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21 answers

do not rush your pregnancy. It will happen when it is supposed too. The best place for your baby is inside of you for as long as it will stay

2006-08-06 07:31:32 · answer #1 · answered by margie r 1 · 0 1

Some of the above advice is good, and some is downright unsafe. Here is what my doctor had to say on the matter.

Sex works because sperm contains prostaglandins, the chemical that makes contractions begin. It only contains it in small amounts, so if you are not near ready to deliver, it will not help. However, if you are already ripe for labor and just need a little push in the right direction, this is a great idea and usually works. Keep in mind that sex if your doctor has forbidden it, it strictly off limits. Also keep in mind that if your water has broken you need to go to the hospital immediately, regardless of whether you have any other labor symptoms. If this is the case, do not have sex. The risk of infection for the baby skyrockets once your water breaks.

Castor oil definitely works, but is significantly unsafe to you and the baby unless used with a doctor's approval and guidance. Often the contractions it causes come with serious complications and impede natural delivery. If you are considering this, please consult your doctor first.

Another method, which I haven't seen mentioned, is playing with your nipples. It is medically proven that if you roll your nipples for fifteen minutes at a time, three to six times a day, you are 50% less likely to carry past your due date. Often rolling your nipples (between your thumb and forefinger) can cause contractions because it releases oxytocin, which causes labor contractions. However, if you do this, be prepared to go to the hospital immediately. Have your bag already packed and someone to drive you when you do these exercises. They often cause extremely strong contractions, and can make labor start rather forcefully, often skipping the initiating prelabor steps.

If you are near your due date, the safest thing you can do is walk, walk, walk. Don't walk strenuous mountain trails, and do NOT exhaust yourself, but make sure that you get out and take a couple of long strolls everyday.

Another option takes place if you are past your due date. You can then be medically induced. Usually, if it comes to this, you will be given a Pitocin drip in an IV form. Pitocin is synthetic oxytocin, the chemical your body produces which cause labor contractions. If this doesn't work for you, they may opt for AROM (artificial rupture of the membranes), in other words, the break your water. If this is the case, contractions usually start within a few hours (usually six, sometimes as long as 24) of this occuring.

Hope I could help a little!

Congratulations and good luck!

2006-08-06 08:07:01 · answer #2 · answered by Michelle K 3 · 0 0

Castor oil, and this is safe. It will make you go # 2 and then make you contract, at least you wont have any accidents on the table. Mix it with some orange juice concentrate that is still frozen, or just shovel it in, take about 2 ounces. This works, trust me, my son was out in 4 hours.

2006-08-06 07:32:17 · answer #3 · answered by Jinx 5 · 0 0

Your water does not have to break for you to go into labor. DO NOT do anything to break your own water! This could increase the chance of infection and also puts you "on the clock" to deliver.

Be patient....all babies do come out. Your baby and your body know how long it needs to be ready. Trust your body and try to relax and enjoy these last days of your pregnancy. Your baby will never again be this easy to take care of!

2006-08-06 08:47:02 · answer #4 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

Recently there was a medical study done (I think it was in a British medical journal - maybe the Lancet? - that was summarized on one of the news websites). Women who have sex and achieve orgasm in the last month of pregnancy have a much lower chance of having going past their due date without going into labor. So try sex, or at least something that gets you where you need to be, so to speak. Unless your doctor has forbidden it because you are having a difficult pregnancy, you should be okay.

2006-08-06 07:33:09 · answer #5 · answered by Novice restauranteur 3 · 0 0

DO NOT drink castor oil. It can make you very ill. Do you want to be puking while in labor? I don't think so.
You can walk, have sex, nipple stimulation....but in the end, it won't work unless your body is ready. I did every trick in the book, and it didn't work. When it was time, it was time.

2006-08-07 04:05:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really depends on how far along you are... You should be at LEAST 39 weeks to try anything safely! Castor oil work as a laxative, it can give you VERY bad cramps and poops... However, I know, from a friend that it does work... Intercourse can help, but didn't for me...

2006-08-06 07:33:46 · answer #7 · answered by O'Faolain 3 · 0 0

HAVE SEX.i know that sounds weird but there is an enzyme in the sperm that breaks down the wall on the watter sack. plus an orgasm can start your labor. you contract the same mussels. i have done this with all 5 of my children and it has never failed me yet. i even pulled my husband out of work once, when i discovered that my ankles were gone and the skin was overlapping my shoes. get to it mom, the same thing that got you into this mess will get you out.

2006-08-06 07:37:59 · answer #8 · answered by kris s 2 · 0 0

These websites should be of some assistance, however, I do not recommend you try to induce labor without discussing this with your o.b. Everything happens for a reason. The baby will come when she/he is ready.



Best wishes on your upcoming delivery and God Bless.

2006-08-06 07:37:51 · answer #9 · answered by iam1shoppindiva 3 · 0 0

caster oil

Some sample castor oil induction recipes:

2 oz of castor oil mixed with 2 oz of orange juice concentrate. Drink one or two glasses of water immediately after the cocktail.

2 oz of castor oil mixed with a large glass of juice. Serve in a glass with crushed ice.

3 tsp castor oil mixed with a glass of juice and 1 tsp baking soda.

mix 2 oz castor oil and some cola together, follow with 2-3 crackers.

2006-08-06 07:30:55 · answer #10 · answered by Millermom M 2 · 0 0

Try walking-alot and drink orange juice with a little bit of castor oil in it worked for me good luck

2006-08-06 07:30:15 · answer #11 · answered by Kimmiepooh 3 · 0 0

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