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Do you think we're in the End Times? I feel that with all the predictions coming to pass...it sure is a sign that it's getting closer. Does anyone know of the signs that have passed....and that HAVEN'T passed yet? Also, what is your opinion on the timeline as far as-

Before the end times-
In the end times-
Post end times (?)-

2006-08-03 21:49:11 · 20 answers · asked by surfguy87x 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Matthew 24:3-8 (KJV)
3 And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

* In the past scriptures we have just read, so you see that there are many signs that this is the end of the age.

In verse 5, it says:
Indeed many have already come saying I am the Christ. Thus, these false Gods have deceived many people.

* People have claimed that Baal, Buddha and Mohammad were fooled into believing that they were God.

In Verse 6 & 7, it says:
* This has been going on since the beginning of time. But what I think Jesus was talking about here is that fighting and wars will never cease.

* Think of all the wars that have been fought:

1. Revolutionary War
2. Civil War
3. War of 1812
4. Spanish-American War
5. Korean War
6. World War I
7. World War II
8. Vietnam War
9. Desert Storm

* Every nation in the world will at war with someone else. (Currently fighting or at war)
1. United States
2. Syria
3. Iraq
4. Afghanistan
5. Pakistan
6. China
7. Korea
8. Bosnia

* Great disasters will take place everywhere in the world.
1. Earthquakes (California)
2. Tsunamis (Atlantic Ocean/ Sri Lanka)
3. Hurricanes (Florida)
4. Tornados (Midwest).

* Bloody wars and disasters where hundreds of men and women are dying will be experienced until the end.

* In verse 7, it also talks about famines. A famine is when a country is so poor that it doesn’t have enough food to feed its people. There have been famines for a very long time.
1. Ethiopia
2. Africa
3. Zimbabwe
4. Sudan

* You see the commercials on T.V all the time. The ones that show kids with swollen stomachs and flies swarming their heads. And it says for only a few cents a day, you can provide them with meals and clothes.

* Lastly, it says that there will be pestilences. Pestilences are diseases, which will render many helpless or even dead. We have seen many die of diseases in the last 50 years.

1. Influenza
2. Polio
3. Spinal Meningitis
4. Tuberculosis
5. Small Pox
6. Leukemia
7. A.I.D.S
8. Cancer

Verse 8 simply means:
You haven’t seen anything yet! You haven’t seen the worst of what is to come.

In Verse 9 it says:
That Christians will be hated, persecuted and killed because of the stand they have chose to take.

* Cassie Bernall was a student at Columbine High School. Two students with guns came into the school and open fired on the students. One of the two boys held a 20-gauge shotgun to her head and asked her if she believed in God. When she informed them that she did, they killed her.

* Christians are hated by the world today. Christianity is constantly being criticized. Nonbelievers have become radical protesters in opposition of any belief in a supernatural God.

* Is this not a Christian Nation? Our nation was founded on religious beliefs. Thus the reason our money says “In God we trust”.

* However, praying in school has been prohibited. Then the Ten Commandments are being removed from public buildings. In some schools kids aren’t allowed to wear t-shirts that display a Christian message.

* When praying schools went out, Guns and violence came in. Our schools have gone down hill since removing all morals and values.

* Remember as long as you are a Christian, the world is going to be against you.

Verse 10 says:

* People will offend each other to the point of madness. It doesn’t matter if it is in church, at school or the work place. People who get offended will return the favor with offensive words and acts as well. This will tear families and churches apart. All because of what comes out of our mouths.

Verse 11 says:

That there will be many who are deceived by false prophets who are teaching an alternative message other than that of the bible.

* This is the very reason we must know what the bible says. We must be able to combat the lies and deception the enemy tries to present as the truth.

Verse 12 says:
* Due to the wickedness and immorality of the world, the people lose sight of what is most important. Therefore true love and concern for people is no longer a priority.

* It becomes as Charles Darwin had said “Survival of the fittest”. Meaning those that can’t make it unfortunately die or fail. The big guys run over the little guys with no regret at all.

* The idea of love thy brother is thrown out the window. It becomes all about me or #1.

Verse 13 says:
* Those that hold on and keep the faith shall be saved. Meaning despite the tribulations and trials that may come your way, you hold fast to what you have been taught in church.

