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Only answer if you have had an experiance or think you might have but cant quit discribe what it was. Thanks everyone!

2006-08-03 20:33:36 · 13 answers · asked by Camie 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

I've experienced a few things can't say they were evil though. When I was young I woke up one night and a child around the same age I was 8tsh was standing at the foot of my bed looking at me, scared me and I turned on the light next to my bed and he was gone. To this day I wish I wouldn't have turned on the light and talked to him because I could have learned something I might never get the opportunity to learn again. Another time when I was a teenager me and a friend were riding our motorcycles at 2am in the morning. We had to pee and stopped on a road way away from anything else. When we got off our bikes I noticed a light in the woods and mentioned it was a weird place for a street light to him, he just said whatever. We peed and were talking when the light came out into the road with us, scared the **** out of us. It was about ten foot in the air moving down the road real slow.

2006-08-03 20:54:36 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 0 0

Sorry for the delay.

I have seen more than one evil spirit.
It started when I was 8. I didn't know that it was a demon, but it seemed wrong. It seemed tired and needed me to dwell in. That I know of, there were not episides of supernatural bevavior by myself, it just seemed to need someone to stay in. Later it brought others with it.

The only other thing that I think it manifested was feelings that made me feel things, changing the way I felt; blankets felt thick then thin, my head felt thick, my ears heard a rythym that was constant; it was as if something bad was going to happen, usually before I went to sleep. These occurances continued periodically until I was 24. On the very night that I was saved.

There was a separate encounter when I was around 26 or 27 after I visited an old neighborhood that I used to live in. After going to sleep I felt a change in the room that I was sleeping in.

When I opened my eyes I saw what I can only describe as a manifestation of a demon. It was a sort of spiraling black mist about a foot over my chest. Spontaneously I began to shout scripture and began rebuking it. It apparently fled and did not manifest completely.

These were the waking manifestations that happened. I have more on those occurances that happened in dreams. One was after I met Jesus in a cloud in the midst of a bridge.

There was a common theme with these encounters. They seek to appeal to the weakness in you. They seek to twist what you say, and if you are non responsive, they will take it as a 'yes' that they can do what they want.

If you quote scripture ( an invaluable weapon, faith in the words uttered by God are key), God will remove them from you.
I wouldn't try to fight them physically. Neither would I try to run. But hold your ground and know that greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.

Jesus took a lot of power from them before. That's one reason why they are acting covertly. He gave us power (if you are saved), to arm yourself against them. It is as a binding legal contract that even the demons must obey.

I hoped that helped you.

2006-08-04 03:44:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know the actual description for each of these entities but I believe I had an experience with a poltergeist (if it was the same thing as the movie or something like it). I was lying in bed one morning and I was very much awake so I know it was not a dream, but the scrolls on the crown molding was talking to me, they told me to get out of bed and go to work, very freaky. They actually formed several faces and where chanting get out of bed jenny, get out of bed jenny, so I did and when I got to work everything had gone to hell, our computers where freaking out, no one could get on the network and all the printers where going crazy. Very strange day for me since I am the computer tech at my work. Got them fixed and went home, never had another day like that one, happened 3 1/2 years ago, never had another experience like that since. So I was not sure what was going on, just don't want that to happen again.

2006-08-04 03:49:29 · answer #3 · answered by jenny c 2 · 0 0

I have never seen a demon or experienced spiritual warfare of a physical nature. However, the Bible clearly tells us that it is going on and that we are to be on the watch for spiritual warfare of all kinds. This summer, I worked at a Christian camp where there were constant battles for souls. Seventeen kids came to the Lord this summer, but on more than one occasion, counselors and campers alike saw demons and/or experienced unnatural things occurring in the cabins or around the camp including multiple devices (phones, lights, faucets) all malfunctioning at the same time... and other strange events. It does happen my friends.

2006-08-04 03:46:28 · answer #4 · answered by rcarson87 2 · 0 0

I have had a few experiences with spiritual manifestations The first was right after I was saved baptized in Jesus name and filled with the holy spirit. I was sleeping and i awoke to go to the restroom when I returned to bed i drifted for a few minutes then I felt this tingly presence all over my body and there was a churning in my stomach like a rolling ball in my belly. I noted that there was the form of a woman in my bed and I looked to her and she began to Quote scripture to me although they seemed off (incorrect) so I spoke to her and Asked what about the warfare i had been dealing with ? The spirit turned her head to me called me a fledge and told me "didnt you know the book of Psalms triumphs over the lord of darkness but the attitude from her was harsh and angry. Then she was gone and needless to say i was a little freaked out . I looked to the clock and3 minutes had passed since returning from the restroom. Since then weird visions and apperations have happened but i have learned to war against them with the name of Jesus but the same rolling ball in the stomach feeling happened each time and was a sign to me that the experience was not of God Since then have been freed from the fear and I have been free from these type of experiences

2006-08-04 04:05:07 · answer #5 · answered by misty b 1 · 0 0

Christians have authority over them, through Jesus. I use to self injure and that was caused by an evil spirit. Depression is a spirit, so is homosexuality and sexual perversion. There are differant evil spirits that can attach themself to you and there are demons trying to hinder God will in our lives. Spiritual warfare is serious, not to be taken lightly or played around with.

2006-08-04 04:05:31 · answer #6 · answered by 4CHRIST 2 · 0 0

i lived in a house for a few months when me and my first husband split up,it was a old farm house,and things started happening right away,i always felt like i was being watched when i was there by myself, to the point i would dress with something around me like a sheet.I worked nights,and my x husband would stay with the children til i got home from work,they said that spoons and forks would fly out of the drainer,food would disappear,things moved from one place and then reappear back but used or empty,one night i came in from work was winding down watching TV,i heard the door in the bed room shut,it lead to a unfinished room in the house,the door was locked,but it slammed,one night we were out side watching a meteor shower and i looked towards the bedroom window and the curtains were pulled back as if someone was inside looking out the window and when i told everyone else to look at it they all saw the curtains drop back,the window was not open and we had no animals inside,to do this then my x husbands stayed the night one night and in the morning he got up made coffee and went out side to walk around and drink it .he came in and ask me what did i want,and i said what are you talking about,he said you came out on the porch didn't you and i hadn't,he said he head someone open the door ,it shut then someone in heavy shoes walk across the porch,i moved shortly after that

2006-08-04 03:58:43 · answer #7 · answered by purpleaura1 6 · 0 0

I could see spirits from the age i was 3 , they never harmed me but always followed me , never talked to me but always showed their presence , i talked to people about them but everyone thought i was crazy or hungry for attention , when i became 12 i took up witch craft , i have mastered many types by now and i have managed to drive those spirits away . I cant tell you any more here but you can read my book when it is published . Trust me there is always a way to attract repel spirits if they are bothering you.

2006-08-04 03:51:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a christian and I did have a demonic force choking me in a dream. At first I woke up afraid, but amazed at how easy I got rid of Him. All I did was call out for Jesus! I did come down with cancer a while after that, but God healed me of that too!

2006-08-04 03:43:59 · answer #9 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 0 0

i have a open third eye so i can experience encountering natural elements... to telll you the truth it's a bit scary but if you have your faith with our creator you'll have nothing to be afraid off... i once been curse with an evil spell and i can't express how it feels but my friends told me that i became scary, i do stuffs that wasn't being done by normal beings.. after that happened i studied nature casting and being an elemental so that i could ask help from nature when i need to....

2006-08-04 03:42:44 · answer #10 · answered by gaps 1 · 0 0

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