Are you praying for your own needs or for His desires. The Bible is clear that we should pray according to God's will, some of which is to bless His children.
You did not state wheteher or not you are a born again Christian.
Yes? No?
When I do not feel as if God is hearing me, I look in the mirror and ask myself, honestly, "Am I where God wants me to be?".
The answer usually is, "No, I am living for self and have put God on hold.".
Luk 12:22 Then He said to His disciples: "Therefore I tell you, don't worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear.
Luk 12:23 For life is more than food and the body more than clothing.
Luk 12:24 Consider the ravens: they don't sow or reap; they don't have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than the birds?
Luk 12:25 Can any of you add a cubit to his height by worrying?
Luk 12:26 If then you're not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest?
Luk 12:27 "Consider how the wildflowers grow: they don't labor or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these!
Luk 12:28 If that's how God clothes the grass, which is in the field today and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more will He do for you--you of little faith?
Luk 12:29 Don't keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don't be anxious.
Luk 12:30 For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things, and your Father knows that you need them.
Luk 12:31 "But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you.
Luk 12:32 Don't be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom.
Check out this prayer guide:
2006-08-05 10:54:20
answer #1
answered by steve 4
Have you ever seen the movie SIGNS with Mel Gibson. If not I strongly suggest you do. It fits right into what you are asking about. Just because you do not recognize how God is CARING for you I would suggest it is your perseption and lack of faith that may be put to the test.
I often thank God for my health, for the air, for nature, for food, for things we take for granted EVERY DAY I thank God for the little things that I take for granted. I would like to suggest you also read the story of Job in the Old Testament especially Job 38-41.
There are no coincidences in life. God's divine providence is guiding every soul without taking away the person's free-will. God is directing the course of human events and I could list countless examples. On 9-11 God helped America not the terrorists. When you discover the minute details you will discover this to be true. The one plane that crashed in the field was destined for the Capital or White House; there could have been up to 50,000 people in the towers that were not; the Pentagon could have sustained more casualties and damage but didn't for various (seemingly coincidental) reasons. When you add up all of the potential damage and loss there could have been, but wasn't, you have to conclude God was protecting America. God bless you and your family.
2006-08-05 11:02:31
answer #2
answered by Search4truth 4
I can relate to what you are feeling. I use to do and feel the same way. Then I even stopped praying and let me tell you thats not a good thing to do. I lost all faith and my helper was gone. God does answer prayers dear. He does this in his own time. And some times what we ask for might seem really important to us , but God could see it as mayme not at that time. Its important to note that God is the hearer of prayers and as the Bible says he loves us so much and does not forget us. I am stonger now because of my faith. Please keep up the good fight ! He loves you and knows what you need before you even ask ! A prayer is conversation with God. Keep this up all day thanking him for everything.
My prayers for you...
2006-08-05 10:46:49
answer #3
answered by Windwispers 4
You have to know that God hears every prayer that is sincere and from the heart. If you simply repeat a prayer over and over, or ask for things without his guidance, then your prayers are not heard. You don't have to pray a certan time of the day or a certain number of times a day either. When you ask for something from God, ask it in Jesus' name and ask that it be given to you only if it's His will. And if it isn't His will that you receive what you are asking for, then ask God to help you realize it and accept His will for your life.
Sometimes we pray for things so fervently, and we think we can only be happy if God hears our prayer and gives us exactly what we want. I've learned through the years however, that many times God does hear my prayers, but gives me a different answer than what I thought would make me happy. When we seek His will, instead of our own, God truly listens.
2006-08-05 10:45:55
answer #4
answered by Taffi 5
First of all God does hears the prayers of those born again. He is listening and yes He does answer. Sometimes we dont get the answer what want. He answers yes no or wait. The wait is the answer I dont like but sometimes we have to wait. Have patience and keep praying. God will answer in His time. I know we always want our prayers answered now. But we have to keep faith and know in His time our prayers will be answered. Dont doubt. Sometimes when my prayers arent answered I do a search in bible for the answers and I start to pray the scriptures. Psalms has alot of prayers you can pray.
Also remember no matter what God does listen and He does care. God bless you.
2006-08-05 10:44:22
answer #5
answered by lady_4jc 3
Answering first ? first....NO, God does not care...YES, He/She is very much a part of your experience here...yea, He/She is everything you are in each experience...the love, the sorrow, the smiles, the tears, the frustration, the accomplishment...all of it. But does He/She "care" about the experience...Not one make each & every one toward your own spirit growth, and to that effect God would never is your gift of free will choice that you are using...and God would not give you such a gift & then take it away.