Revelation 2:10-11 (KJV)
10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

* To endure doesn’t mean to live through whatever comes. It means to keep the faith to the very end, even if the end is death. The girl Cassie Bernall who was shot for believing in Jesus, I am positive has received her crown of life.

* Enduring hardships, heartaches, sorrow and pain is a part of living for the Lord. Living for the Lord is not easy nor is it going to get any easier.

* We must have endurance to finish the race we call life. A marathon is a 22-mile race. People who run marathons must continually train and prepare for the race. As Christians, we must continually train and prepare by reading the bible and praying.

With all that being said. I would like to conclude this lesson by saying, “Don’t think you have all the time in the world. Let me just tell you that we don’t have much time at all.” Unfortunately, we don’t have the slightest clue when Jesus is coming back, so therefore we must be prepared.

2006-08-03 22:02:30 · answer #1 · answered by lilefamily4 2 · 5 3

Yes we are in the end times, but it is only the end of an age and the beginning of a new one where Jesus will be visibly present on earth. Many times people have cried out that we are in the "last days" and been wrong. Jehovah's Witnesses are a good example of this; they said Jesus was returning at the time of World War One... then when he didn't show up they "spiritualized" their error saying He was now here in the spirit (as if he wasn't before... lol)
Like the little boy that cried "WOLF" so many false calls have been made that people are starting to tire of hearing it and think that it will never actually happen... but it will and soon! This is the season upon which all the prophecies about the last days are converging... The Bible said that although we would not know the day or the hour of Jesus second coming, we would know the "season".
You can read some of the signs in Matthew 24, Luke 17 and 21 and in Mark 13. I personally think that Israel becoming a nation state is the one to focus on; Jesus said that when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies, that day is at the door!

2006-08-03 22:25:53 · answer #2 · answered by skypiercer 4 · 2 1

my guess is that the tribulation started beginning of this year/late last yr.... that the great tribulation starts 2009. it should all be over by end 2012.
the very first signs (my interpretation of book of revelations) are the placing of people... white(the self righteous), red(the trouble maker), black (israel) and death... i think that is what is happening how. the chess board pieces are coming into place.

as for the other signs... well, many prophecies where written at a time when there was no concept of what technology would be available... so it is hard to know always if a natural disaster or human disaster is being discribed, though i think there is a good mixture of both. what i will say is that the signs are exra-ordinary, therefore you will know when it happens.
what is clear (having read many prophecies) is that there will be 2 wars and both will occur very quickly and finish(a matter of days), with much starvation in between (3 yrs or so) due to contamination, and natural disasters. the 2nd war will be a revolution to oust the 'anitchrist' from europe. after this, famine will continue this time also due to no water.
what is also very clear is the type of weapons being used...
biological - esp. in the final days... the bacteria released will kill quickly and there will be no cure.
chemical - colours yellow and green are described. i think it is safe to say mustard gas will be used.
nuclear - from descriptions, even in revelations, with out doubt nuclear will be deployed.

all very frightening, but hey, many people will survive ( 1 in 4 at least), so don't worry too much about it.

NB. this is only my interpretation of things... it is best for you to look this up yourself and draw your own conclusions. ALL this information is free on the internet, you don't need to spend a penny. just keep looking.
here is a good starting point....


good luck!

2006-08-03 22:26:33 · answer #3 · answered by sofiarose 4 · 0 1

The "wars and rumors of wars" has pretty much always been with us - with world-wide media what it is now, maybe we know more quickly now the vast numbers of wars going on all the time. One thing I think about though is this. For Armageddon to happen, either the USA has to cease to exist (no longer protecting Israel) or it could move over to the other side (being against Israel). I think it's possible that within about 30 or 40 years, Muslims as a group could democratically (no, I am not meaning Democrats) elect a Muslim president and majority in both the house and the senate. Would that be enough to set the stage for a seven year peace treaty? Perhaps. One of the previous answerers is correct though - we just need to be ready at all times. Jesus will return without notice.

2016-03-26 22:39:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only a few years ago the "Gospel" still had not reached 100% of the world. Jesus had said he would not come until the entire world had the gospel. With all the advances in communications and electronics it seems to me that all of the modern world now has access to the gospel. In China they have to listen to the radio on the sly because the government still regulates what the churches can or cannot teach. But the gospel is making its way into even China. There are still some remote places that have not been touched by the gospel but they are few and far between. Missionaries are finding better, faster ways to get into those places and learn the languages. There are a few things left to happen according to prophecy like the uprising of some form of false religion that will make itself a part of government to exercise control over believers. Something like that could take a long time to implement or like all the changes in homeland security after 9/11 it could happen in just a few months. We are not supposed to know when Jesus will return and take us out of this world to a much better one.

