not only are you a burden to our society, you are also a burden to our economy! Oh, and you know those 3 MILLION votes that were missing from the elections in Mexico...I think I know where they SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! Just go back home and both countries will be better off! Stop trying to benefit from/live off of our goverment when ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS don't even pay taxes!!!!!
2006-08-04 11:13:27
answer #1
answered by Country Girl 2
You are quite wrong. Americans care for people far more than you give us credit for. We are almost always the first to offer aid & assistance in any disaster around the world even though very few countries are willing to extend a helping hand to us when we have a natural disaster.
We are a nation governed by laws, rules, and regulations which cover everything - including immigration. There are a set of regulations to follow if one wishes to enter the USA, and another set to follow if one wishes to become a citizen of the USA.
Some people seem to think that if they ignore these regulations en masse (in large groups) that they can get around them, but this is not the case. If you choose to enter the United States without following the rules in place for legal entry then you are in violation of the law, which makes you a criminal in the eyes of the law, and the eyes of the law-abiding citizens of the USA. Sneaking into the USA and taking jobs and tax-supported services (i.e. welfare) is another crime, and the fact that so many people from Mexico do this makes all Mexican appear to be lawbreakers in the eyes of many US citizens.
For what it's worth, Mexico also has immigration laws which are far more strict than the US immigration laws, and the punishments for violating those laws are much harsher than those for violating US immigration laws. You should look into this before you condemn the USA for attempting to enforce our own immigration policy.
There can be no argument that you are people, too, but a bunch of illegal aliens marching on our cities and demanding special treatment is not the way to get what you want, nor is disrespecting our flag, our laws, our customs, our people, our language, and our rights as legal citizens. If you break the law you should be prepared to pay the consequences, which include jail and deportation.
2006-08-04 10:28:52
answer #2
answered by My Evil Twin 7
You are an idiot! Americans don't treat you any way. We simply know the same thing that your Mexican government knows, we can't have unbridled transit across the borders. Mexico will not let the people from South America come into Mexico. We will not let you come into North America illegally. No people are not illegal, they do illegal things.
Why do you deserve welfare or medicare or anything? You have not contributed to society. Get off your little pitty party and go do what is right. Reform the Mexican government and stop the rampant corruption in your own government/police/bureaucracy and make your country independant of the US. We would love a partner in the world. Not the sucking little leach that you are!
2006-08-04 10:15:48
answer #3
answered by DMR 4
0⤋, I understand wanting to be treated humanely. I agree with that. I also understand wanting to work in this country. What many people are mad about is that most illegal immigrants do not pay taxes yet are getting the benefits (welfare, foodstamps, medicare) from the United States. We, the people that work for a living AND pay taxes, are the ones paying for you and your family to eat, go to the doctor, etc. Many U.S. citizens can not even afford Health care (because Health Insurance is so expensive) and they work for a living so that you and your illegal family can go to the doctor?!? where, in your eyes, is that fair? I know you want opportunities to work in the U.S. ,and I know that attaining citizenship in this country is pretty difficult, but there should not be such an incredibly large influx by the citizens of Mexico into the U.S.
I feel that there should be a better system to get people to get work visas or permits so that they can work here and pay taxes like every other working American. I don't feel that they should be given handouts because they are from another coutry or whatever.
I am an American of Mexican descent, and I know the history of this country, and the way Americans muscled their way into the west, essentially taking over land that was once property of Mexico (and Native Americans as well) and claiming it as their own.
I do not agree with many of the things this country stands for, but as far as I am concerned, you as a person who is considered illegal in this country, should have to pay taxes just like everyone else. If you work here and make the money to send back to your family in Mexico, you should be taxed for those wages that you earn here.
2006-08-04 10:48:51
answer #4
answered by one_sera_phim 5
Okay, you did get a lot of negative feedback and that honestly isn't saying much about the Americans is it? Anywho, anyone who is completely against immigrants - in any way - has a lot of nerve. Follow your family tree back a few generations and tell me your ancestors didn't come from another country. What some don't understand is that they think things are so bad here in the US but they don't see what's going on in other countries. I am American but my heritage is Mexican. I honestly took a lot of offense to people badmouthing the Mexican race and the countless others that were brought in. My Grandmother (rest her soul) was an immigrant and (for all those people who are convinced that all Mexican immigrants do is bring violence and such to American streets) she learned the basics of English (which technically isn't "our language" because there is such diversity in races in the US) and found herself a decent job. She never brought any kind of disgrace onto her people or the people of America. Not all Mexicans are the way many/some Americans think they are. Also, all who answered really do not know if you are illegal or not and that does make a difference. On that note, the people that said that immigrants want everything for free once they step onto American soil, there are plenty of Americans that think the same way. How many Americans take for granted that they live here?
As for your situation, I hope everything goes well for you and your family. Don't give up and believe in yourself. You never know when things will look up.
2006-08-04 10:44:46
answer #5
answered by chsgrad1305 1
This is an amazingly complex question, which I am sure you know at least some of the answers to better than I do ( I am from Australia, and speak from a purely theoretical perspective).
Firstly, it has much to do with history; while the USA has a well-known history of subjugation (Slavery being the primary example), one would do well to recall that much of America was founded by people who were fleeing various kinds of persecution in their home nations. This has built a uniquely caged society, who have learned to cling to their rights, and liberty and way of life with dangerous passion. It has also developed very deeply held racist beliefs, which cannot be eradicated in one or two generations.
