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round the world all nobel muslims say that Quran/islam dont teach hatred and killing of innocent people. but on the hand , terrorist muslims say that Quran/islam teaches jehad , or in other words killing of innocent people.
this is contradictory.
according to quran , killing of one human is equal to killing of whole humankind. then y all terrorist muslims say that they r speading terrorism in the name islam/quran. its very strange.
i think its a high time now for muslims 2 make 2 seperate qurans instead of one. one for all nobel muslims and other for terrorist muslims.

2006-08-03 20:30:31 · 17 answers · asked by crackluver007 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

First i would like to thank u for asking a question abt my religion, and i can see u have some knowledge of Islam as well.

So as far as the question of 2 Qurans is, there cant be anything of such sort? Quran is the Final Word of GOD, and we have no right to make it 2, as its NOT some human written book, and even the combined effort of all the things who have lived, who are living, and who will live till then end of this world, the combined effort CANNOT produce a single verse that even remotely matches to a verse of the Holy Quran.

Now as for ur question, everyone reads the same Quran (the eloquence of Quran is so high, that many a times there are many deep meanings to just a single verse but all well ......... it depends how deep can u think .............. the interesting thing abt Quran is it will impress a janitor who is reading it, at the same time it will also impress a philospher reading it ............ Verses of Holy Quran has a meaning at the surface and yet there are several layers of meaning beneath it, considering how deep can u dig it) but take out different meanings according to his own perspective or his own desire (its a human natural trait that if he commits a sin, he also wants to justify himself somehow), thats human fault NOT the fault of Quran ............. Let me make u understand in a way like ............... consider we r standing facing each other, and i go on to write "6" on my hand, and then i show u my hand, what u'll see is "9", we r both right 'coz we r viewing it from our own perspective.

And its good that u talk abt Jihad, 'coz the misconception of this particular idea is not with the non-Muslims only but also many of the Muslims dont understand its concept. This word 'Jihad' is rooted from Arabic and it means "to strive or to struggle", it does NOT mean "holy war" and this is THE huge misconception. If i m preparing for my exams, i.e. i m striving to pass the exam, i m doing 'Jihad', if i m going for my job, i.e. i m striving to earn a living for me and my family, i m doing 'Jihad', but if i m fighting a non-Muslim to see who is strong or some other personal gain, its NOT 'Jihad'. 'Jihad' is NOT any war, fought by a Muslim against a NonMuslim and this is a THE root of all MISconceptions. Jihad in Islam is whatever we strive or struggle in order to propagate Islam in a peaceful manner and spread its teachings within Muslims as well as non-Muslims. 'Jihad' in war-sense refers to, either it is in self-defence, or it is a war against the tyranny of an oppressor, or if it is fought to propagate and spread Islam to any part of the world only for the will of GOD, NOT in any way to conquer a piece of land to rule. One other misconception that u had is that, 'Jihad' teaches the killing of innocent people, this cannot be any further from the truth. In true Islamic sense 'Jihad' does not teach killing of innocents, infact NOT a single place Islam teaches its believers to kill an innocent. To kill an innocent is like killing the all of humankind, and to save an innocent is like saving the all of human kind, this is the concept of Islam and this is what it promotes. Infact Muslims are ordered to fight against the person who kills innocents, whether he is a non-Muslim or even if he is a Muslim. In NO way Islam teaches the killing of innocent and it is a HUGE misconception, which i hope i have been able to clear abt Islam.

May ALLAH accept this 'Jihad' of mine against the misconceptions of Islam, as HE knows All and Best, and may HE forgive me if i left sthg out unintentionally.
Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH, and Thanx for reading what i had to say, and for providing me an oppurtunity to answer u this question.

2006-08-03 21:39:26 · answer #1 · answered by Valentino 3 · 0 0

The holy Quran is a beautiful book full of literature and metaporic language. It is therefore common for it 2 be perceived in different ways. Therefore ppl with a bad nature perceive it as being "terrorist" and those with a good nature see it as the "sole way of leading a life on earth and the hereafter". There can only be 1 Quran and 1 truth, it is upto noble muslims to teach the less intelligent the true meaning of Islam, which is a word that means Submission to God and peace. Peace be upon u.

2006-08-03 20:48:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK explaining this might be a bit difficult but I will do my best because I know what you mean,see the Koran is not a book that if you read you would get what Exactly is saying,I can read a verse and say that it means you can do this ,but some one else reads it and says no it only referred to a specific time,that is why most Muslims believe that wanting to understand what the verses are exactly referring to you should read another book that Muslims call tafsir(it talks about what each verse means and what time it was sent to the prophet)now the problem happens Wallabies dont believe in tafsir they only see the verse and don't think what it really wants to say(for more of your information Wallabies allow killing other ppl ,specially Shias and the Taliban were (are) also Wahhabi)like there might be a verse in the Koran that talks about killing or Jihad or what ever else ,these ppl only see the verse and don't see the situation or what and for who was the verse sent for!

