Actually, the christian cult has 3 gods. The father, the son and the holy spirit. Making it a triune religion.
But christians like to gloss over such things. They prefer blind (and stupid) faith over reason and logic.
2006-08-05 08:02:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
*If Jesus is God to you, why did it take him 9 months to grow in Mary's stomach? If he's God why didn't he just appear?
So it wouldn't look weird, I guess. Let's say you know a girl. One day she looks normal, the next day she's rocking her son to sleep. Wouldn't that freak you out?
*If he was carried in Mary's stomach to grow, wouldn't he be half human? If you beleive he was God's son he was also Mary's son as well.
Yeah, He's God's and Mary's Son. What's your point?
*Wouldn't it make more sense to just appear rather than causing all this controversy as to wheather Mary had sex outside of marriage and got preggers?
Mary was a trustworthy and faithful woman. Otherwise, God wouldn't have chosen her.
*If Jesus is God and God is God than is Christianity really a monotheistic religion or polythestic because technically you have 2 Gods.
Genesis 1:26 "Let us make a man in our image, in our likeness... Jesus is 1/3, God is 1/3, and the Holy Spirit is 1/3. That makes 3/3, or 1. Christianity is a monotheistic religion.
-Iman J.
2006-08-05 08:14:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
*If Jesus is God to you, why did it take him 9 months to grow in Mary's stomach? If he's God why didn't he just appear?
Jesus's birth - through normal conception - fulfilled many prophesies mentioned earlier in the Bible.
*If he was carried in Mary's stomach to grow, wouldn't he be half human? If you beleive he was God's son he was also Mary's son as well.
Technically yes, Jesus was both God's and Mary's son. However, Jesus was all human. He was essentially God in human form. Hence the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is all three of these in one deity. When one is mentioned, regardless of which, it is all God.
*Wouldn't it make more sense to just appear rather than causing all this controversy as to wheather Mary had sex outside of marriage and got preggers?
Jesus was concieved of the Holy Spirit. This too fulfilled several other prophesies from earlier in the Bible. It was foretold that Jesus was going to be born to a Virgin.
*If Jesus is God and God is God than is Christianity really a monothestic religion or polythestic because technically you have 2 Gods.
Again, Jesus is the Son. He is one third of the Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All three equal ONE God - whom all Christians serve. (Not two.)
Thank you for your questions. I hope this helps you in your faith!
2006-08-05 08:12:24
answer #3
answered by Oklahoman 6
Once again, we go down the path that leads to nowhere. Like all the religious leaders before, you have chosen to focus on the nat in your soup, while you swallow the camel. You can ponder and question the nature of the Son of Man, until He returns, and it will profit you nothing. Whether you call Him God, or mortal, is irrelevant, if you have not learned what He came to teach us. These arguments over the exact status of the Messenger, do nothing but distract us from the Message. He came to this planet, to bring us knowledge that will save our world. It was simple, and elegant: "The Kingdom of God, is within you". When we come to God as humble children, He places His Spirit within us, and bonds with us. We become new creatures, part mortal, part Immortal. The old values of materialism and fear, fall away. Love and Wisdom, become the foundation of all our choices. We have embarked on the Path of Eternity, and we will never be the same again. God doesn't have any denominations, or churches. He has Children. If you choose to follow Jesus, and make God your Father, you can ask Jesus Himself what He thinks He is...
2006-08-05 08:38:32
answer #4
answered by Will O' the Wisp 3
These are really complicated answers so, here goes the simple version:
#1-Jesus was completely human AND completely God(I know that doesn't make sense). Human because he needed to be to understand the things that he wouldn't encounter as God (temptation, all kinds of things) all God because he needed to preform miracles and live a perfect life
#2-He WAS born of Mary, but the holy spirit made her pregnant(NOT through sex, otherwise she wouldn't be a virgin)
#3-Well, just appearing, Jesus couldn't have been human. He had to experience EVERYTHING we do.
#4-Technically 3: Father,Spirit,Son They are seperate yet one(again doesn't make sense) we need all of them.
These are the short answers and there more details that explain them.
2006-08-05 08:30:24
answer #5
answered by Gary 2
Look deeply into Jesus' message and you'll find that he never intended to deify himself, that was done by the Church.
God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the All in All. Everything that exists is God and there is nothing that is not God.
Jesus plainly told us in his own specific words "I tell ye that ye are Gods". Jesus IS God, and so are you and I and every person on this Earth. Each of us carries divinity within, most of us just don't remember it.
2006-08-05 08:16:30
answer #6
answered by Elmer R 4
The problem is in regard to sin in the world; to be a perfect sacrifice for sin, Jesus who is GOD (part of the trinity) had to be born as a man (though still GOD, in other words a GOD-man).