In this context, you can also place the trust of that media commonly has in the USA. Because of freedom of expression, a belief has sprung up that the media is almost sacred - and with this belief, the hesitancy to question what is handed down from on high by this institution. If the media says that Mexican people are lazy, or that they are taking the jobs of the "average American" most people will believe this, even though any analysis would reveal that the positives of immigration will always outweigh any negatives.
These combined make it hard for the American public to accept that Mexican people are not lesser citizens, and that if steps were taken to make citizenship and life for Mexicans in the US easier, then there would be not question of paying Mexicans lower wages for jobs which should be available to all. Honestly, if there are people, of any nationality, willing to do a job for less, as if corrupt or desperate business people are not going to pay them less to do it!
Further, since most Americans who can claim a long family history in the country fled there themselves, it is a funny thing that they now turn on those who look to them for help. Mexican people would never be fleeing across the border, abandoning their families and risking imprisonment if their lives in Mexico were worth living.
However, since America has been told that Mexicans threaten their livelihoods, and therefore their way of life, they find it hard to accept Mexican people.
The biggest problem that America faces as a nation, now and in the future, it the belief that they must protect their way of life at all costs - violently if necessary.
If only they could accept multiculturalism and the views of non-American states, issues of immigration, racism, terrorism etc would never have become the "hot button" topics they are.
2006-08-06 19:51:15
answer #6
answered by Emmerage 2
What you mexicans or any imigrant is doing to our economy your taking jobs away from us americans thats why so many americans dont have jobs. Who really cares if you had a march wow the black people have one every year do we stop to pay attention to them no we dont. What makes you think mexicans are so special? Because your not you all need to go back to mexico where you all belong. Oh and something else too You mexicans have done nothing to earn welfare or medicare or unemployment. You all work illegally what makes you think we will hand you money when you dont even pay taxes? Tell me that!! See you people cross over illegally and expect everything handed to you with a silver spoon wrong I had to work my A$$ off for what I have. So go back to mexico where you belong you all are corupting the USA.
2006-08-04 10:29:17
answer #7
answered by 0 3
Not to be mean or anything, but the problem with illegal immigrants is that you don't pay taxes like the rest of us and still expect to get all the privelages of living in America(welfare and other things you mentioned). How would you like it if a bunch of us snuck into Mexico illegally, didn't pay a dime in taxes to contribute to the country and took advantage of all your resources? I think you'd be pretty angry, too. You have every right to move here but you need to do it legally, and then it turn you will be able to get a job with benefits such as health insurance. Don't come here expecting a free ride, you have to work hard here for what you want in life.
2006-08-04 16:52:55
answer #8
answered by jellybean24 5
We can't give every single person who wants, a free ride, or we will all be reduced to such a low level, immigrants wouldn't have reason to even want to come here. There is an economic level. Welfare and medicaid (Welfare version of Medicare, I don't think you could even begin to qualify for Medicare) is basically just giving away money. How much and for how long can limited resources survive. Legal residents, from where ever, pay taxes. This is where the money comes from (and has to pay for other things than just for you to live here.) We need people to come legally, so the balance of non-paying is not overly excessive to break us all. Your government needs to do the right thing for you and your people. That's the problem. What is the right thing for giving handouts to people who aren't even supposed to be here? That's the problem.
2006-08-04 12:32:09
answer #9
answered by dogfrenzied 3
The problem is that there are too many Americans who don't like to pay attention to what goes on outside their own little worlds.
There are people who are willing to help with a lot of things that go on outside the US (that are helpful, not harmful) but then there are people wo would tell you that they won't pay attention to it becausse it doesn't affect them.
Many people I know participated in that protest, and I think there were some smaller ones that worked on local governments (I'm not sure where, but I can go check that again).
One of the problems (imho) is the people who are running our government right now. I think other governers, senators, etc. might have had a different view and that many of this stuff may have passed, instead of being ignored. I know my governer to be one of those peole who would do better out of office than in (...he was recently made Secretary of the Interior, so now there's an even worse one in office).
I can go look up some websites of people who may be able to help as well.
Also, there are plenty of jobs for immigrants as well as Americans. If you want to point the finger of blame, bleame those big companies who take over everything. Wal-Mart is a good example of this. They make a lot of local businesses go out of business, give maybe three hundred jobs to h communtiy (plus a lot of really, really bad things that go in their contract in the fine print) after they take away maore jobs than that. They're the ones forcing people out of work, not people moving here.
2006-08-04 10:23:32
answer #10
answered by kxaltli 4
You are so niave. You think you can come to our country illegally and use our benefits, our welfare system and not pay taxes. Come over here LEGALLY like every other immigrant from every other country. It's not just Mexicans coming across that border either. We have national security to think about and we can't have non-citizens sneaking in here.
You may be people, but you are citizens of another country. Why don't you go scream at your own government for not taking care of you. They are the ones who are responsible for your welfare, not the US.
I am so tired of commenters turning immigration into a racist issue. I am SO far from a racist. This is a SECURITY and WELFARE issue. I don't care whether the people coming here illegally are black, brown, purple or pink! JUST DO IT LEGALLY!
2006-08-04 10:16:47
answer #11
answered by WiserAngel 6