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seriously..dont tell me u belive in god bcoz of faith..i mean do have all the prove that god exist and y are u your religion..give me some reasonable answer.

2006-08-03 22:25:38 · 10 answers · asked by Pandai gile 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

Everything in this world shows proof that their is a god! answer this one Q with a logical answer>>> whos holding the sky up? why am i in the religion islam? cuz every thing in the quran is proven right. apart from the other religions. I say read it, u seem to be lost

2006-08-03 22:33:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God is a person. I believe in God because HE changed my life. You may not like the faith answer, but that is it. The proof is in the result, and the result is that after I met Him ( Jesus), the result was an awareness of my sin and the presence of Him in my life. I wasn't in a church or watching some program, I simply asked God to reveal himself to me and show me if I was "Saved" because I had no faith at the time. I waited for a little while and there was no answer so I thought "well there's my answer", and a few days later He revealed Himself to me personally and showed me in a dream where He had tried to do so through many other people at many other times, and I just wouldn't open my eyes. Faith is unquestionable belief. Everyone has "faith" in something. People put their faith in mans theories and ideas all the time. Folks put faith in evolution, but there is no "absolute proof" in it. I will give a source below. Peace

2006-08-04 05:45:11 · answer #2 · answered by dooder 4 · 0 0

I believe because I see the creator in nature and in the eyes of a newborn child, the swirl of a sea shell, the galaxies in the heavens. I believe in Jesus because anyone who p*ssed off so many people for so long is my kind of guy :) and I researched the history). To me Allah is another name for God. The things I believe are the things that I have read and experienced and they have been reinforced over time. They have also grown as I read more variety of books but they are still basically the same beliefs.

2006-08-04 05:39:03 · answer #3 · answered by R. F 3 · 0 0

Personally, I was raised in a Christian home. When I became an adult I began to question the things I'd been taught. I studied all the major religions, all the major denominations, and atheism. I was willing to embrace whatever I discovered to be the truth. For myself, I am a Christian today because of conviction...not because it was "expected" or force fed.

The Christian faith is unique in that it is not about "religion" (though many Christian make it seem that way). Rather, the Christian faith is about the historical events of Christ's death and resurrection. It is about a relationship of faith in Jesus as your Savior.

2006-08-04 05:53:08 · answer #4 · answered by Seven 5 · 0 0

I believe in all of them. If you read original text as if they were symbolic of social situation of the time, you realize that they are all teaching the same thing. The stories that are told in churches around the world are only the myths of Christian faith just like Greek or Norse or Roman mythology. If you take apart those stories (any of them) you find the writers are teaching some surprisingly similar things. And not filled with Magic and miracles but with very practical suggestions for living life in this time.

2006-08-04 05:46:36 · answer #5 · answered by Tamm 3 · 0 0

There must be a creator to everything.The universe would be in total chaos with all those billions of stars/comet/planets lying around.
And there must be a God, not multiple God.How can u steer a boat with two captain.
And God is God, which in arabic is called Allah,root name ilah meaning God.

Please with dont infuse me pagan myth or believe as God having companion or needing companion.There would only be The God.

2006-08-04 05:39:55 · answer #6 · answered by fadil z 3 · 0 0

I believe in ALLAH (GOD) who is the CREATOR of All, i believe in Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) only to the extent that though he was a human being like u and me, he was also a messenger of ALLAH, one of the most powerful messenger, but not more than that, he was NEITHER the son of GOD, NOR GOD himself, and NO any other trinity concept (concept itself isn't in the bible, but it is referred to only in the Holy Quran which dismisses it entirely, its just a creation of human mind). I also love and respect Prophet Jesus (PBUH) very much.

So, as rational reasoning why i Believe, it is 'coz the HOLY Quran (Islamic Religious Scripture) is a book that foretells so many signs that i cannot ignore and i come to realize that it could only be the book of ALLAH (GOD) and all the forces of this world (even from past, present and future) combined CANNOT write a single line of that sort. So many facts foretold 1400 yrs ago and science is today discovering them as being TRUE only in the past 50-100 yrs, and so many facts still left to discover that i m sure verily science will keep on discovering them as time passes by. Holy Quran is the miracle of miracles.
If u r so rational, u will tell me the most intelligent men to live till now was Albert Einstein (though i do not agree), right?!! Einstein theory are being challenged just 60 yrs later and some of them proved wrong with time, even the theory of relativity is in question, now.
That in itself is a just a single living proof the validity of Holy Quran, and so it CANNOT be the word of any human being, it is the WORD of GOD, and that rational reasoning is enough for me to BELIEF in ALLAH, HIS Prophet Mohammad (May Peace of ALLAH be Upon Him), HIS Books esp. the last of them all THE HOLY QURAN, HIS other Messengers including Prophet Jesus (PBUH), in Judgement Day, in Heaven and in hell, in Angels being the creation to serve HIM continuously, and all other beliefs of Islam. It may be blind faith, but at the same time it is very rational, and i challenge anyone, any place, any time to point out a single mistake in the HOLY QURAN, and any concept in ISLAM that is against the humanity as a whole, so if u can point that out i will be 'rational' to leave my faith and be of any faith u want me to be.