2006-08-03 21:27:50 · answer #3 · answered by nicky 3 · 0 0

first i tell u no human beings create Quran, The Quran is gift from Allah to us. u say Muslim think for other quran but no human has power to create another one coz Holy Quran created by Allah & it never chane from prophet time to this time and it will remain same as it is at the time of judgementday.
So it clear the quran remains one & only one for all ppl.
agn u describe here the term jihad, actually u have wrong concept abt Jihad.
Regarding on Jihad, I say every Muslim should be a ‘terrorist/Jihadi for the anti-social elements of society’. A terrorist is a person who causes terror. The moment a robber see a policeman he is terrified. A policeman is a terrorist for the robber. similarly a true Muslim should only be a terrorist to anti-social elements and not to innocent people. In fact a Muslim should be a source of peace and solace for innocent and righteous people.
it's better u refered Poki Poki ans it describe the term Jihad better u.

2006-08-03 22:06:24 · answer #4 · answered by simmi 1 · 0 0

well there is a mention of jehad in the quran but u got the meaning wrong dude.

jehad is not killing innocent. jehad or holy war is a voice against tyranny. it is forbidden in islam 2 opress or get opressed.

and those who use islam and quran as a mask 2 hide their evil actions are not muslims in first place.

there has never been a single battle in islam that was fought for fun or for unjust purposes.

well as for those who r killin in name of islam i would like 2 ask, "what the hell r u thinkin?"

and for those who dont know wat islam is about, better learn and then ask.

and dude muslims are not the only people in this world who r here killing innocent people around.

4got the afghanistan and iraq attacks where they just needed 2 get 1 man and killed innocent.

2006-08-03 20:47:03 · answer #5 · answered by marissa 5 · 0 0

you dont know what you are talking about my friend!!
Jihad does not mean the killing of innocent people as you mentioned.
Jihad can be a lotta things one of which is the fight against tyranny.
Jihad is to stand up for what's right and bring justice to those who are oppressed.
Jihad is to fight to defend your land or family.
Jihad is to travel abroad seeking education.
Jihad is not what the media has fabricated into some kind of holy war where Muslims fight the non Muslims to convert them or kill them just for the fun of it.
it takes real men to stand up for a dictator, a tyrant and help the poor innocents.
remember that the Muslims were the ones who fought the Romans in Egypt and liberated the Christians of Egypt who were so oppressed by the roman occupation ( roman empire ).
they never killed a christian in Egypt instead many Christians converted when they were so impressed by how the Muslims behaved.
the problem with those terrorists like Osama is that they have an ideology that makes them do what they do, they fight the americans because they #1 support Israel, #2 they have been in the middle east since the 1st gulf war and havent left ever since which made them think it's some kinda occupation.
the problem with alqaida is when they tried to stand up for the palestanians who are being slaughtered by the israelis every day they decided to go after america who aids israel with the weapons and punished the government by killing it's innocent people which is absolutely against the teachings of Islam.
as religious extremests they will try to justify what they did to themselves by taking the verses out of context and believe what they did was courageous and it was to please god while infact it was only to please their own ego. that's all i can say for now.
it's a big issue and i cant keep typing all night long :)
i hope this helps clear up some points.


2006-08-03 20:35:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's the same as KKK saying they are killing nonwhites and nonchristians in the name of Christianity. They only do it in name. They muddy it and give it a bad name. They are not following the Quran at all. If they were, they would not be refusing girls an education because education for girls is a must and is not compromisable. They would be allowed to work as they choose and keep their wages. THey would not be killed for honor if victimized in a rape while the rapist goes free and has nothing done to him. They would not kill at all, because life is sacred in Islam. One person was doomed to hell for intentionally killing a cat. If a cat means so much, imagine how much more a human life means.

2006-08-03 20:53:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is all about interpretation. Some people get the wrong idea! We should never kill innocent people, we are only allowed to defend ourselves from unjustified attacks. As for terrorism-teaching scriptures, I wonder which ones have been read by the likes of the propagators of the so-called war on terror?How many innocent people have died as a result of that?

2006-08-03 20:38:49 · answer #8 · answered by F R 4 · 0 0

Hmmm, at first I would love to add but it sure looks like POKI has got it; okay, bro, looks like another individual who hates so much about terrorism and anything related to Islam/Muslim; waaaah, tis world is so congested, huh? Jihad, eh, I practice Jihad when I was a kid studying, making friends, and helping my parents doing chores, I practice Jihad then everytime I help others understand something, do something, or anything. I practice Jihad when I think, do or feel something with clear mind, body and soul. So, everyone is Mujahidiin when they think, do or act (or fight enemies) when right reasons. You might even think that Jihad is applicable to Moslems, right? No, everyone and everything has their own jihad. That's the teaching of Islam.

2006-08-03 20:54:17 · answer #9 · answered by blackgold 2 · 0 0

This is what happens when one takes something out of context.
The so called Muslims who say they are following Quran in a deep trouble here and after life.
No need for another version for them.

2006-08-03 20:39:23 · answer #10 · answered by Mesum 4 · 0 0

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