He had to live life as a man, face temptation as a man yet never sin so that we all could be restored to right relationship with GOD when we accept Jesus as our saviour. Therefore He couldn't simply just appear.
He was Mary's son as she gave birth to Him.
See my first paragraph. He had to come as a man to live as a man and live a sinless life and therefore become a perfect sacrifice to restore the relationship between GOD and humanity.
It is not polytheistic because there is one GOD; GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1 (or the trinity); the three of them are in relationship with one another.
You might wish to talk to a pastor who is knowledgeable on the subject.
2006-08-05 08:21:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wow that is a loaded question. But a good one. First Jesus wasn't in Mary's womb 9 months.
We believe that Jesus was True God and True Man. If he came to the earth as a God than we would not feel we could follow Him and the atonement that he made for Adams sin would not be valid.
"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But since Jesus was God before He came here he still shared in the divine nature. Which once he was in the grave enabled Him to defeat Satan in Hell and take the keys of Death and Hades from HIM. Also if He came to the earth as fully God he could not have taken on our sins or died.
2006-08-05 08:09:06
answer #8
answered by Makemeaspark 7
Took nine months as He was to be Born of a virgin as one of the characteristics of His coming as was predicted many centuries before. He could have just appeared but how would that help to give you faith that He was the One that was to be?
He was fully human and fully God and yes, He was Mary's son also.
NO, not really. Just appearing would not prove anything as some of the things leveled against God was that His laws could not be kept, that no human could keep all ten of His commandments. So He had to come in the form of a man so He would be tempted as a man but also so He could save man from himself and his sin.
Nope, only one God. If there are three people in your family are there really three families? No, you would say you have just one family just as God is one in purpose as a family should be one in purpose. You can think of it more as a surname if you will to better understand.
2006-08-05 08:15:45
answer #9
answered by ramall1to 5
Jesus was a man that experienced god; he had a regular birth. He's not "God". The 'virgin birth' is used as a metaphor to represent the experience of God (awakening to one's true nature as not being confined to the physical body and individuality). The virgin birth metaphor was used to represent Buddha's experience of God, too. Note that every religion typically misinterprets their teacher's message and words.
The trinity concept is again metaphorical and is something that may have been misinterpreted. Because the non-dualistic nature of reality is something that can't be expressed in words (being the very heart of dualism), when Jesus said that he was one with the Father and that the Holy Spirit was somehow god's voice, he was trying to get across the perfect Oneness and Unity of everything. Not being able to understand that, the bible writers misinterpreted it.
2006-08-05 08:12:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I will answer your questions in the order of which you asked them:
1. Jesus is God the Son -- he was born to Mary because God wanted the world to know that he was willing to subject himself to the realities of humanity. Jesus came to earth not to say that he was God, but to show that God cared so much about humans that he was willing to suffer for their sins (ultimately the crucifixion, but also suffering from all of those who did not like Jesus' message and protested him during his life on earth).
Jesus' message to the world was, in part, that the God known in the Old Testament (who was considered fearsome, wrathful, yet merciful) was a misconception -- that God was actually unconditionally loving, compassionate, and forgiving. So if God were to just have appeared to the Jews, wouldn't they have freaked out and missed the message, that He was not a leader who ruled by fear?
2. Jesus is both human *and* divine -- this is a very important teaching in the Catholic Christian church, and I do believe that this is common amongst all Christian denominations. He was indeed considered both the Son of Man and the Son of God, because obviously if he were only divine, he would not have been suffering at all while on the cross! Would he have even *felt* pain? No, he was human as well, because that was the point -- God sent His only Son (technically Himself) to the earth in both human and divine form because Jesus was supposed to show how much God cared about us, evidenced by his willingness to suffer for us all.
3. It seems like it would make more sense for Jesus just to have skipped the whole *birth* thing, but by being born as he was (you can look up the details yourself), he fulfilled certain prophecies that had been expressed in the Old Testament about when God would come in a physical form to the people. He tied in the old prophets and their authority into the New Testament as fulfilled by Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
In regard to Mary's role in this, the Bible says that Jesus' conception was caused by the Holy Spirit. When I think of this issue, about how exactly God "caused" Jesus' conception, I take a fairly logical standpoint on it. It makes sense to me that the Holy Spirit is simply God's power -- and so by using the Holy Spirit to impregnate Mary, I believe that it occured in such a way that the whole sperm and egg deal was completely uninvolved. No sex, in other words. Just "poof" there's Jesus in Mary.
4. Christianity is monotheistic, and I can explain why, in very simple terms. God is composed of three parts (referred to as the Holy Trinity): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You may ask how that's possible if God is only *one* being, but it really isn't an unusual concept. Just as my father is a dad, a brother, and a son all in one, God can be the Holy Trinity all in one.
2006-08-05 08:04:47
answer #11
answered by Anonymous