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I've had Christian boyfriends before, but I have also been rejected solely on my religious choice, which I think is blasphemous. It shouldn't be my religion, it should be who I am. I'm only in high school, so it's not as if this is for life. My main problem is that I live in the bible belt, and there is only one other atheist at my school...and we didn't get along so well. Is it possible for me to have a high school relationship with a Christian and be happy?

2006-08-05 04:42:43 · 33 answers · asked by Shannie 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

the choice is yours. i could never be happy dating a christian though.

you guys are only gonna start to click if you can agree on stuff. religious beliefs might not be important to you, but if they are, then you should probably discuss this with him. ask him how he can believe in something that makes so little sense. tell him all the reasons why you're an atheist. one of three things is gonna happen here. either you guys are gonna break up before long, or he's gonna convert, or you are.

if you can't explain your beliefs well, then maybe you guys should watch this video together. http://whywontgodhealamputees.com/video.htm
there's actually a whole book that it's modeled after. i was reading from it last night. it's pretty to the point and covers lots of ground. here,, read whatever chapters you like. http://whywontgodhealamputees.com/god-toc.htm

2006-08-05 04:47:05 · answer #1 · answered by tobykeogh 3 · 8 5

Listen young Skywalker, first of all I'm not your judge. But, I know the Bible teaches to not be un-equally yoked. Obviously you have had some experience with christian boyfriends. Your relationship usually doesn't last very long, because both of your beliefs are ultimately going to clash. Secondly, have you ever had any TRUE experience with going to church, reading or studying the Bible, before you decided on your own to not believe in God. Think about this, your an atheist, yet your only choices for a boyfriend are christians.......honey, I KNOW there is a God.

2006-08-05 05:50:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I sympathize. This is tough even outside the bible belt. What my children have found is that there are always a couple of people who aren't as indoctrinated as the rest, or who take it with a grain of salt. I think it also helped that they learned to tame their "militancy" a bit. In other words, they didn't make their issues with religion the center of their existence. (Also I have to admit they are more tolerant than I am.)

Anyway, finding the odd non-proselytizing person can be difficult, but it's a start. And I know you don't want to hear this, but high-school is just a very temporary stop on life's road. When you get to where actual ideas are important, say college (and I hope you DO go to college), there's no doubt you'll find people who will be more than happy to be friends (and more) with a person of independent intellect.

2006-08-05 05:04:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes it is possible, the Christian must accept your choice to be atheist and respect it. In return it would be nice for you to respect their choice in religion.

I live in the bible belt as well, Churches around each corner, GAH it gets on my nerves. But I am Pagan, and you know what they say, "Witch craft is evvvill!" Well its not, wicca is a good faith to follow, very spiritual and we respect and love the earth.

Anyways, just continue to be who you are, if they dont like it bend over and tell them to kiss the cheek of their choice.
Next Christian boyfriend you have make sure he understands your choice to be athiest.

I know mixed religion relationships can work, because me and my boyfriend (long term relationship and its still going great!) both have a different religion, hes Luthrean and Im of course Pagan, and we respect eachother very much, and eachothers religion. :)

So, good luck on that, I mean it though really Good luck.
I know how Christians can be. I respect the religion, I just dont agree with how some of the followers can act.

Blessed Be!

2006-08-05 04:57:52 · answer #4 · answered by Branwen 4 · 0 0

Well I feel that in High School it really shouldn't matter much. It sorta matters when it comes to marriage and raising kids...and you can still get along if your both different in beliefs. As far as relationships it should be about love and trust more than religion. Yet religion is kinda like a lifestyle and can become a barrier if you let it in a relationship. I honestly wouldn't make it a subject to discuss much unless you want to make the relationship serious. If they bring it up...ask them why it matters when your still in highschool. Things change over time. I would just have fun with open minded people and not make relationships anything serious enough to have to get into those discussions...until your ready to settle down.

2006-08-05 04:55:24 · answer #5 · answered by m0mmatcat 3 · 0 0

Please try to understand what I am saying here. I do not in any way condemn what you believe. But first, there is only one other athiest in your community and you didn't get along, what does that tell you? If you are going to have a Christian boyfriend, you have to understand that as a part of his faith it is important to him that he teaches everyone who doesn't know the Lord the ways of the Lord. Now if you are not willing to listen and try to understand him then you both are going to reject each other. So, if you can be open minded as well as he be open minded then you may find that he isn't all that wrong. Problem is that if he is a true Christian than he cannot be led of the path he has chosen, he needs to stand firm because to be led away from salvation is a very serious matter. He cannot allow outside influences to change what he believes, it means eternal life here. But please try to be open minded to his beliefs you might like what you hear.

2006-08-05 04:55:34 · answer #6 · answered by tessababyboo 2 · 0 0

Yes but be careful because all of the attributes of God are necessary for a meaningful relationship. As a matter of fact you cannot seperate God from Love, Truth, Trust, reality. So if you want these things in your relationship, then perhaps you are not such an atheist after all. Perhaps you are agnostic and do not want to be thinking about the realities of God just yet. If you get involved with and expect truthfulness, then that is synonymous with God?

2006-08-05 05:15:50 · answer #7 · answered by happylife22842 4 · 0 0

Having a christian boyfriend is good.but it also depends on the Christian,and if "he" knows any better. He knows that in scriptures it warns about belivers and unbelivers together. But if you really think about it,being christian is not a religion. But a relationship with the Creator. It will be up to you to make that choice,for you and for future generations

2006-08-05 04:49:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its possible for you to have a relationship with anyone and be happy. You have to make it clear from the very beginning, however, that you are not in the relationship to be converted and though Chistianity is not your view you will respect that it is his, but he must respect your views as well. This relationship isn't about who can convince who to switch their religious view points but about two people who care about each other. I would give you my own personal advice but many males tend to be scared off by it. I hope that helps, don't settle, but keep an open mind, a man who loves you wont ask you to change.

2006-08-05 04:51:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No; not if he is serious about his Christianity. You do know that you cannot separate your beliefs from who your are? Your beliefs make you who you really are!!

You are in high school and an atheist and live in the Bible belt? I wonder how that happened.

2006-08-05 04:50:28 · answer #10 · answered by flandargo 5 · 0 0

Yes if you can find a person who is open-minded enough to let each person have the belief system which best suits them. Different beliefs are not a hindrance if the two people can listen to the other and respect their right to their own view. I'm an atheist who is married to a christian and our different beliefs are not a problem for us.

2006-08-05 04:48:19 · answer #11 · answered by genaddt 7 · 0 0

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