My boyfriend supposedly said that he cried because he missed me so much. I don't know whether I believe him or not because he is the unemotional type. But could it be possible? I've only known him for a year, so he hasn't exactly earned my trust yet.
12 answers
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To answer some of the questions, no, he's never lied to me before and he wasn't laughing when he told me he cried. He sounded depressed and confessed to me that he was so weak, and that he couldn't understand how I dealt with things And I've known him for a year as a friend. We just started dating. And I was gone for only a week.
12:50:42 ·
update #1
absolutely. i never cried, really, until i got with my present g/f. all it takes is for the right woman to come along for a man to truly tap into all of the emotions that he secretly longs to feel, but is afraid to show for fear of being thought a "wuss" or something. it's probably a genuine showing of affection for you, and i think you should be proud of him for having the strength to honestly admit to it, exposing himself to you like that, without fear and without reservation. he's to be commended. he really cares.
2006-08-04 12:38:09
answer #1
answered by begeeman13 6
it is not uncommon and not something to hardship approximately. sometimes while a individual is fairly under pressure, chuffed, or in any different case emotionally charged they'll "crymax" (i.e. start up crying while they are at or close to orgasm). this occurs by using fact orgasms and crying have an analogous result on some aspects of the ideas, fairly persons that cope with thoughts and emotional administration. once you're under pressure, you normally cry by using fact doing so releases endorphines, which calm you down. Orgasm additionally releases a extensive dose of endorphines, as does eating chocolate, experiencing soreness, and having a hug. it extremely is why sometimes a individual will start up crying while they are having a huge cuddle on the top of a foul day or get aroused while they are spanked; the ideas confuses comparable alerts with one yet another. short answer; it is not something to hardship approximately and odds are the reason he's no longer speaking approximately it extremely is using the fact he would not comprehend it himself and would nicely be embarrassed or freaked out, too. basically kick back and encourage him to do the comparable :-)
2016-12-14 19:34:02
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Sure it's possible.
By the way, if you meant you've been dating for a year and you aren't sure if you trust him, that's not a good sign. Has he done something to damage that trust?
2006-08-04 12:42:50
answer #3
answered by musiclover 5
only a year? hmm. . . how long were you gone? has he shown signs of being a closet sensitive guy? did he laugh when he said it or after? cuz those kinds of things might help tell if he was being truthful or not.
2006-08-04 12:37:16
answer #4
answered by Lissa 3
I think one year is a long time. what the hell you were doing and you still call him your boyfriend
2006-08-04 12:38:21
answer #5
answered by Mein Hoon Na 7
Well, he never has lied before has he??
2006-08-04 12:37:30
answer #6
answered by mustanglady 6
Strange in so many ways.
2006-08-04 12:38:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well, he probably lied.
2006-08-04 12:36:44
answer #8
answered by teh_sexi_hotttie 4
It can happen
2006-08-04 12:38:03
answer #9
answered by brenda4ever 6
yeah, I'd say that too.. lol
2006-08-04 12:37:17
answer #10
answered by Reverand Ray 4