2006-08-03 22:06:50 · answer #5 · answered by mindbender - seeker of truth 5 · 2 0

yes, we are currently living in the end times. The period where the laws of the church would be changed and replaced with new laws to fit man's desire. Liars and deceivers in this period would go out to the world and say that sins are no longer seen evil in God's eyes and that it is okay to sin. How dreadfully wrong these people are. It is also the period where christians would be persecuted for their beliefs, some even killed. Stay strong and remain true to your faith, don't ever deny God

2014-07-06 03:22:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it is very very near.I think we are the main thing I see is the "the falling away from the church" The ungodly things taking place everyday.The citizens of the US have pushed aside the teachings of the Bible and they have allowed that God be removed from every part of our lives all in the intrest of equal rights.When it is clearly going against the teachings of God.We are running out of resources if the world doesn't end we will all kill each other in trying to survive!
Think of 20 rats in a cage.Divide them into groups of 4.Give each group their own section to live in.keep them fed and watered.They'll all get along just fine.then start lowering the amount of food.As the food supply dwindles the rats become restless,When the food supply is all gone,they will begin fighting and eventually killing each other and eating the ones they kill.Only the strong will be able to fight off the others and survive.
Now sit back and take a look at the world.What do you see happening.The lives and well being of the "common citizen" mean absolutely nothing to our leaders or the well to do!The rich get richer,the poor get poorer and then they'll die!

2006-08-03 22:14:24 · answer #7 · answered by Jo 6 · 2 0

The fabled end times - the time of the beginning of the end of the earth. Compare it with a person starting to get old.

People believe that they start to get old after a certain age; only because they begin to feel it intensely. The changes grow conspicuous as time goes by and people hold on to their only remaining hopes, for they begin to realize what is in their posession and what is not. But they were blinded from the truth their entire lives - the truth that people begin getting old form the day they are born.

These *are* the ending times and these are *not*. Depends totally on your view. Think of it as the probability of something to fall on your head from above as you are walking down the street. It seems highly unlikely but there is always that small chance. Apocalypse is such a threat to get people on their toes to realize more about what they are and are not. It's all about it.

If you know yourself well as a person, no apocalypse should scare you or make you worry of losses to come, for you should have noticed that you are nothing more than a variable in a huge equation.

2006-08-03 22:00:30 · answer #8 · answered by Antichrist 2 · 0 1

Jimmy Carter will become the Antichrist aka Dajjal (8th King in Rev. 17) and he will serve another term in office after the death of Obama (7th king).

The angel Gabriel told me in Aug. 1973 when i was in Phillipsbrug, Montana that Jimmy Carter will become the Anti-Christ, and that he is going to change his name, and divorce his wife!

Obama is going to die first and then the Anti-Christ aka Dajjal who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!

Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

All 7 kings were all alive until the death of Ronald Reagan June 5, 2004 when George W. Bush was in office ;
1. Gerald Ford
2. Jimmy Carter
3. Ronald Reagan
4. George H. W. Bush
5. Bill Clinton

6. George W. Bush.... is spoken of in the present tense (and one is) because until Reagan died (June 5, 2004) all 7 were alive!

7. Barack Obama.......and one is yet to come! He will die a few days after he raises taxes!
Obama is also in Dan. 11:20
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.

Rev. 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

2014-08-23 10:20:22 · answer #9 · answered by Jim 7 · 1 0

Yes, I believe we are. I read in a TBN Bible...it gives 62 signs of the coming of the end of the world, but of course no one knows when. Just know that if you ever hear about Russia invading Israel, then it's close. I don't wanna sound like a fortune teller, but that's what I read!

2006-08-03 21:56:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible says not to study the seasons, days or times. Only God knows when Jesus is coming back. But I do know this, He won't come back until GOd's will is accomplished on earth. So all of the Christians need to work on fulfilling our mission, Go and spread the gospel to all corners of the earth.

2006-08-03 21:54:21 · answer #11 · answered by 4CHRIST 2 · 3 0

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