Probably after more channels are delivered in HD. Right now they aren't worth the price. While the novelty and bragging factor is still in play, prices will stay high. Once more people are interested in them because there is more out there in HD, the market will become more competitive.
P.S. As far as the price dropping as soon as you buy it, be sure to use a credit card that has price protection on it. Believe me, I have taken advantage of it more times than I can count. It takes the stress out of buying big ticket items.
2006-08-05 12:34:09
answer #1
answered by misslabeled 7
"Hd Ready" means the set needs a separate tuner to receive digital broadcast. That type of set is obsolete already since the FCC requires all new sets to include built-in tuners. By the end of the year you should be able to get the old-fashioned HD Reådy for significant discounts, and tuners are readily available on e-bay for $100 - $200. In a year or so this type of set will disappear. I would recommend getting a full HDTV set.
Don't believe anyone who says there isn't much HDTV programming available. Almost every prime time program on NBC, CBS, and ABC is in HD. Fox is not as advanced, but "24" and American Idol (their most popular programs) are in HD. Plus there are sports programs. The Olympics, World Series, Super Bowl, Basketball championships are all in HD, as well as some ot the weekly games. At least one NFL game each week is in HD. And this is only for broadcast TV; even more is available on cable channels such as HBO, Showtime, ESPN (ESPN has a channel exclusively devoted to HD) HDnet, Discovery HD and more. There is far more HD available that even a TV addict can watch, and in a few years, non-HD will be rare.
2006-08-05 15:18:48
answer #2
answered by gp4rts 7
Not for another 6 mnths anyway. The sky HD box will drop in price first then after everyone has jumped on the bandwagon then the prices will start to come down but even then not by much as eventually everyone will NEED one.
2006-08-05 12:33:59
answer #3
answered by Thinker 4
THey say the price of new technology halfs every year.for instance I remember the first dvd recorder was a Philips for 999 pounds about 5 years ago now there selling them in ASda for under 70 quid..So that would mean next year a hd tv would be about 300 pounds depending on the brand
2006-08-05 12:44:33
answer #4
answered by Red 3
the price will drop as soon as a new technology hits the streets.
or as soon as i buy one (is usually the case :0 )
2006-08-05 12:39:40
answer #5
answered by tuppassister 4
In the future. They are constantly dropping as time past.
2006-08-05 12:33:15
answer #6
answered by Jason 3
mid-2008 just before they are mandatory
then look for 1080P LCD by Sharp or Mitsubishi
2006-08-05 12:38:44
answer #7
answered by jit 7
its allways the same when they bring something new out,they overcharge to start with then the price comes down especialy with techy products.
2006-08-05 12:36:33
answer #8
answered by Spook 4
When you decide watching TV is a waste of time.
2006-08-05 12:34:30
answer #9
answered by Aki 4
As soon as "too many manufactorers get their own on the market.
2006-08-05 12:34:31
answer #10
answered by doitall 3