A repossession will seriously hurt your credit score. In order to increase your score, you may want to open a secured credit card. Don't charge it over 50% of the limit and make all the payments on time. With time your score will go up. Do not put too many inquires on your credit and don't open too many credit cards because this will also hurt you.
2006-08-09 18:14:36
answer #1
answered by ladycashmere79 1
The worst things that can go on your credit report, and that any institution will ask when dealing with any financial matter are if you have filed for bankruptcy or had a car repossessed. And it will stay on you credit for 7 years. A lot of places will immediately not give you a car loan if they see within the past, however many months, you have had a repo.
2006-08-06 00:44:17
answer #2
answered by ShouldBeWorking 6
Based on your age. If your fourty, you're screwed. Because you've been late on many payments, not just your car. If you twenty. Your just learning the financial resposiblity thing. And you'll get another chance from some financial institutions. And its reposessed...
2006-08-09 18:24:33
answer #3
answered by retsiemeop 2
repo and becoming bankrupt are the two worst things you can put on your credit. it's going to be on your credit for 7 long years. Good luck.
2006-08-05 21:25:51
answer #4
answered by Andy 3
haha credit you should just forget that word man. Your credits are negative numbers. If you owe other people money, and you dont pay it back, what do u need credit for something else you can't afford?????? your beat
2006-08-05 21:28:15
answer #5
answered by teen 2
I am not sure but that can't be good
2006-08-05 21:26:39
answer #6
answered by mr. Bob 5