-08-06 09:35:04 · answer #8 · answered by emma r 1 · 0 0

you can do it, it seems like you are the mature one in this situation you should not let her stop you from living your life and going out and having fun

2006-08-06 07:45:45 · answer #9 · answered by nickiey 2 · 0 0

you have the freedom to go where and when you want.

dont let others dictate to you what you can do.

so if you want to go then go. if you bump into her and starts on you just walk away ignore her. tell the stewarts/security you getting harrassed and they will sort it.

2006-08-06 07:36:54 · answer #10 · answered by baldyhugsblues 5 · 0 0

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