2006-08-04 06:15:40 · answer #7 · answered by Valentino 3 · 0 0

God spoke to me in a dream.

I was in a car with my mother we were both in the back seat.
and I noticed my brother was not in the car but he dont believe anyway. butthe driver was some guy then the car warped into high speed. I sayed please lord save me, the guy turnedaround only he looked ugly and looked like he jumped in fire and i looked atthe car seat because he was ugly then I looked ahead annd said louder Lord save me the guy said God is not here, he is not real I said Louder lord save me he said louder what he said I said louder lord save me and the boom somethin in front of the car barged from underneath the bridge and slamed into the car only the car wasnot harmed nor was i or my mom the car stopped and thed oor opened i got my mom out and looked atthe guy and he was knocked out cold and i think that was God tellin me he loves me
but im not part of a religion for in the kingdom of God their is no religion only the belief

2006-08-04 05:36:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You cannot prove that something does not exist. Only that something does exist. Our body is a distraction from true knowledge. We are distracted by the flesh to please our needs in the now; we want food, we want sex, we want pleasure.

Everything on Earth is a copy of what exists in Heaven. We are in a cave (Earth), tied by shackles (our body) facing a wall and all we can see are shadows of images (creatures & objects of Earth) cast by true bodies (creatures & objects of Heaven) in front of a blazing light behind us (God?). And we are comfortable in our bondage. One man is set free, and he looks behind him. First he sees nothing because he is blinded by the light, but his eyes adjust and he can see clearly now. He walks towards the light and exits the cave, and sees the land before him.. First the land is too bright, and he can only see the shadow of trees. After his eyes adjust he can see the trees. After a while he can finally see the sun (the allegory of enlightenment). When the enlightened man returns, he seems ridiculous, because all he sees in the darkness are sun spots, so he fumbles to get around. If he were to liberate his fellow prisnors, they would be so angry at him for disturbing their illusions. They only choose to believe what they see in front of them. This is all they have seen since their entire birth, and this is all they believe to be true.
-Plato's wisdom

I don't believe in God.. But you cannot prove that something does not exist because our souls are so distracted and in bondage by the body. And on the flip side, I believe it is impossible to prove God's existence, unless God learns to pop out from the clouds every once in a generation and say "Hi. I'm God. Worship me."

Now, to all those who say God exists because "where would the universe be without him?" or "I see God in all the creatures and all the beautiful things in life" or "how else could everything begin?"... That is not proof that God exists. That explaination is about as valid as the reason why Volcanoes erupt; because Volcano Gods are angry....

Everything has to have a begining right? Something cannot come from nothing. So, God created everything. But what created God? "God has always been"... Why is that any more believable than the universe and all its elements have always been?

Life and all it's beauty can only be created by God. Can you accept the fact that Life is beautiful all on its own? Further more, beauty is only a matter of opinion; what's beautiful to you may be hideous to the next person, or creature.

With or without God, this is where the universe is. The universe is chaotic, and through the chaos comes order and form.

God is used to explain what we ourselves can't explain. We want to believe that we are here for a reason, and maybe, the simple answer is there is no meaning to life, expect to live it, and enjoy it. We are all so blessed to be here on this good Earth, and should spend our days trying to make this world a better place, with or without religion. I don't know what religion is true, if at all any... But regardless of who is right, we should all live and let live, without forcing ones opinion on anyone. Athiests anger me just about as much as religous freaks do.

And I am not here claiming to be right, because I could be wrong about God, and if I am, regardless of how good I lived on Earth, I'm going to Hell. At least you believers will be blessed in Heaven.

2006-08-04 05:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You just do, take the holly books and just start reading them.
Plus dont bleive on the heip of people and the negative they say, you read, you follow, you live.
They only teach good and well being...theirs nothing wrong with that is it?

2006-08-04 05:44:48 · answer #10 · answered by Jake 1 · 0 0

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