Ex-preschool teacher here and depending on her age the answer is no. Many children upto and just pass age 6 will still put a b where a d belongs, or spell cat with the t in the front.
Dyslexia can be difficult to recognize before your child enters school, but some early clues may indicate a problem. If your young child begins talking late, adds new words slowly and has difficulty rhyming, she may be at increased risk of dyslexia.
Once your child is in school, signs and symptoms of dyslexia may become more apparent, including:The inability to recognize words and letters on a printed page or a reading ability level well below the expected level for the age of your child,
Children with dyslexia commonly have problems processing and understanding what they hear. They may have difficulty comprehending rapid instructions, following more than one command at a time or remembering the sequence of things. Reversals of letters (b for d) and a reversal of words (saw for was) are typical among children who have dyslexia. Reversals are common for children age 6 and younger who don't have dyslexia. But with dyslexia, the reversals persist.
Children with dyslexia may also try to read from right to left, may fail to see (and occasionally to hear) similarities and differences in letters and words, may not recognize the spacing that organizes letters into separate words, and may be unable to sound out the pronunciation of an unfamiliar word.
I am sure she is fine, but if the symptoms persist please have her checked by a doctor to avoid missing any much needed care!
2006-08-04 16:03:19
answer #1
answered by buford_bargain_hunter 2
Um no, if she was dyslexic she would not be able to spell the words correctly, if she is writing the letters backwards but spelling correctly then this shows there is some problem but not dyslexia. It also depends on how old she is, try to teach her the right way, maybe that is how she has seen them and is emulating them, she may be fully capable of writing them straight - otherwise just remember, 'whenever' you are in doubt, for something big or small regarding a child's health - 'go to the doctor' - before it gets any worse.
2006-08-04 16:03:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It depends on the age. If she's about 7 or younger, then not necessarily. Lots of young children write at least a few letters backwards. If she's over the age of 7, contact your school district's special education dept.
2006-08-04 16:05:00
answer #3
answered by mnstlgirl 2
As a dyslexia teacher, we always look at a lot of things not just writing. We look at the IQ scores, teacher recommendation, work, WRAT(which is basically word recognition), reading comprehension, surveys from parents, teachers. Then we screen for dyslexia by giving some short directions, then giving a reading comprehension test and see if there is a gap between what she can read and what her IQ says she can read. We compile all this and make a decision if a phonics based program will help.
2006-08-04 17:40:48
answer #4
answered by teachread 2
A lot of children write letters backwards. You may want to have her tested for dyslexia, though. It can't hurt and if she is, it's better that you find out now before she gets far into school and starts struggling due to it.
2006-08-04 16:03:48
answer #5
answered by Chelle 3
Yeah you kinda have been given the theory, staring / making eye touch with a woman does no longer imply the guy likes her. In MY perspective, it could imply 3 issues: a million. the guy is comfortable talking to the lady, and is comfortable together with her presence around (basically pals). I a brilliant style of pals that are ladies and that i consistently make eye touch once I consult with them, it extremely is basically informal u kno? 2. the guy desires to fulfill the lady / is drawn to her (acquaintance). the two that, or... the lady is strange-finding or gruesome lol. yet nevertheless, men would not stare at a woman that lengthy if she's like that. 3. the guy likes the lady. He would not recognize the thank you to particular his thoughts, yet desires he ought to discover a thank you to accomplish that. i might inform you on the instant up the thank you to tell which a sort of perspectives does a guy imply while he makes eye touch or stares, yet i do no longer think of i'm able to. you should basically.. kinda experience it. solid success, you would be extra conscious of it alongside the way haha. desire this helped ;)
2016-12-14 19:38:33
answer #6
answered by milstead 4
No. How old is she? My daughter did that all through kindergaten and some of first grade. She even had trouble with starting her reading and writing on the left instead of the right. But now she has straightened out, on her own, and is a great student.
2006-08-04 16:05:35
answer #7
answered by mynickname 3
Corrected question...
My daughter WRITES every letter backwards. Does this mean she is DYSLEXIC?
Now for my answer...
How old is she? It is normal for emergent writers to mix up b, d, p. I would consult with her reading teacher at school if it is more severe than this and she is older than 7.
Please, the best education she can get is by her parents example - learn how to read and spell properly so you are better able to help her when she needs you.
good luck!
2006-08-04 16:09:33
answer #8
answered by cyndi71mom 5
My daughter is 5 and she can write her name in mirror.
Every letter is backwards and so is her name so that when you hold it up to a mirror it looks correct. I can't even do that!
2006-08-04 16:10:50
answer #9
answered by mom of 2 6
My son was like that before. I started noticing it when he was 5yrs old. I had him assessed and tru enough he was dyslexic. Its best to find out as early as possible so that she can get the best lessons on how to be able to cope with it. My son is doing great now! Im sure your daughter as well. Just research more about it. good luck
2006-08-04 16:08:32
answer #10
answered by anne 1