You have to keep in mind that you are not here for have come here to be human because your spirit Self found this place & time to be a perfect opportunity to be more of itself. Truly, you should revel in the fact that your essence chose a courageous journey...Earth is the most negative of all creation, yet it provides the greatest place for spirit to grow in the least amount of are a warrior, of sorts, a brave soul, to say the least...a creator of wonders in such negativity!
Your prayers are always answered, Dearest...always and all ways...but you have to adjust your expectation to acceptance...accepting that you already have what you need--giving thanks instead of supplicating...and expecting nothing. because you are already everything. If your life, as you see it now, is not what you want...change it...get a new job, change your mode of dress, get a new haircut, ditch the old make-up (not just the blush & mascara)--the you of it...quit smoking, play at the playground, tell grandpa you love him....See? Let your life demonstrate that which you are--the inner you, the spirit, the creator, the God/ that as you see it. Only you can do these things...soooo, get to it...right now...Good Journey!!! And please--enjoy the trip!
2006-08-05 11:06:13
answer #6
answered by msE758 3
I know how you feel. To tell you the truth I have lost my ability to believe. I personally don't believe there is anyone or anything out there looking out for us. We are fooling ourselves in thinking that there is this almighty being looking out for us. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever. I know! Have faith. How can you have faith when you see what is happening in the world today? 911 was the turning point for me, but it has been centuries of suffering and pain for this world. People say we have a choice and that God doesn't want to intefere. Why not? Why does he not 'intefere' when he is specifically asked to do so? Because he doesn't exist. Scary statement to make, but I am more and more convinced of this. Look at the suffering in Africa. Anyone know what is going on in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Look at the totally inhuman things going on there. What about the Middle East? The inter faith hate? The destruction of our environment. Abuse of innocent and defenceless animals. If there is a God, he is a cruel and unfeeling God. If he loved us so much he would change the world for the better. Look at the world and see what percentage of humans live above the breadline? Religion causes destruction and hate. Sad, but true. Just my opinion, but if you want proof, just look around.
2006-08-05 10:48:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
· Regularly praying to Jehovah helps us to draw closer to him.—James 4:8.
· For our prayers to be heard by God, we must pray in faith and with humility and sincerity.—Mark 11:24.
· We must pray only to Jehovah through his Son.—Matthew 6:9; John 14:6.
· Jehovah, the “Hearer of prayer,” uses his angels, his earthly servants, his holy spirit, and his Word to answer prayers.—Psalm 65:2.
Does Jehovah listen to all prayers? Consider what he told rebellious Israelites in the days of the prophet Isaiah: “Even though you make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled.” (Isaiah 1:15) So certain actions can cause God not to listen to our prayers. For our prayers to be favorably heard by God, therefore, we must meet some basic requirements.
A primary requirement is that we exercise faith. (Mark 11:24) The apostle Paul wrote: “Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) Having true faith is more than merely knowing that God exists and that he hears and answers prayers. Faith is proved by our actions. We must give clear evidence that we have faith by the way we live every day.—James 2:26.
Jehovah also requires that those who approach him in prayer do so with humility and sincerity. Do we not have reason to be humble when speaking to Jehovah? When people have the opportunity to speak to a king or a president, they usually do so respectfully, acknowledging the ruler’s high position. How much more so should we be respectful when approaching Jehovah! (Psalm 138:6) After all, he is “God Almighty.” (Genesis 17:1) When we pray to God, the manner in which we approach him should show that we humbly recognize our position before him. Such humility will also move us to pray from our heart in sincerity, avoiding routine, repetitive prayers.—Matthew 6:7, 8.
Another requirement for being heard by God is that we act in harmony with our prayers. Jehovah expects us to do all that is within our power to work at what we pray for. For example, if we pray, “Give us today our bread for this day,” we must work hard at whatever available job we are able to perform. (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10) If we pray for help in overcoming a fleshly weakness, we must be careful to avoid circumstances and situations that could lead us into temptation. (Colossians 3:5) In addition to these basic requirements, there are questions about prayer that we need to have answered.
2006-08-05 10:38:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well for starters being saved would help answer your prayers. Being clean enough for God by having your sins washed with the blood of jesus and repent. then fast and pray and have faith and it will work. you have to grow in the spirit though and not be luke warm as you are because luke warm people dont go to heaven as it says i will spit you out because you are neither cold nor hot.
2006-08-05 10:41:02
answer #9
answered by morobell 3
Hmm, well I can't really help you as a Christian, but I would be surprised if prayer by itself is enough. We define ourselves and our future by our actions. So Christian prayer is probably a good way to make sure your motivations are correct, but there often must be a followup verbal or physical action for your reality to truly change.
2006-08-05 10:42:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous